National Geographic - December 1979, Vol. 156, No. 6
Our Wildest Wilderness (Arctic National Wildlife Range of far northeast Alaska, an animal paradise amid solitude and natural beauty: The Range is the largest component of the ARCTIC NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE)
Seoul: Korean Showcase
Oregon’s Lovely Lonely Coast
The Magic World of Hans Christian Andersen (An extraordinary Dane speaks forever to children and adults alike through fairy tales of darkness and light. Harvey Arden and Danish photographer Sisse Brimberg tell Andersen’s own story.)
Graveyard of the Quicksilver Galleons (Two mercury-laden ships (Spain’s galleons Guadalupe, and Tolosa) that perished in a West Indies hurricane (off the Dominican Republic) in 1724 yield a treasure of new knowledge of Spanish colonial days. By marine historian Mendel Peterson and photographer Jonathan Blair.)
Price: $6.50 - Ex/VG
Price: $6.50 - Ex/VG
Price: $6.50 - Ex/VG
Price: $6.50 - Ex/VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $600 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.50 - G
National Geographic - November 1979, Vol. 156, No. 5
The Desert: An Age-old Challenge Grows (It covers a third of earth’s land, bringing hardship and suffering to a sixth of all people, and it is spreading. Rick Gore and photographer Georg Gerster report on a globe-circling survey.)
Winged Victory of Gossamer Albatross (Its pilot, Bryan Allen, tells of his dramatic pedal-powered flight across the English Channel, a milestone in aviation history.)
Which Way Oahu? (Hawaii)
Incredible World of the Deep-sea Rifts (Marine geologist Robert D. Ballard and biologist J. Frederick Grassie describe mineral-spewing chimneys and newly discovered creatures living in warm-water oases around ocean-floor vents.)
Hong Kong’s Refugee Dilemma (The jam-packed British crown colony must now cope with last summer’s flood of Asia’s homeless: boat people from Vietnam as well as those fleeing from neighboring China. William S. Ellis and William Albert Allard document the human side of the situation.)
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $5.50 - Ex/VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - October 1979, Vol. 156, No. 4
Double Map Supplement: British Isles and Medieval England
Pilgrimage Through Two England's (Britain and medieval England)
Along the Great Divide (Continental Divide from Mexico to Canada, our newest national scenic trail)
Fiber Optics: Harnessing Light by a Thread
Scenic Guilin Links China’s Past and Present
The Rewards of Walrus-watching (Chukchi Sea)
Skylab’s Fiery End (July 12, 1979)
Price: $6.50 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $6.50 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $6.00 - VG/G (map IS included)
Price: $4.00 - Map alone (1 available)
National Geographic - September 1979, Vol. 156, No. 3
Bahrain: Hub of the Persian Gulf
The Search for The First Americans (Archaeologists call them Clovis people, after a cluster of bone-strewn mammoth kill sites and camps discovered in the 1930s near Clovis, New Mexico. Who led the way across the Ice Age land bridge from Asia to the Americas, and when? Hunters of early man are uncovering the trail, writes Thomas Y. Canby; photographs by Kerby Smith, paintings by Roy Andersen.)
Oshkosh (Wisconsin): America’s Biggest Air Show
Louisiana’s Atchafalaya (swampland): Trouble in Bayou Country
St. Vincent, The Grenadines, and Grenada (windward West Indies): Taking It as It Comes
Mosquitoes, the Mighty Killers
Price: $6.50 - Ex/VG
Price: $6.50 - Ex/VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
National Geographic - August 1979, Vol. 156, No. 2
Double Supplement: The Americas and Bird Migration in the Americas
Mysteries of Bird Migration
Walk Across America: Part II (see part one of Peter Jenkins’s Walk Across America in the April 1977 National Geographic.)
The Yellow Sea Yields a Shipwreck Trove: A 14th-Century Cargo Makes Port at Last (discovered in 1975, off Sinan, a district on the southwestern coast of the South Korea)
North Yemen (Yemen Arab Republic): Middle East Flash Point
The Hard Life of the Prairie Dog
Inadan: Artisans of the Sahara (Niger’s master craftsmen live side by side with their Tuareg overlords in a mutually beneficial caste system.)
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG (map included)
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG (map included)
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG (map included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map included)
Price: $3.00 - Map alone (2 available)
National Geographic - July 1979, Vol. 156, No. 1
A Special Issue Devoted to The Best of the Land
Our National Parks: Parks Grandeur in Pictures
A Long History of New Beginnings
Will Success Spoil Our Parks?
Sharing Alaska, How Much for Parks?: Who should control which wild lands in Alaska and for what purposes? The long debate continues.
New Mount McKinley Challenge: Trekking Around the Continent’s Highest Peak
A Navajo Views His People and Past (Navajo National Monument, Arizona)
Gateway, Elbowroom for Millions (Gateway National Recreation Area, New York Harbor, New York-New Jersey)
Golden Gate: Of City, Ships, and Surf (Golden Gate National Recreation Area, California)
Echoes of Shiloh (Civil War: Shiloh National Military Park, Tennessee)
A Concise Guide to National Parks: Natural grandeur and living history: what to see, where to camp, hike, fish, relax at 320 sites
Spring Comes Late to Glacier (Glacier National Park, Montana)
Guadalupe’s Trails in Summer (Guadalupe Mountains National Park, Texas, with El Capitan, one of the world’s largest exposed fossil reefs)
Autumn, Season of the Smokies (Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee-North Carolina)
Grand Teton, A Winter’s Tale (Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming-Idaho-Montana)
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - June 1979, Vol. 155, No. 6
First Look at a Lost Virginia Settlement: At Wolstenholme Towne, archaeologists find fragments of 17th-century colonists’ dreams, shattered by hardship and massacre (Martin’s Hundred settlement)
An American 4-H Adventure: Down on the Farm, Soviet Style
A Clinical Look at Burma’s Long-Necked Women
The Two Worlds of Michigan (From the assembly lines of Motor City to the hushed forests of the Upper Peninsula, the lake-girt state offers a marked contrast in life-styles.)
