VOLUME 21- 1 Nov. - June 1910 - CONDITION: Covers detached. Internally Very Good. Price $50.00
November 1909The Temples of India, The Heart of the
December 1909The Rout Over Which Moses Led The Children of Israel Out Of Egypt, Arabia The Desert Of The Sea, A Country Where Going To America Is An industry.
January 1910The National Geographic Society's Alaskan Expedition of 1909
Photography in Glacial Alaska
The Discovery of the North Pole
The Coal Fields of Alaska
February 1910A Traveler's Notes on Java
An Ancient Capital
The International Millionth Map of the World
The Land of the Crossbow
The Great Natural Bridges of Utah
The South Polar Expedition
Wilkes and D'urville's Discoveries in Wilkes Land
The Barrage of the Nil
March 1910The Race for the South Pole
Romantic Spain
The Glacier National Park
The Most Curious Craft Afloat
The Duke of Abruzzi in the Himalayas
In Valais
Scenes in Switzerland
Deer Farming in the United States
April 1910Landslides and Rock Avalanches
Mukden the Manchu Homem and Its Great Art Museum
The Spirit of the West
Artesian Water Predictions
Ascending Mount Blanc
National Geographic Society Notes
May 1910The House Fly
Notes On the Distances Flies Can Travel
Camera Adventures in the African Wilds
The First Transandine Railroad from Buenos Aries to Valparaiso
Federal Fish Farming or Planting Fish by the Billion
Our Coal Lands
Fish That Carry Lanterns
June 1910The Glaciers and Snowfields of British Columbia
Where Women Vote
Costa Rica - Vulcan's Smithy
The Erratic
A Primitive Gyroscope in Liberia
European Tributes to Peary
VOLUME 21- 2 July - Dec.1910 - Covers detached. Internally Very Good. Price $50.00
July 1910The Date Gasrdens of the Jerid
Carrying Water Through A Desert
Guatemala The Country of the Future
Angola the Last Foothold of Slavery
August 1910The Southwest- Its Splendid Natural Resources Agricultural Wealth and Scenic Beauty
A land of Eternal Warring
Notes on the Deserts of the United States and Mexico
Camp Fires on Desert and Lava
September 1910Notes on the Only American Colony American Colony in the World
Conditions in Liberia
The Greatest Volcanoes of Mexico
The Fringe of Verdure Around Asia Minor
Notes on Normandy
Our Greatest Plant Food
Curious and Characteristic Customs of China
October 1910The Portuguese Colony of Mozambique
The Lost Wealth of the Kings of Midas
A Talk About Persia and Its Women
The Greatness of Little Portugal
The Woods and Gardens of Portugal
November 1910Glimpses of Korea and China
A New Source of Power
Kboo a Liberian Game
The Pest of English Sparrows
Mr. Roosevelt's "African Game Trails"
The Mistletoe
The Man Without a Hoe
December 1910 Race Prejudice in the Far East
Some Mexican Transportation Scenes
The Isthmus of Tehuantepec "The Bridge of the World's Commerce"
Hewers of Stone
Agricultural Possibilities in Tropical Mexico
An Interesting Visit to The Ancient Pyramids of San Juan Teotihuacan
A North Holland Cheese Market
An Ideal Fuel Manufactured Out of Waste Products
VOLUME 22- 1 Jan. - June 1911 - Covers detached. Internally Very Good. Price $50.00
January 1911Wild Man and Wild Beast in Africa
The Population of the United States
Women of all Nations
Damascus the Pearl of Desert
Surveying in the Philippines
Dumboy the National Dish of Liberia
Notes on Oman
Protecting Our National Forests From Fire
Preparing Some of Mr. Roosevelt's South African Specimens
February 1911The Snake Dance
Taming the Wild Blueberry
The Panama Canal
March 1911Field Sports Among the Wild Men of Luzon Philippine Islands
Honors to the Army and Aviation
Hunting the Walrus in Bering Strait
Cuernavaca the Sun-child of the Sierras
Notes on Southern Mexico
April 1911Pests and Parasites
Our Greatest Travelers: Birds That Fly from Pole to Pole; and Birds that Make 2 500 Miles in a Single Flight
The Country of the Ant Men
Recent Geographic Advances Especially in Africa
American Potash for America
The Struggle for the South Pole
A Storm in the Desert
May 1911Hunting Whales A World Industry
Lower California Mexico a Land of Desert and Drought
Our Neighbor Mexico
June 1911A Geologist's Paradise
Scenes in the Canadian Rockies
The National Geographic Society's Researches in Alaska and the Falls of Zambezi
A Flashlight Story of an Albino Porcupine and of a Cunning but Unfortunate Coon
Views of Mount McKinley
VOLUME 22- 2 July - Dec 1911 - Covers detached. Internally Very Good. Price $50.00
July 1911Reptiles of all Lands
The Indian Census of 1911
Boys' and Girls' Agricultural Clubs