Tahiti and Beyond: Society Islands, Sisters of the Wind (French Polynesian archipelago in the South Seas)
Those Marvelous, Myriad Diatoms
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
National Geographic - May 1979, Vol. 155, No. 5
Close-Up: Canada: Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Northwest Territories
Life and Death at Gombe: Violence never seen before erupts among Africa’s chimpanzees in the continuing chronicle of their behavior, by primate specialist Jane Goodall
Americans Climb K2: Second to Mount Everest in height, but not in treachery, the Savage Mountain had been scaled but twice. Four decades had seen five U.S. expeditions fail. In 1978 Jim Whittaker returned to lead a team determined to reach the top. (in Asia’s remote Karakoram Range on the frontier of Pakistan and China)
Americans Climb K2: On to the Summit
The People Who Made Saskatchewan (Canada)
Teamwork Helps the Whooping Crane (U.S. and Canadian biologist raise the stately whooping crane’s chances of survival by putting its eggs into sandhill crane nests for hatching.)
Napa (California), Valley of the Vine
Precious Corals: Hawaii’s Deep-sea jewels
Price: $6.00 - VG (map included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map included)
Price: $6.00- VG (map included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map included)
Price: $6.00- VG (map included)
Price: $5.00 - VG/G (map included)
Price: $2.00 - Map alone (3 available)
National Geographic - April 1979, Vol. 155, No. 4
3.6 Million Years Old: Footprints Frozen in Time, by Mary D. Leakey (at Laetoli, near Tanzania’s Olduvai Gorge. (…a startling discovery in East Africa, tracks left in hardened volcanic ash by hominids that walked upright at least 3.6 million years ago.)
The Promise and Peril of Nuclear Energy
Warm Springs Indians Carve Out a Future (Oregon reservation poverty into prosperity)
The Trouble with Dolphins
Killer Whale Attack! (An unprecedented series of photographs documents a savage, wolflike assault on a blue whale by a pack of the largest dolphins, killer whales.)
Old Prague (Czechoslovakia) in Winter
Massachusetts’ North Shore: Harboring Old Ways
Price: $6.50 - EX/VG
Price: $6.50 - EX/VG
Price: $6.50 - EX/VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $3.00 - G
National Geographic - March 1979, Vol. 155, No. 3
Special Tear-Out Guide: Wildlife Refuges of the United States
Triumph and Tragedy on Annapurna (Nepal): Ten women challenge earth’s tenth highest mountain (An American women’s team conquers the world’s tenth tallest mountain. Then a fall takes the lives of two. Arlene Blum, Irene Miller, and Vera Komarkova related their history-making Himalayan climb.)
Belgium: One Nation Divisible
Our National Wildlife Refuges: A Chance to Grow
Island, Prairie, Marsh, and Shore (Four distinctly different wildlife refuges show their wonders to naturalist Charlton Ogburn and photographer Bates Littlehales. A special tear-out guide details many of the 390 preserves.)
Denver, Colorado’s Rocky Mountain High
Nigeria Struggles with Boom Times (After 19 years of independence, a key African nation strives to build a strong democracy and to use its bonanza oil wealth to raise the standard of living of peoples long subjected to colonialism, corruption, and civil strife.)
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG (Special Tear-Out Guide is included)
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG (Special Tear-Out Guide is included)
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG (Special Tear-Out Guide is included)
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG (Special Tear-Out Guide is included)
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG (Special Tear-Out Guide is included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (Special Tear-Out Guide is included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (Special Tear-Out Guide is included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (Special Tear-Out Guide is included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (Special Tear-Out Guide is included)
Price: $5.00 - VG/G (Special Tear-Out Guide is included)
Price: $4.00 - VG/G (Special Tear-Out Guide is NOT included)
National Geographic - February 1979, Vol. 155, No. 2
Double Supplement: Australia and Its Living Fossils
The Tragic Journey of Burke and Wills (Seeking the unknown in 1860, the first men to cross Australia struggled through a vast wasteland to its northern edge, only to die during their return.
Kangaroos! That Marvelous Mob
Sydney: Big Breezy and a Bloomin’ Good Show
Risk and Reward on Alaska’s Violent Gulf (Gulf of Alaska)
Kathmandu’s Remarkable Newars (The rich and sophisticated culture of Nepal’s capital is largely the product of a talented, enterprising people little known to the outside world.)
Rotifers: Nature’s Whirling Water Purifiers (tiny aquatic animals)
Price: $7.50 - EX (map included)
Price: $7.50 - EX (map included)
Price: $7.50 - EX (map included)
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG (map included)
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG (map included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map included)
Price: $5.00 - VG/G (map included)
Price: $5.00 - VG/G (map included)
Price: $3.00 - map alone (2 available)
National Geographic - January 1979, Vol. 155, No. 1
Special Sound Sheet: Songs of the Humpback Whale
Humpback Whales: I. The Gentle Giants (off Hawaii and Alaska)
Humpback Whales: II. Their Mysterious Songs (A 12-year study by zoologist Roger Payne and his wife of the complex, ever changing sounds made by humpbacks suggests that the songs may relate to social behavior and possibly even intelligence. An accompanying sound sheet reproduces some of these haunting sequences, as yet unfathomed.)
Los Angeles (California): City in Search of Itself
Man in the Amazon (Brazil): Stone Age Present Meets Stone Age Past (Primitive Amazonian Indians help unearth a shelter where their forebears may have worshiped the sun at least 9.000 years ago. W. Jesco von Puttkamer documents one of the oldest human sites yet found in South America)
The Incredible World of Diamonds
Bison Kill by Ice Age Hunters (Bones and spearpoints found in Colorado reveal how Paleo-Indians slaughtered huge buffalo by the hundreds.)
Time of Testing For an Ancient Land: Sri Lanka
Price: $4.00 - G NO RECORD
National Geographic - December 1978, Vol. 154, No. 6
Map Supplement: Close-Up: Canada.: Ontario
EBLA: Splendor of an Unknown Empire (Excavators in northwestern Syria unearth a great city called Ebla, seat of a realm that rivaled the mightiest early civilizations.
Ontario: Canada’s Keystone
Smallpox: Epitaph for a Killer? (The only live smallpox virus left now is held in laboratories.)
Tigris Sails Into the Past (In a ship of reeds based on craft of 5,000 years ago, explorer Thor Heyerdahl follows the wake of forgotten Sumerian mariners. Carlo Mauri and other crewmen photograph the voyage.)
Winterkeeping in Yellowstone
Double Eagle II Has Landed (Three American balloonists’ own account of their historic six-day flight across the Atlantic.)
Price: $7.00 - EX (map IS included)
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG (map IS included)
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG (map IS included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $5.00 - VG/G (map IS included)
Price: $3.00 - Map alone (3 available)
National Geographic - November 1978, Vol. 154, No. 5
Pilgrimage to Mecca
Northwest Oasis: Washington’s Bountiful Yakima Valley
Natural Gas: The Search Goes On
Where the River Shannon Flows (Ireland)
The National Gallery’s New Masterwork on the Mall
Treasures of Dresden (East Germany)
Flashlight Fish of the Red Sea (goldfish-size, bioluminescent Photoblepharon feed at night along Red Sea reefs.)
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.50 - G
National Geographic - October 1978, Vol. 154, No. 4
Conversations with a Gorilla (Primate researcher Francine Patterson describes the breakthrough with Koko.)
Dream On, Vancouver (Canada)
Nebraska’s Sand Hills: Land of Long Sunsets
Djibouti, Tiny New Nation on Africa’s Horn
Travels with a Donkey, 100 Years Later (Carolyn Bennett Patterson and a four-legged friend named Modestine retrace Robert Louis Stevenson’s walk across the Cevennes region of France.)
The Sunken Treasure of St. Helena (After centuries on the bottom, a Dutch East Indiaman yields up a precious cargo. Marine archeologist Robert Stenuit tells of the discovery.)
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - September 1978, Vol. 154, No. 3
Double Map Supplement: The Middle East and Its Early Civilizations
Solo to the Pole (A daring Japanese, Naomi Uemura, challenges the Arctic to become the first to reach the top of the world alone.)
Syria: Amid the ruins of ancient empires a young nation tests a new stability
Undersea Wonders of the Galapagos
Columbus: A Most Uncommon Town (Indiana)
The Joy of Pigs
New Mexico’s Mountains of Mystery (Sangre de Cristo Mountains)
Price: $7.00 - VG Map Supplement IS included
Price: $7.00 - VG Map Supplement IS included
Price: $7.00 - VG Map Supplement IS included
Price: $7.00 - VG Map Supplement IS included
Price: $7.00 - VG Map Supplement IS included
Price: $7.00 - VG Map Supplement IS included
Price: $7.00 - VG Map Supplement IS included
Price: $7.00 - VG Map Supplement IS included
Price: $7.00 - VG Map Supplement IS included
Price: $6.50 - VG/G Map Supplement IS included
Price: $3.00 - Map alone (3 available)
National Geographic - August 1978, Vol. 154, No. 2
Startling Finds Prompt… A New Look at Dinosaurs (They ruled the earth for 140 million years, then disappeared. Were some of them warm-blooded? Did some evolve into birds? Paleontologist John H. Ostrom discusses new ideas about those “terrible lizards,” brought back to life by artist Roy Andersen.)
Aluminum, the Magic Metal
Georgia, Unlimited
New Zealand’s High Country (South Island)
Spitsbergen, Norway’s Arctic Hot Spot
Mountain Goats: Daring Guardians of the Heights
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - July 1978, Vol. 154, No. 1
Double Supplement: The Grand Canyon of the Colorado
The Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon: Are We Loving It to Death?
Voyager’s Historic View of Earth and Moon (En route to Jupiter, NASA’s Voyager 1 pictures our world and moon as never before.)
Regal Treasures From a Macedonian Tomb (Is This the Tomb of Philip of Macedon?)
Day of the Rice God: A Folk Festival in Rural Japan
Yesterday Lingers on Lake Erie’s Bass Islands (Ohio, U.S.A.)
Giants That Move the World’s Oil (Sailing with the Supertankers)
Superspill: Black Day for Brittany, France (March 16, 1978: Amoco’s Cadis oil tanker spilled 69 million gallons of Arabian oil in into the sea, more than double the amount spilled in the Torrey Canyon disaster 11 years earlier, almost to the day.)