A Woman's Climbs in the High Alps
Our Friends the Bees
August 1911Notes on the Sea Dyaks of Borneo
Tunis of Today
A Journey in Morocco: "The Land of the Moors"
The Two Great Moorish Religious Dances
Recent Population Figures
September 1911The Mole Men: An Account of the Troglodytes of Southern Tunisia
The World's Greatest Waterfall: The Kaieteur Fall in British Guiana
Peculiar Caves of Asia Minor
The Speediest Boat
October 1911New Plant Immigrants
A Visit to the Brazilian Coffee Country
A Corner of Old Württemberg
Notes on Tahiti
November 1911Glimpses of Japan
The Kingdom of Flowers- China
Tripoli: A Land of Little Promise
The Great Rainbow Natural Bridge
The Mysteries of the Desert
December 1911 The Sacred City of the Sands
Populous and Beautiful Szechuan
Present Conditions in China
Making the Seal Fur Abundant
The Arbitration Treaties
VOLUME 23 Jan. - June 1912 - Covers detached. Internally Very Good. Price $50.00
January 1, 1912The Sea-Kings of Crete
The Quills of a Porcupine
Notes on the Ekoi
Our Immigration Laws from the Viewpoint of National Eugenics
The Young Turk
The Greek Bronzes of Tunisia
February 1, 1912Adam's Second Eden
The Pearl Fisheries of Ceylon
The Panama Canal
The Discovery of the South PoleTitle: Bird's Eye View of the Panama Canal
18.5 x 9.75 Pictoral Supplement
Scale: Pictoral
March 1, 1912The Forgotten Ruins of Indo-China
American Discoverers of the Antarctic Continent
April 1, 1912Taal Volcano and Its Recent Destructive Eruption
A Land Of Giants and Pygmies
The Coronation of the King of Siam
May 1, 1912The White Sheep Giant Moose and Smaller Game of the Kenai Peninsula Alaska
America's Most Valuable Fishes
Seed Farms in California
June 1, 1912Our National Parks
Scenes Among the High Cascades in Central Oregon
The Great White Monarch of the Pacific Northwest
VOLUME 23 July - Dec. 1912 - Covers detached. Internally Very Good. Price $50.00
July 1, 1912Little Known Parts of Panama
The Fight Against Forest Fires
Surveying the 141st Meridian
Where our Bananas Come From
August 1, 1912Notes About Ants and their Resemblance to Man
The Grandest and Most Mighty Terrestrial Phenomenon: The Gulf Stream
Elephant Hunting in Equatorial Africa with Rifle and Camera Zanzibar
September 1, 1912Head-Hunters of Northern Luzon
October 1, 1912The Wonderful Canals of China
The Most Extraordinary City in the World
China's Treasures
November 1, 1912Glimpses of the Russian Empire
The Land of Promise
The Albanians
The Rise of Bulgaria
The Races and Religions of Macedonia
"Grass Never Grows Where the Turkish Hoof Has Trod"
Two Solutions to the Eastern Problem
December 1, 1912Eat of the Adriatic: Notes Dalmatia Montenegro Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Land of Contrast: Austria Hungary
Notes on Rumania
The Origin of Stefanssons Blond Eskimo
The Tailed People of Nigeria
Sunrise and Sunset from Mount Sinai
VOLUME 24 -1 Jan.-June 1913 - CONDITION: Very Good. Includes the April 1913: THE WONDERLAND OF PERU: Price SOLD
January 1, 1913Beacons of the Sea: Lighting the Coasts of the United States
The Discovery of Cancer In Plants: An Account of Some Remarkable Experiments by the US Department of Agriculture
From Jerusalem to Aleppo
Honors to Admundsen and Peary
February 1, 1913The Recent Eruption of Katmai Volcano in Alaska
Do Volcanic Explosions Affect Our Climate?
The Changing Map of the Balkans
The Countries of the Caribbean.
Supplement Map of Central America, Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Islands of the Caribbean Sea 11.5" x 19" IS INCLUDED
March 1, 1913Oysters: The World's Most Valuable Water Crop
Greece and Montenegro
Megaspelaeon The Oldest Monastery In Greece
Mysterious Temples of the Jungle: The Prehistoric Ruins of Guatemala
Excavations at Quirigua Guatemala
Saving the Ducks and Geese
Wandering Islands in the Rio Grande
April 1, 1913
THE WONDERLAND OF PERU: SPECIAL ISSUE - The Work Accomplished by the Peruvian Expedition of 1912, Under the Auspices of Yale University and the National Geographic Society, by HIRAM BINGHAM, Director of the Expedition, with 244 Illustrations
The Original Panorama Photo of Ruins of Ancient Inca Capital. Machu Picchu Pictorial Supplement size 7 1/2 x 19 Inches is NOT included. However a 5 1/2 x 14 inch reproduction will be substituted. Click on image to view larger picture.
May 1, 1913Monsters of our Back Yards
The Monarch of the Canadian Rockies
The Lama's Motor Car.
The Panorama Supplement Panorama of Mount Robson Peak and glaciers, 16" x 44" IS included.
June 1, 1913Fifty Common Birds of Farm and Orchard
Birds May Bring You More Happiness than the Wealth of the Indies
Chinese Pigeon Whistles
The Nation's Capital
Curious Scenes in Out of the Way Places
VOLUME 24-2 July - Dec 1913 CONDITION: Very Good Price $40.00
July 1, 1913Wild Animals that Took Their Own Pictures By Day And By Night
Untoured Burma
Scenes in Out Of The Way Places
August 1, 1913The Ascent of Mont Blanc
Gems of the Italian Lakes
September 1, 1913The Resurrection of Ancient Egypt
Reconstructing Egypt's History
The Sacred Ibis Cemetery and Jackal Catacombs at Abydos
October 1, 1913Rumania and Her Ambitions
An Island in the Sea of History
The Mysterious Life of the Common Eel
Our Army vs. a Bacillus
November 1, 1913The Non-Christian People of the Philippine Islands
December 1, 1913Religious Penances and Punishments Self Inflicted By the Holy Men of India
The Marriage of the Gods
Texas Our Largest State
Vol 25 Jan-June1914 CONDITION: Very Good Price $40.00 SOLD (but individual copies are available)
January 1, 1914Here and There in Northern Africa
I. The Mountain-Climbing Troglodytes of Tunisia
II. The University At the Mosque of the Olive Tree Tunis
III. Concerning The Camel And The Locust
IV. In Tripoli of Barbary
V. The Oases of Northern Africa and the Sahara
February 1, 1914Battling With the Panama Slides
The Panama Canal
The Nation's Undeveloped Resources
Probable Effect of the Panama Canal on Commercial GeographyTitle: Alaska
21.5 x 16.5 Map Supplement
Scale: 1:5,000,000
March 1, 1914Village Life in the Holy Land
Encouraging Birds Around The Home
Redeeming the Tropics
Scenes In the Byways of Southern Mexico
April 1, 1914Castles In The Air
The New Home Of The National Geographic Society
May 1, 1914Mexico and Mexicans
Birds of Town and Country
A Naturalist's Journey Around Vera Cruz and Tampico
A Mexican HaciendaTitle: Mexico
17.5 x 25 Map Supplement
Scale: 1:5,000,000
Is not included with this volume.
June 1, 1914The Home Of a Forgotten Race
Scenes in Mexico
Discovery and Invention
Guardians on Land and Sea
Honors to Col. Goethals
Vol 26 July-Dec 1914 CONDITION: Very Good Price $40.00
July 1, 1914Hunting With The Lens
Young Japan
Explorers of a New Kind
The Need Of Conserving the Beauty and Freedom of Nature
The Unique Island of Mount Desert
A Book of Monsters
August 1, 1914Experiences in the Grand Canyon
The Cape Cod CanalTitle: Map of the New Balkan States and Central Europe
18 x 22 Map Supplement
Scale: 86 miles = 1 inch
September 1, 1914The France of Today
Belgium: The Innocent Bystander
The Foreign Born in the United States
The German Nation
October 1, 1914Hungary: A Land of Shepherd Kings
England: The Oldest Nation of Europe
November 1, 1914Young Russia: The Land Of Unlimited Possibilities
December 1, 1914Life in Constantinople
Where Adam and Eve Lived
Mystic Nedjef the Shia Mecca
Impressions of Asiatic Turkey
Henry Gannet
Vol 27 Jan-June 1915 CONDITION: Very Good Price $40.00
January 1, 1915Glimpses of Holland
The City of Jacqueline
Some Personal Experiences with Earthquakes
From the War-path to the Plow
Partitioned Poland
February 1, 1915Munster-The Town of Many Gables
Europe's Endangered Fish Supply: War and the North Sea Fisheries
A Wonderland of Science
A City of Realized Dreams
The Story of Manchu Picchu: The National Geographic Society- Yale University
March 1, 1915Washington: Its Beginning Its Growth and Its Future
Impressions of Palestine
April 1, 1915Austro-Italian Mountain Frontiers
Bulgaria and Its Women
The Kingdom of Servia
May 1, 1915The Gates to the Black Sea:
The Dardanelles and the Bosphorus
Constantinople and Sancta Sophia
American Wild Flowers
The Mayflower
Homer's Troy Today
June 1, 1915Frontier Cities of Italy
Vol 28 July-Dec 1915
July 1, 1915Channel Ports-And Some Others
The Wonderland of California
Glimpse of Mt. Rainer Glacier National Park and OthersTitle: Europe and Adjoining Portions of Africa and Asia
30 x 28 Map Supplement
Scale: 84 miles = 1 inch
August 1, 1915American Game Birds
Nature's Transformation at Panama
September 1, 1915The Warfare on Our Eastern Coast
Historic Islands and Shores of the Aegean Sea
October 1, 1915Greece of Today
Armenia and the Armenians
Romania the Pivotal State
November 1, 1915The Beauties of France
The World's Debt to France
The Citizen Army of Switzerland
December 1, 1915Jerusalem's Locust Plague
Alaska's New Railway
The Nation's Pride
Vol 29 Jan-June 1916 CONDITION: Very Good Price $40.00
January 1, 1916How the World is Fed
February 1, 1916How Old Is Man?