Dazzling Corals of Palau (western Pacific Palau Islands)
Price: $7.00 - EX (map included)
Price: $7.00 - EX (map included)
Price: $7.00 - EX (map included)
Price: $7.00 - EX (map included)
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG (map included)
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG (map included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map included)
Price: $5.00 - VG/G (map included)
Price: $2.50 - Map alone 3 available
National Geographic - June 1978, Vol. 153, No. 6
Pennsylvania: Faire Land of William Penn
Glass Treasure from the Aegean (Preserved by the sea for 1,000 years, priceless Islamic glassware is salvaged from a shipwreck in a Turkish cove by marine archeologist George F. Bass.)
Living the Good Life in Burgundy (France)
Uncle Sam’s Museum with Wings (Smithsonian Institution’s National Air and Space Museum)
Bizarre Dragons of the Sea (Terrifying in name and visage only, 12-to-18-inch-long relatives of the sea horse thrive off Australia’s southern coast. A picture story.)
The Proud Armenians (Though uprooted from their ancestral homeland, a far-scattered people have not forgotten their traditions or their faith. )
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $5.50 - EX/VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $4.50 - VG/G
National Geographic - May 1978, Vol. 153, No. 5
Alone Across the Outback (With four camels and a dog named Diggity, young Robyn Davidson ventures 1,700 miles across Australia’s western wilderness.)
Mexico: A Very Beautiful Challenge (A bonanza of newfound oil lifts hopes of a culturally rich but land-poor nation plagued by unemployment.)
It’s a way of life: Mexican Folk Art (From papier-mâché devils to painted saints, vibrant creations of self-taught craftsmen preserve centuries-old artistry.)
Hawaii’s Far-flung Wildlife Paradise (Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, or Leewards)
Nashville (Tennessee): More Than Music
Holland’s Beautiful Business of Tulips
Price: SOLD
National Geographic - April 1978, Vol. 153, No. 4
Close-Up: Canada.: British Columbia, Alberta, Yukon
The First Emperor’s Army: China’s Incredible Find (Audrey Topping and artist Yang Hsien-min tell of the discovery of a 6,000-strong, life-size army in clay buried to guard an emperor’s tomb. Known as Ch’in Shih Huang Ti, the first emperor and the builder of the Great Wall, was buried in 210 B.C., under an earth mound 15 stories high called Mount Li.)
Chicago! (Illinois)
The Continental Shelf: Man’s New Frontier
Dwellers in the Dark: Termites
Call of the North: Yukon Fever (spirit of the Klondike still alive in Yukon Territory, Canada)
Price: $6.50 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $6.50 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $6.50 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $6.50 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $6.50 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $6.00 - VG/G (map IS included)
Price: $6.00 - VG/G (map IS included)
Price: $4.50 - G (map IS included)
National Geographic - March 1978, Vol. 153, No. 3
The Change in Spain
Ladakh, The Last Shangri-La
Wondrous Eyes of Science (Whether probing the atom, mapping far-off galaxies, or exploring the brain, the camera and other modern means of image making reveal the unknown.)
The Four-eyed Fish Sees All (Anableps, living along the tops of waters in rivers and estuaries from southern Mexico to northern South America, actually has only two eyes, but they are divided into upper and lower halves, each half with its own focal length.)
Easygoing, Hardworking Arkansas
The Thousand-mile Glide (Riding mountain winds, a veteran sailplaner soars nonstop from Pennsylvania to Tennessee and home again the same day. Karl Striedlieck tells of his world-record flight; photographs by Otis Imboden.)
Price: $6.50 - Ex
Price: $6.50 - Ex
Price: $6.50 - Ex
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - February 1978, Vol. 153, No. 2
Minoans and Mycenaeans, Sea Kings of the Aegean: Greece’s Brilliant Bronze Age
Our Bald Eagle: Freedom’s Symbol Survives
The Gulf’s Workaday Waterway (Barge crews, yachtsmen, and nature lovers share a 1,200-mile chain of bays, bayous, rivers, and canals stretching from Florida’s panhandle to the Mexican border.)
The Living Dead Sea (lowest body of water on earth)
Brazil’s Coast: Golden Beachhead
Behind the Headlines: The Panama Canal Today
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - G
National Geographic - January 1978, Vol. 153, No. 1
Close-Up: U.S.A.: The Northeast
Moscow and Its Treasures (Soviet Capital)
Zulu King Weds a Swazi Princess (age-old rites that unite two powerful African peoples)
The Hudson: That River’s Alive (New York’s historic waterway, befouled and strangling, flows cleaner than it has in decades)
A Bad Time to be a Crocodile (shrinking realm of those misunderstood, toothy survivors fro the age of dinosaurs)
New Zealand’s Milford Track: The Walk of a Lifetime
The Flight of the Gossamer Condor (Man flies under his own power in a frail dragonfly of cardboard, piano wire, and plastic. Michael E. Long tells how it was done,
Price: $6.50 - VG (Map - Close-Up: U.S.A New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania is included)
Price: $6.50 - VG (Map - Close-Up: U.S.A New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania is included)
Price: $6.50 - VG (Map - Close-Up: U.S.A New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania is included)
Price: $6.50 - VG (Map - Close-Up: U.S.A New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania is included)
Price: $6.50 - VG (Map - Close-Up: U.S.A New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania is included)
Price: $6.50 - VG (Map - Close-Up: U.S.A New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania is included)
Price: $6.50 - VG (Map - Close-Up: U.S.A New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania is included)
Price: $6.50 - VG (Map - Close-Up: U.S.A New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania is included)
Price: $6.00 - VG/G (Map - Close-Up: U.S.A New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania is included)
Price: $6.00 - VG/G (Map - Close-Up: U.S.A New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania is included)
Price: $5.00 - G (Map - Close-Up: U.S.A New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania is included)
Price: $3.00 - Map alone (4 available)
National Geographic - December 1977, Vol. 152, No. 6
Double Supplement: How Europe Colonized the Americas
Reach for the New World: Drowned cargoes surface to document the 250-year struggle between Spain and her rivals
Who Discovered America?: A New Look At an Old Question
The Voyage of Brendan (Timothy Severin and a daring crew add a new dimension to an old controversy: Could Irish monks in a leather boat have reached North America nine centuries before Columbus’s world-changing voyages?)