The Cradle of Civilization
Pushing Back History's Horizon
March 1, 1916Great Britain's Bread Upon the Waters: Canada and Her Other Daughters
The World's Strangest Capital
Voice Voyages by the National Geographic Society: A Tribute to the Geographical Achievements Of the TelephoneTitle:Lhasa ~ The Mecca of the Buddhist Faith
32 x 9.5 Pictoral Supplement
Scale: Pictoral The Third Fold is Missing
April 1, 1916Panorama of the King of Trees
The Land of the Best
A Tribute to the Scenic Grandeur and Unsurpassed Natural Resources of Our Own Country
May 1, 1916Further Explorations in the Land of the Incas by the National Geographic Society
Staircase Farms of the AncientsNO
June 1, 1916The Wild Blueberry Tamed
America's Surpassing Fisheries
Common American Wild Flowers
The Citizen Army of Holland
Our First National Park East of the Mississippi
Vol 30 July-Dec 1916
July 1, 1916The Luster of Ancient Mexico
The Treasure Chest of Mercurial Mexico
The Venice of Mexico
Notes on the Danish West IndiesTitle: Mexico
28.5 x 19.5 Map Supplement
Scale: 69 miles = 1 inch
August 1, 1916Little-known Sardinia
The Awakening of Argentina and Chile
Wards of the United States
A Little Journey in Honduras
September 1, 1916Romania and Its Rubicon
The Hoary Monasteries of Mt. Athos
October 1, 1916Italy: The Gifted Mother of Civilization
November 1, 1916The Larger North American Mammals
December 1, 1916Lonely Australia: The Unique Continent
Vol 31 Jan-June 1917 CONDITION: Very Good Price $40.00
January 1, 1917Our Big Trees Saved
The Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes: National Geographic Society Explorations in the Katmai District of Alaska
A Game Country without Rival in America
100 British Seaports
February 1, 1917Our Foreign Born Citizens
Prizes for the Inventor-
Some Problems Awaiting Solution
Little Citizens of the World
Bohemia and the Czechs
March 1, 1917What Great Britain Is Doing
Russia's Democrats
Republics-The Ladder to Liberty
War Patriotism and the Food Supply
Soldiers of the Soil
The Ties That Bind
April 1, 1917Do Your Bit for America
A Tribute to America
Friends of Our Forests
The Burden France Has Borne
The Call to the Colors
The Outspeaking of a Great Democracy
The Oldest of the Free Assemblies
The Russian Situation and Its Significance to America
May 1, 1917On the Monastir Road
Niagara at the Battle Front
Our Armies of Mercy
The Needs Abroad
Belgium's Plight
Bind the Wounds of France
Devastated Poland
America's Duty
Stand by the Soldier
A Poisoned World
The Red Cross Spirit
June 1, 1917Our State Flowers
Our First Alliance
Madonnas of Many Lands
Vol 32 July-Dec 1917 CONDITION: Very Good Price $40.00
July 1, 1917The Rat Pest-A National Liability
Russia's Man of the Hour
Letters from the Italian Front
Fearful Famines of the Past
August 1, 1917Russia from Within
Industry's Greatest Asset-Steel
Mecca the Mystic
"The Flower of Paradise": Arabia
September 1, 1917The Food Armies of Liberty
The Winning Weapon-Food
The Geography of Medicines
A Few Glimpses into Russia
Conserving the Nation's Manpower
October 1, 1917Flags of the World
November 1, 1917Flags of the World
December 1, 1917Flags of the World
Vol 33 Jan-June 1918 CONDITION: Very Good Price $40.00
January 1, 1918America's Part in the Allies' Mastery of the Air
Aces of the Air
Flying in France
Tales of the British Air Service
Italy's Eagles of Combat and Defense
Building America's Air Army
The Life Story of an American Airman in France
The Future of the Airplane
Germany's Air Program
February 1, 1918The Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes:
Helping to Solve Our Allies' Food Problem
Billions of Barrels of Oil Locked Up in Rocks
Shopping Abroad for Our Army in FranceNO
March 1, 1918The Health and Morale of America's Citizen Army
Voyaging on the Volga Amid War and Revolution
The Isle of Frankincense
A Unique Republic where Smuggling is an Industry
Plain Tales form the Trenches
April 1, 1918The Gem of the Ocean: Our American Navy
Forerunners of Famine
An Appeal to Members of the National Geographic Society
What Is It to Be An American?
Forming New Fashions in Food
The National Geographic Society in War Time
The Symbol of Service to Mankind
May 1, 1918Smaller North American MammalsTitle: Map of the Western Theater of War
32.5 x 26.75 Map Supplement
Scale: 1:458,124
June 1, 1918Cooties and courage
A Battle Ground of Nature
Germany's Dream of World Domination
Aces Among Aces
Vol 34 July-Dec 1918 CONDITION: Very Good Price $40.00
July 1, 1918New York-Metropolis of Mankind
Under the Heel of the Turk
A Day in the Geographic Wards
August 1, 1918Bring in the World to Our Foreign-Language Soldiers
Recent Observations in Albania
The Ukraine Past and Present
The Acorn a Possibly Neglected Source of Food
Our Littlest Ally
The British Take Baku
September 1, 1918Ships for the Seven Seas
The American People Must Become Ship-minded
Our Industrial Victory
The War and Ocean Geography
October 1, 1918Russia's Orphan Races
What the War Has Done for Britain
How Canada Went to the Front
The Healer of Humanity's Wounds
An Old Jewel in the Proper Set
November 1, 1918Our Friend the French
The Price of Liberty- An Appreciation
The Rebirth of Religion in Russia
An Important New Guide for Shipping
Coal-Ally of American Industry
The Spirit of the Geographic
December 1, 1918The Races of EuropeTitle: Map of the Races of Europe
26 x 22 Map Supplement
Scale: 1:10,000,000
Vol 35 Jan-June 1919 CONDITION: Very Good Price $40.00
January 1, 1919Chicago Today and Tomorrow
The League of Nations
Medicine Fakes and Fakers of All Ages
February 1, 1919The North Sea Mine Barrage
Sarawak: The Land of the White Rajahs
American berries of Hill Dale and Wayside
March 1, 1919Mankind's Best Friend
Intimate Studies of Dogs We Know
Loyalty Sagacity and Courage: The Heritage of Dogkind
Sheep-Killers: The Pariahs of the Canine World
April 1, 1919The Cone-Dwellers of Asia Minor
The Murman Coast-Our Gateway to Russia
On the Trail of a Horse Thief
The Ten Thousand Smokes Now a National Monument
May 1, 1919The Industrial Titan of America
Hunting Big Game of Other Days
Indiana's Unrivaled Sand-dunes
Helium the New Balloon Gas
June 1, 1919The Millennial City
Devil-fishing in the Gulf Stream
Sight-seeing in School
Who Shall Inherit Long Life?
The Azores: Transatlantic Aviators' Half-way House
Vol 36 July-Dec 1919 CONDITION: Very Good Price $40.00
July 1, 1919The Progressive World Struggle of the Jews of Civil Equality
by William Howard Taft
Exploring Unknown Corners of the Hermit Kingdom
Masters of Flight
A Hunter of Plants
The Land of Lambskins
August 1, 1919The Geography of Games
Weavers of the World
Exploring the Glories of the Firmament
Between Massacres in Van
September 1, 1919The Shattered Capitals of Central America
The Isle of Capri
Shantung-China's Holy Land
The Descendants of Confucius-Toilers of Shantung
America' South Sea Soldiers
October 1, 1919A Vanishing People of the South Seas
A Mexican Land of Canaan
Wild Ducks as Winter Guest in a City Park
Curious and Characteristic Customs of Central African Tribes
November 1, 1919The Rise of the New Arab Nation
The Land of the Stalking Death
Where Slav and Mongol Meet
Syria: The Land Link of History's Chain
December 1, 1919The Romance of Military Insignia
American Decorations and Insignia of Honor and Service
Celebrating Christmas on the Meuse
The Camel of the Frozen North
Vol 37 Jan-June 1920 CONDITION: Very Good SOLD
January 1, 1920The Last Blood Sacrifice a Samaritan Rite in Palestine
The Home of the Seven Wise Men
By Motor Through Sumatra
February 1, 1920The Removal of the North Sea Mine Barrage
Skiing over the New Hampshire Hills
Winter Rambles in Thoreau's Country
Where the World Gets Its Oil
March 1, 1920Massachusetts-Beehive of Business
Formosa the Beautiful
April 1, 1920Peary as a Leader
Peary's Explorations in the Far North
The Crow Bird Citizen of Every Land
The Geographic's Notable Year
Around the World with the Salvation Army
When the Father of Waters goes on a Rampage
May 1, 1920Common Mushrooms of the united States
Hurdle Racing in Canoes
Malta and Its Recently Discovered Prehistoric Temples
June 1, 1920Our National Parks Illustrated in Color
Saving the Redwoods
Peru's Wealth-Producing Birds
Vol 38 July-Dec 1920 CONDITION: Very Good Price $40.00
July 1, 1920Cuba-The Sugar Mill of the Antilles
The charm of Cape Breton Island
Along Our Side of the Mexican Border
August 1, 1920Antioch the Glorious
The Origin of American State Names
The Channel Islands
September 1, 1920Rio de Janeiro in the Land of Lure
The Niagaras of Five continents
An Expedition to Kaieteur and Roraima British Guiana
October 1, 1920Nepal: A Little-Known Kingdom
Human Emotions Recorded by Photography
Tahiti: A Playground of Nature
The Making of a Japanese Newspaper