The Year the Weather Went Wild (Braving blizzard and heat wave, drought and downpour, Thomas Y. Canby and a team of photographers examine the causes and consequences of 1976-77’s record-breaking tantrums.)
Japan’s Amazing Inland Sea
The Satin Bowerbird: Australia’s Feathered Playboy (What bird steals blue clothespins, builds an ingenious hideaway with painted walls to attract as many as half a dozen mates, and then shrugs off all the responsibilities of parenthood?)
Price: $6.50 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $6.50 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $6.50 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $6.50 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $6.50 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $6.50 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $6.00 - VG/G (map IS NOT included)
National Geographic - November 1977, Vol. 152, No. 5
Kauai, the Island That’s Still Hawaii
Ancient Europe is Older Than We Thought (Bristlecone pines in the American West help establish new dates for Stonehenge and other monuments, and lead to some startling ideas about how human cultures developed and spread.)
The Inuit of Umingmaktok (Canada): Still Eskimo, Still Free
Cumberland, My Island for a While (one of Georgia’s Golden Isles)
Montenegro, the Black Mountain (Bryan Hodgson and Linda Bartlett find this smallest of Yugoslavia’s six republics grappling with an unfamiliar problem, peace, after centuries of bloody warfare.)
Brazil’s Wild Frontier: Treasure Chest or Pandora’s Box
New Reading Adventures for Children
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - October 1977, Vol. 152, No. 4
Close-Up: U.S.A.: The Southwest
Oases of Life in the Cold Abyss (Geologists diving to the Galapagos Rift are astonished to discover colonies of sea creatures basking a mile and a half down in the warmth of hydrothermal vents.)
The Danube: River of Many Nations Many Names (central Europe’s great waterway)
Arizona’s Suburbs of the Sun (Phoenix-Tucson are)
Where Can the Wolf Survive? (Biologist L. David Mech surveys the prospects for an endangered, ever controversial animal, and tells how it ranges and hunts, lives and dies.)
The Dominican Republic, Caribbean Comeback
Geothermal Energy: The Power of Letting Off Steam
Journeying Through America’s Historylands (book review)
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG (map included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map included)
Price: $5.00 - VG/G (map included)
Price: $5.00 - VG/G (map included)
Price: $4.00 - G (map NOT included)
National Geographic - September 1977, Vol. 152, No. 3
Leonardo Da Vinci: A Man for All Ages
California’s North Coast (Redwoods’ rainy realm)
People of the Reindeer (Lapps of Europe’s frozen north)
Salt: The Essence of Life
Africa’s Gentle Giants (Giraffes)
Saving the Rothschild’s Giraffe
Amber, Golden Window on the Past
New National Geographic Index 1947-76
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $5.50 - Ex/VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
Price: $3.00 - G
National Geographic - August 1977, Vol. 152, No. 2
West Germany: Continuing Miracle
On the Trail of Wisconsin’s Ice Age
The Challenge of Air Safety
Penguins and Their Neighbors (Antarctica)
Five Times to Yakutsk (U.S.S.R.): A veteran photojournalist recalls the frustrations and delights of covering the Soviet Union, largest country on earth
Purdah in India: Life Behind the Veil
How Soon Will We Measure in Metric?
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG (price written in marker on the front cover)
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - July 1977, Vol. 152, No. 1
Double Supplement: America’s Wild and Scenic Rivers
Preserving Our Wild and Scenic Rivers (Rivers Wild and Pure: A Priceless Legacy)
Our Wild and Scenic Rivers: Montana’s Flathead River
Our Wild and Scenic Rivers: Suwannee River (from Okefenokee Swamp in Georgia through Florida into the Gulf of Mexico)
Our Wild and Scenic Rivers: St. Croix River (between Wisconsin and Minnesota)
Our Wild and Scenic Rivers: Skagit River (glacier-fed Pacific Northwest)
Our Wild and Scenic Rivers: Rio Grande River (Nathaniel T. Kenney and Bank Langmore raft the Rio Grand’s spectacular gorges)
Our Wild and Scenic Rivers: Noatak River (Alaska)
The Rat, Lapdog of the Devil
Turkey: Cross Fire at an Ancient Crossroads
Fertility Rites and Sorcery in a New Guinea Village (Gimi people
Price: $5.50 - VG (map included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map included)
Price: $5.00 - VG/G (map included)
Price: $4.50 - VG/G (map NOT included)
Price: $4.00 - G (map NOT included)
Price: $4.00 - G (map NOT included)
National Geographic - June 1977, Vol. 151, No. 6
A Way of Life Called Maine
Loch Ness (Scotland): The Lake and the Legend
South Africa’s Lonely Ordeal
The Hallowed Isle, Mont Saint Michel (French monastery)
People of Myth and Magic (Huichol Indians, Mexico)
Hope for the Bluebird
Know Your World (4 new books review)
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $5.50 - Ex/VG (price written in marker on the front cover)
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $4.50 - VG/G
Price: $4.50 - VG/G
National Geographic - May 1977, Vol. 151, No. 5
Double Supplement: Modern Europe and the Ancient Celts
The Celts
Malaysia: Youthful Nation with Growing Pains
The Tree Nobody Liked (Florida’s red mangrove)
A Village Rises from Ashes (Iceland’s Vestmannaeyjar, all but destroyed by volcanic eruption four years ago, lives again through the will and toil of its people.)