November 1, 1920Peking the City of the Unexpected
The Eden of the Flowery Republic
The World's Ancient Porcelain Center
The Man in the Street in China
Shifting Scenes on the Stage of New China
December 1, 1920Falconry the Sport of Kings
American Birds of Prey-A Review of Their Value
Haiti the Home of Twin Republics
Haiti and Its Regeneration
Glimpses of Siberia Russia's "Wild East"
Vol 39 Jan-June 1921 CONDITION: Very Good Price $40.00
January 1, 1921The Dream Ship
Treasure-House of the Gulf Stream
Sixteen Color Plates of Warm-Sea Fishes
Interesting Citizens of the Gulf Stream
Every-Day Life in Afghanistan
Title: The Argosy of Geography
24 x 19 Pictoral Supplement
Scale: Pictoral
February 1, 1921Czechoslovakia Key-Land to Central Europe
The Whirlpool of the Balkans
The Orkneys and Shetlands-A Mysterious Group of IslandsTitle: Map of Europe
31 x 33.5 Map Supplement
Scale: 84 miles = 1 inch
March 1, 1921A Personal Narrative of the First Aerial Voyage Half Around the World-From London to Australia by Airplane
America in the Air
April 1, 1921Modern Persia and Its Capital
Persian Caravan Sketches
May 1, 1921Western Siberia and the Altai Mountains
The Mongols People of the WildernessTitle: Map of Asia and Adjoining Europe
38 x 28.5 Map Supplement
Scale: 181 miles = 1 inch
June 1, 1921Across the Equator with the American Navy
Familiar Grasses and Their Flowers
New National Geographic Society Expedition
The Grand Canyon Bridge
Vol 40 July-Dec 1921 CONDITION: Very Good Price $40.00
July 1, 1921Life on the Grand Banks
Scenes from France
The Geography of Japan
The National Geographic Society Completes Its Gifts of Big Trees
Adventures with a Camera in Many Lands
August 1, 1921The Wild Life of Lake Superior Past and Present
Protecting the United States from Plant Pests
September 1, 1921Our Greatest National Monument
Life Among the People of Eastern Tibet
October 1, 1921Trail and Jungle in Ecuador
Over the Andes to Bogota
Buenos Aires and Its River of SilverTitle: Map of South America
25.75 x 36.75 Map Supplement
Scale: 134 miles = 1 inch
November 1, 1921Through the Heart of Hindustan
The Marble Dams of Rajputana
The Empire of Romance-India
Outwitting the Water Demons of Kashmir
A Pilgrimage to Amernath Himalayan Shrine of the Hindu Faith
December 1, 1921The Islands of the Pacific
Nauru the Richest Island in the South Seas
Yap and Other Pacific Islands under Japanese Mandate
The Mystery of Easter Island
Vol 41 Jan-June 1922 (includes Index) $40.00
January 1, 1922The Islands of Bermuda
Certain Citizens of the Warm Sea
The Land of the Basques
The Geography of Our Foreign Trade
February 1, 1922The Foremost Intellectual Achievement of Ancient America
The Jungles of Panama
The Haunts of the Caribbean Corsairs
On the Shores of the Caribbean
Volcano-Girded Salvador
Costa Rica the Land of the Banana
March 1, 1922Prehistoric Telephone Days
Hunting the Chaulmoogra Tree
Amid the Snows of Switzerland
The Hill tribes of Burma
The Pueblo Bonito Expedition of the National Geographic Society
Fighting Insects with Airplanes
April 1, 1922Viscount Bryce's Last Article on the United States-The Scenery of North America
Modern Scenes in Mesopotamia the Cradle of Civilization
South Georgia An Outpost of the Antarctic
May 1, 1922Where the Mountains Walked
In the Land of Kublai Khan
Through the Heart of England in a Canadian Canoe
The First Alaskan Air Expedition
The World Viewed from the Air
The Story of the Ruhr
June 1, 1922The Far Eastern Republic
The Splendor of Rome
Capri the Island Retreat of Roman Emperors
The National Geographic Society's Memorial to Peary
Constantinople Today
Vol 42 July-Dec 1922 SOLD
July 1, 1922Cathedrals of the Old and New World
Camargue the Cowboy Country of Southern France
Midsummer Wild Flowers
August 1, 1922Denmark and the Danes
The Fight at the Timber-Line
Views of the Lincoln Memorial
The Arctic as an Air Route of the Future
September 1, 1922A Longitudinal Journey Through Chile
Some Aspects of Rural Japan
The Picturesque Side of Japanese Life
Alexander Graham Bell
Map-Changing Medicine
October 1, 1922Transporting a Navy Through the Jungles of Africa in War Time
Peoples and Places of Northern Africa
Along the Nile Through Egypt and the Sudan
The Land of the Free in Africa
African Scenes from the Equator to the Cape
Title: Map of Africa
28.5 x 31.5 Map Supplement
Scale: 1:11,600,000
November 1, 1922Adventuring Down the West Coast of Mexico
Lisbon the City of the Friendly Bay
A Sketch of the Geographical History of Asia Minor
December 1, 1922The Glory That Was Greece
Sailing the Seven Seas in the Interest of ScienceTitle: The World
28.5 x 41.5 Map Supplement
Scale: 1 inch = 625 miles
Vol 43 Jan-June 1923 SOLD
January 1, 1923The Island of Sardinia and Its People
Vienna: A Capital Without a Nation
The Magic Beauty of Snow an Dew
February 1, 1923A Thousand Miles Along the Great Wall of China
The Battle-Line of Languages in Western Europe
Daily Life in Calabria
Encircling Navajo Mountain with a Pack-Train
Title: The Great Wall of China
9.5 x 45.5 Pictoral Supplement
Scale: Pictorial
March 1, 1923Along the Old Spanish Road in Mexico
In the Land of the Montezumas
Holland's War with the Sea
In the Land of Windmills and Wooden Shoes
The Wends of the Spreewald
April 1, 1923Massachusetts and Its Position in the Life of the Nation
America's Amazing Railway Traffic
Western Views in the Land of the Best
Missouri Mother of the WestTitle: United States of America
38 x 28 Map Supplement
Scale: 1:5,250,000
May 1, 1923At the Tomb of Tutankhamen
Egypt Past and Present
East of Constantinople
A Visit to Three Arab Kingdoms
June 1, 1923The Transformation of Washington
The Lincoln Memorial
The Capitol Wonder Building of the World
Washington the Pride of the Nation
The sources of Washington's Charm
Vol 45 Jan-June 1924 CONDITION: Very Good Price $40.00
January 1, 1924A Visit to Carlsbad Cavern New Mexico
Fantastic Plants of Our Western Deserts
Adventures in Eastern Darfur
Timbuktu in the Sands of the Sahara by the Automobile
Reelfoot-An Earthquake Lake in Tennessee
February 1, 1924The Hawaiian Islands
March 1, 1924Geography and Some Explorers
The Lure of the Land of Ice
Beyond the Clay Hills
Among the "Craters of the Moon"
Australia's Wild Wonderland
April 1, 1924The Story and Legends of the Pontine Marshes
Italy Land of History and Romance
Ancient Carthage in the Light of Modern Excavation
Tunisia Where Sea and Desert Meet
Keeping House in Majorca
Sakurajima Japan's Greatest Volcanic Eruption
May 1, 1924Surveying the Grand Canyon of the Colorado
East and West in America
The Isthmus of TehuantepecTitle: North America
28 x 37 Map Supplement
Scale: 1:10,000,000
June 1, 1924Exploring the Mysteries of Plant Life
Norway and the Norwegians
In the Land of the Vikings
Vol 46 July-Dec 1924
CONDITION: Very Good Price $40.00
July 1, 1924The Non-stop Flight Across America
Our Country Through the Airman's Camera
Man's Progressing in Conquering the Air
August 1, 1924Discovering the Oldest Statues in the World
Adventurous Sons of Cadiz
Moorish Spain From Granada to Gibraltar-a Tour of Southern Spain
September 1, 1924Crossing the Libyan Desert
The Most Valuable Bird in the World
Zigzagging Across Sicily
October 1, 1924In the Diamond Mountains of Korea
Goldfish and Their Cultivation in America
Latvia Home of the Letts
Crossing Asia Minor the Country of the New Turkish Republic
November 1, 1924Banishing the Devil of Disease Among the Nashi of Yunnan Province China
The Grand Duchy of Luxemburg
Flashes of Color Throughout France
Tiger Hunting in India
December 1, 1924Porto Rico the Gate of Riches
Colorful Porto Rico
A Char-a-Bancs in Cornwall
With an Exile in Arctic Siberia
Vol 47 Jan-June 1925 SOLD
January 1, 1925Seeing America from the "Shenandoah"
The Palace of Versailles Its Park and The Trianons
Versailles the Magnificent
Chichen Itza an Ancient American Mecca
Interviewing the Stars
February 1, 1925Cairo to Cape Town Overland
Amid the Snows and Swamps of Tropical Africa
March 1, 1925Looking Down on Europe
Across French and Spanish Morocco
The Camera's Color Records of North Africa
The Singing Towers of Belgium and Holland
April 1, 1925The Mother of Rivers -The Great Columbia Ice Field of the Canadian Rockies
The Land of the Yellow Lama
The National Geographic Society's Yunnan Province Expedition
May 1, 1925Through the Back Doors of Belgium
Ferns as a Hobby
Marvels of Fern Life
Tracking the Columbian Ground-Squirrel to Its Burrow
Helsingfors-A Contrast in Light and Shade
June 1, 1925A Caravan Journey Through Abyssinia
Black-Headed Gulls in London-Aces of Aviation
To Seek the Unknown in Arctic
The "Bowdoin" in North Greenland
Vol 48 July-Dec 1925 CONDITION: Very Good Price $40.00
July 1, 1925Rediscovering the Rhine
Pages from the Floral Life of America
Bird Life Among Lava rock and Coral Sand
August 1, 1925Waimangu and the Hot-spring Country of New Zealand
Tripolitania Where Rome Resumes Sway
Under Italian Libya's Burning Sun
Toilers of the Sky
From England to India by Automobile
The Macmillan Arctic Expedition Sails
September 1, 1925Everyday Life in Pueblo Bonito
Exploring in the Canyon of Death
Canyons and Cacti of the American Southwest
New Discoveries in Carlsbad Cavern
Bats of the Carlsbad Cavern
Experiences of a Lone Geographer
Scientific Aspects of the MacMillan Expedition
October 1, 1925The Romance of Science in Polynesia
Iridescent Isles of the South Seas
Collarin' Cape Cod
MacMillan in the Field