New York’s Finger Lakes
Price: $8.00 - VG Double Supplement: Modern Europe and the Ancient Celts IS included.
The Celts.
Price: $8.00 - VG Double Supplement: Modern Europe and the Ancient Celts IS included.
The Celts.
Price: $8.00 - VG Double Supplement: Modern Europe and the Ancient Celts IS included.
The Celts.
Price: $7.00 - VG/G Double Supplement: Modern Europe and the Ancient Celts IS NOT included.
The Celts.
National Geographic - April 1977, Vol. 151, No. 4
One Canada, Or Two? (Quebec, Canada)
Walk Across America (New York State to New Orleans, Louisiana)
Pilgrimage to Nepal’s Crystal Mountain (Author-photographer Joel F. Ziskin crosses lofty Himalayan passes to study a remote pocket of Tibetan culture.)
Striking It Rich in the North Sea (newest of the world’s major oil producing regions)
Japan’s Warriors of the Wind (Dueling with huge kites, Hamamatsu’s neighborhoods honor their firstborn sons.)
Unseen Life of a Mountain Stream (Naturalist William H. Amos takes his cameras into the cold, seemingly inhospitable world of a Vermont brook, and finds it teeming with life.)
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $4.00 - G
Price: $4.00 - G
National Geographic - March 1977, Vol. 151, No. 3
Egypt: Two Perspectives: I. Dazzling Legacy of an Ancient Quest
II. Egypt: Change comes to a changeless land
Afloat on the Untamed Buffalo (America’s first national river, the Buffalo River in the Arkansas Ozarks)
The Philippines: Better Days Elude an Old Friend
Consider the Sponge…
I Will Fight No More Forever (Chief Joseph’s poignant words still echo along the path of the Nez Perces’ 1877 retreat. William Albert Allard retraces the memory-stained route across the U.S. Northwest.)
Price: $8.00 - VG/G
Price: $8.00 - VG/G
Price: $7.00 - G
National Geographic - February 1977, Vol. 151, No. 2
Close-Up: U.S.A.: Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky
Audubon On the Wing (John James Audubon)
To Live in Harlem…
The Longest Manned Balloon Flight (Ed Yost)
The Pageant of Rajasthan (India)
The Ohio, River With a Job to Do
Electronic Voyage Through an Invisible World (SEM: Scanning electron microscopes)
Price: $6.00 - VG (price written in marker on the front cover) (map included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map included)
Price: $5.00 - VG/G (map included)
Price: $5.00 - VG/G (map included)
Price: $5.00 - VG/G (map included)
National Geographic - January 1977, Vol. 151, No. 1
Mars: Our First Close Look: I. Mars: As Viking Sees It: Orbiters and landers of two NASA spacecraft photograph and examine the red planet as never before, solving some old puzzles and revealing new ones
II. The Search for Life (Sifting for Life in the Sands of Mars)
Inside Cuba Today
Sea Gate of the Pacific Northwest: Puget Sound (Washington)
The Gentle Yamis of Orchid Island (Western Pacific, off Taiwan)
An Eye for an Eye: Pakistan’s Wild North-West Frontier Province (Khyber Pass border province)
Probing the Mystery of the Medicine Wheels (early Plains Indians used huge spoked circles of stones to keep track of sun, stars, and seasons.)
Mars, Cuba, Puget Sound, Orchid Island, Pakistan, Medicine Wheels.
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - December 1976, Vol. 150, No. 6
Whales of the World: I. The Imperiled Giants
Whales of the World: II. Exploring the Lives of Whales
Jackson Hole (Wyoming): Good-bye to the Old Days?
First Family of Early Man, by Donald C. Johanson, with photographs by David Brill (A three-million-year-old tragedy comes to light in Ethiopia as scientists unearth some of the earliest ancestors of modern man yet found. Also reports on Australopithecus Lucy, a hominid genus that coexisted with early Homo.)
To Torre Egger’s Icy Summit (A vertical spire of rock and ice in the Andes, Argentina-Chile.)
Square-rigger Voyage from Baltic to Bicentennial (Kenneth Garrett joins the crew of Poland’s Dar Pomorza for the tall ships’ Atlantic crossing and salute to America’s 200th birthday.)
Australia’s Bizarre Wild Flowers
whales; Jackson Hole, Wyoming; early man in Ethiopia; Torre Egger, Andes; square rigger ship; wildflowers of SW Australia.
Price: $7.00 - VG (Supplement IS included)
Price: $7.00 - VG (Supplement IS included)
Price: $7.00 - VG (Supplement IS included)
Price: $7.00 - VG (Supplement IS included)
Price: $6.00 - VG/G (Supplement IS NOT included)
Price: $5.00 - G (Supplement IS NOT included)
National Geographic - November 1976, Vol. 150, No. 5
What’s Happening to Our Climate?