November 1, 1925The MacMillan Arctic Expedition Returns
Flying over the Arctic
History's Greatest Trek
Sun-Painted Scenes in the Near East
Title: The Arctic Regions
20.25 x 18.75 Map Supplement
Scale: 1:14,673,400
December 1, 1925The Taurine World
The Cattle of the World
Vol 49 Jan-June 1926 SOLD
January 1, 1926On the Trail of the Air Mail
Man's Feathered Friends of Longest Standing
Pigeons of Resplendent Plumage
Measuring the Sun's Heat and Forecasting the Weather
February 1, 1926Round About Bogota
Fishing for Pearls in the Indian Ocean
Rothenburg the City Time Forgot
The Road to Wang Ye Fu
Scenes in the Celestial Republic
March 1, 1926Singapore Crossroads of the East
The Land of Egypt
A Naturalist with MacMillan in the arctic
The First Natural-Color Photographs form the Arctic
Transylvania and Its Seven Castles
April 1, 1926Exploring the Valley of the Amazon in a Hydroplane
Marvels of Mycetozoa
The Amazon Father of Waters
Where the Sard Holds Sway
Recent Contributions by Members of the National Geographic Society
May 1, 1926Motor-Coaching Through North Carolina
The Ashley River and Its Gardens
Exploring the Atlantic Seaboard with a Color Camera
London From A Bus TopTitle: Boyhood of Sir Walter Raleigh
9.75 x 11.25 Pictoral Supplement
Scale: Pictorial
June 1, 1926The conquest of Mount Logan Canada's Loftiest Peak
The Beauty of the Bavarian Alps
Through the Deserts and Jungles of Africa By Motor
Vol 50 July-Dec 1926 SOLD
July 1, 1926Standing Iceberg Guard in the North Atlantic
The World's Greatest Waterfalls
Streets and Palaces of Colorful India
Pirate Rivers and Their Prizes
August 1, 1926Through the Great River Trenches of Asia
The Life of the Moon Jelly fish
Jellyfishes-Living Draperies of Color
Struggling Poland
Siena's Palio An Italian Inheritance from the Middle Ages
Under Radiant Italian Skies
September 1, 1926Marching Through Georgia Sixty Years After
Flying Over Egypt Sinai and Palestine
Along the Banks of the Colorful Nile
The First Flight to the North Pole
Commander Byrd Receives the Hubbard Gold Medal
Title: North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Eastern Tennessee
20 x 15.75 Map Supplement
Scale: 1:2,000,000
October 1, 1926Canada from the Air
Carnival Days on the Riviera
The France of Sunshine and Flowers
Hunting an Observatory
November 1, 1926Russia of the Hour
Guatemala: Land of Volcanoes and Progress
The Land of the Quetzal
December 1, 1926Skirting the Shores of Sunrise
In the Birthplace of Christianity
Among the Shepherds of Bethlehem
Exploring the Earth's Stratosphere
Vol 51 Jan-June 1927 CONDITION: Very Good Price $40.00 (two copies available)
January 1, 1927Jamaica the Isle of Many Rivers
The Color Palette of the Caribbean
The First Autochromes form the ocean bottom
Life o a Coral Reef
The Columbus of the Pacific
A Pictorial Jaunt Through Papua
February 1, 1927A Maryland Pilgrimage
The Heart of Aymara Land
High Lights in the Peruvian and Bolivian Andes
March 1, 1927Ireland: The Rock Whence I Was Hewn
The Hills and Dales of Erin and Vermont
The Green Mountain State
Nicaragua Largest of Central American Republics
April 1, 1927The Races of Domestic Fowl
of the Old and New World
America's Debt to the Hen. With Illustrations in color from paintings from life by Hashime Murayama.
The Chinese: Farmers Since the Days of Noah
May 1, 1927Among the Zapotecs of Mexico
The Family Tree of the Flowers
Wild Flowers of the West
June 1, 1927Ho for the Soochow Ho
The Geography of China
Life Afloat in China
New China and the Printed Page
Among the People of Cathay
Hospitality of the Czechs
Costumes of Czechoslovakia
Vol 52 July-Dec 1927 CONDITION: Very Good Price $40.00
July 1, 1927Sinbads of Science: The Narrative of a Windjammer's Voyage Among Islands of High Adventure in the South Atlantic
Strange Habits of Familiar Moths and Butterflies
August 1, 1927Across the Midi in a Canoe
In Smiling Alsace Where France Has Resumed Sway
Navigating the "Norge" from Rome to the North Pole and Beyond
Stalking the Dragon Lizard on the Island of Komodo
Air conquest
September 1, 1927The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927
Living Jewels of the Sea
The Black Hills Once Hunting Grounds of the Red Men
The Friendly Crows in Festive Panoply
Who Treads Our Trails
Our Transatlantic Flight
October 1, 1927By Coolie and Caravan Across central Asia
Sicily: Island of Vivid Beauty and Crumbling Glory
How Latin America Looks from the Air
November 1, 1927The Pathfinder of the East
Rainbow Portraits of Portugal
An Altitudinal Journey Through Portugal
Round About LiechtensteinNO
December 1, 1927The Pageant of Jerusalem
Color Records from the Changing Life of the Holy City
East of the Suez to the Mount of the Decalogue
The Geography of Money