Laboratory in a Dirty Sky (An instrument-laden balloon carries atmospheric researchers Rudolf J. Engelmann and Vera Simons from Missouri to Indiana in a tide of city-spawned pollution.)
Riding the Outlaw Trail (Actor Robert Redford and photographer Jonathan Blair follow history’s hoofprints into the hidden corners of a not-so-old West.)
Life Slowly Changes in Remote Bhutan (Himalayan realm and its 20-year-old monarch moving cautiously into modern times. Wangchuck Dynasty, Bhutan.)
The (Oil) Pipeline: Alaska’s Troubled Colossus
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - October 1976, Vol. 150, No. 4
Close-Up: U.S.A.: Mid-Atlantic States
The Nation’s River (Potomac and its byways, Maryland, Virginia, Washington, D.C., and West Virginia)
A Long Life, A Good Life on the Potomac (picture essay by James L. Stanfield of Carolinas Peyton, a vigorous 88 years of age, as he finds abundance for body and spirit in tilling 50 beloved acres beside the river’s broad reaches.)
Canada’s Now Frontier (oil and gas outposts and boomtowns of the frozen north sent from Edmonton, Alberta’s capital; Northwest Territories, Canada; Oil, and Pipelines; Gas, and Pipelines)
Hokule’a Follows the Stars to Tahiti (A modern-day crew guides a canoe across 3,000 miles of ocean, navigating by wind, wave, and celestial beacons. Hawaii; Hokule’a voyaging canoe; Pacific Ocean; Polynesia)
Florida, Noah’s Ark of Exotic Wildlife (Giant toads that poison dogs, catfish that walk, weeds that choke waterways threaten Florida’s ecology.)
Opal Capital of Australia’s Outback (Coober Pedy, South Australia, Australia)
The Ever-changing Face of North America (book review)
The Potomac river; northern Canada; Hawaii to Tahiti by canoe; wildlife of Florida; Cooper Pedy, Australia.
Price: $7.50 - EX (map IS included)
Price: $6.50 - Ex/VG (price written in marker on the front cover) (map IS included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $4.50 - VG/G (map IS NOT included)
National Geographic - September 1976, Vol. 150, No. 3
India Struggles to Save Her Wildlife
Nauru, the World’s Richest Nation (Nauru, South Pacific Ocean, phosphate)
The New Biology: I. Awesome Worlds within a Cell (DNA; RNA)
The New Biology: II. The Cancer Puzzle (via study of slime mold)
The New Biology: III. Seven Giants Who Led the Way (The seven pioneering biologists include: Francis Crick; Charles Darwin; Anton van Leeuwenhoek; Gregor Mendel; Thomas Hunt Morgan; Louis Pasteur; and, James D. Watson. Paintings by Ned Seidler.)
California’s Surprising Inland Delta (Sacramento River, California; Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, California; San Joaquin River and Valley, California)
India; Nuru; cells; cancer; California delta.
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG (price written in marker on the front cover)
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
National Geographic - August 1976, Vol. 150, No. 2
Found at Last: The Monarch’s Winter Home (Monarch Butterfly’s 20-acre enclave in Mexico’s Sierra Madre)
Venezuela’s Crisis of Wealth (from oil)
Yanomamo, the True People (Yanomamo Indians, Venezuela)
Trustees Elect New Society Officers
The Cayman Trough, Window on Earth’s Interior (A hitherto unexplored gash in the Caribbean’s floor, four times as deep as the Grand Canyon, provides exciting clues to our globe’s inner structure.)
Twilight Hope for Big Cypress (National Park Service prepares to acquire 900 square miles of south Florida wetlands in Big Cypress Swamp, Florida)
Edinburgh (Scotland): Capital in Search of a Country
Price: $22.00 - VG
National Geographic - July 1976, Vol. 150, No. 1
Supplement: The United States, Plus a Bicentennial Portrait of the Lower 48
This Land or Ours: A Photographic Portfolio (This land is your land…: Four views of our land combine to form a memorable Bicentennial salute.)
A First American’s View (N. Scott Momaday, a Kiowa Indian, reflects on his people’s relationship to their land.)
How are We Using Our Land?
Five Noted Thinkers Explore the Future (Where will we be when this century ends? What does the 21st century hold in store? Authors include: Isaac Asimov; Richard F. Babcock; Edmund N. Bacon; Buckminster Fuller; and, Gerard Piel)
The Next Frontier? (Isaac Asimov imagines a visit to space colony L-5 in A.D. 2026. Paintings by Pierre Mion.)
George Washington: The Man Behind the Myths
Kansas City (Missouri), Heartland USA
Revolutionary View of the 48 States (Barry C. Bishop tells how Landsat made the coast-to-coast color mosaic, Portrait U.S.A., that accompanies this issue.)
Studying Grizzly Habitat by Satellite (using Landsat’s amazing technology; Scapegoat Wilderness, Montana)
The United States; space colony; George Washington; Kansas City, Missouri; satellite; grizzly bears.
Price: $7.00 - VG (map is included)
Price: $7.00 - VG (map is included)
Price: $7.00 - VG (map is included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (price written in marker on the front cover) (map IS NOT included)
Price: $4.00 - VG/G (map is NOT included)
Price: $4.00 - VG/G (map is NOT included)
Price: $4.00 - VG/G (map is NOT included)
Price: $4.00 - VG/G (map is NOT included)
National Geographic - June 1976, Vol. 149, No. 6
First Voyage Around the World (Ferdinand Magellan set off in the fall of 1519 from Sanlucar de Barrameda, Spain, losing his life in the Philippines, but one of his five ships succeeded in circling the globe.)
Turnaround Time in West Virginia (valleys of Appalachia)
The Trouble with Treasure (Mel Fisher and the Atocha’s treasure)
Earthquake in Guatemala
Can We Predict Quakes?
Keepers of Japan’s Past
Special Publications for 1976-77
Kyoto and Nara, Japan; West Virginia; earthquake in Guatemala; Magellan's voyage.
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $5.50 - Ex (price written in marker on the front cover)
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
National Geographic - May 1976, Vol. 149, No. 5
Life Springs from Death in Truk Lagoon (earth’s largest concentration of man-made reefs, amid the shipwrecks of 60 Japanese vessels sunk during World War II; Truk Islands, Micronesia)
Truk Lagoon: From Graveyard to Garden; Born of a holocaust, life now burgeons on the skeletons of war-torn ships
Should They Build a Fence Around Montana?
Growing Up in Montana (a picture essay by Nicholas deVore III.)
Sea Gypsies of the Philippines (boat-dwelling Bajaus)
Spain’s Sun-blest Pleasure Isles (the Balearic Islands: Ibiza; Majorca)
Mexico’s Long Distance Runners (Tarahumara Indians; Chihuahua state, Mexico; Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico)
Truk lagoon, Caroline Islands; Montana; Bajaus of the Philippines; Balearic islands, Spain; Tarahumaras of Mexico.
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG/G (price written in marker on the front cover)
National Geographic - April 1976, Vol. 149, No. 4
Close-Up: U.S.A.: Hawaii
Robert Frost: The Poet… (and his New England ties)
… And His Beloved Land (Dewitt Jones travels through New Hampshire and Vermont, recording the visual echoes, and perhaps the sources, of Frost’s verbal imagery.)
A Canoe Helps Hawaii Recapture Her Past
Those Fiery Brazilian Bees (Africanized from 26 queens that escaped and mated with local bees)
Water Dwellers in a Desert World (Iraq’s Marsh Arabs; Ma’dan people)
San Antonio, Every Texan’s Hometown
Irish Ways Live On in Dingle (Dingle Peninsula, Republic of Ireland)
Dingle, Ireland; Robert Frost and Vermont; Hawaii; Africanized bees in America; Iraq; San Antonio, Texas.
Price: $14.00 - VG (map included)
Price: $8.00 - G (map included)
Price: $8.00 - G (map included)
Price: $6.00 - G (map NOT included)
National Geographic - March 1976, Vol. 149, No. 3
Patagonia (Argentina-Chile): I. Argentina Protects Its Wildlife Treasure
Patagonia (Argentina-Chile): II. A Wild Shore Where Two Worlds Meet
Patagonia (Argentina-Chile): III. At Home with Right Whales
Indiana’s Self-reliant Uplanders (Hoosier state)
Canterbury Cathedral (heart of the Church of England, past and present glory)
Solar Energy, the Ultimate Powerhouse
Frost, Nature’s Icing
Sicily (Italy), Where All the Songs Are Sad
Right whales; Patagonia, Argentina; Indiana; Canterbury cathedral; solar energy; frost; Sicily, Italy.
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG (price written in marker on the front cover)
Price: $4.00 - VG/VG
Price: $4.00 - VG/VG
National Geographic - February 1976, Vol. 149, No. 2
Double Supplement Map: The Soviet Union and Its Peoples
Siberia’s Empire Road, the River Ob (one of the World’s great river systems drains north to the Arctic on the Soviet Union’s frontier between Europe and Asia.)
Apollo-Soyuz: Handclasp in Space (As historic finale to the Apollo era, U.S. astronauts and Soviet cosmonauts rendezvous 140 miles above the earth.)
Adrift on a Raft of Sargassum (Sargasso Sea, a vast sea of floating weed in the North Atlantic Ocean, east of the southeastern U.S.)
Minnesota, Where Water is the Magic Word
Thomas Jefferson: Architect of Freedom
The Azores, Nine Islands in Search of a Future (Portugal’s mid-Atlantic archipelago)
Ob river, Siberia (Russia); Apollo-Soyuz test project; Sargasso Sea; Minnesota; Thomas Jefferson; Azores, Portugal.
Price: $6.00 - VG (map included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map included)
Price: $5.00 - G (map included)
Price: $5.00 - G (map included)
Price: $4.00 - POOR (map NOT included)
National Geographic - January 1976, Vol. 149, No. 1
In Search of Moses (modern pilgrimage from the Nile to the Promised Land)
The Chambered Nautilus
Stockholm (Sweden)
Haiti: Beyond Mountains More Mountains
California’s Parched Oasis (Owens Valley)
Life or Death for the Harp Seal
The route of the Exodus (Egypt); chambered nautilus; Stockholm, Sweden; Haiti; Owens Valley, California; harp seals.
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.50 - G
National Geographic - December 1975, Vol. 148, No. 6
The Maya: I. Children of Time (Summary: Staggering accomplishments in art, architecture, astronomy, and mathematics marked the ancient civilization of the Maya. The glory is gone, but ways of the past still guide their descendents' lives. Related Subjects: Art - Pre-Columbian; Chiapas, Mexico; Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico; Glyphs; Guatemala; Maya; Mexico; Painting; Pyramids - Americas; Sculpture.)
II. Riddle of the Glyphs
III. Resurrecting the Grandeur of Tikal (Tikal site, Guatemala)
IV. A Traveler’s Tale of Ancient Tikal (Artist re-creates the daily life of the long-abandoned Maya city, which in its day rivaled the splendor of Rome.)
Can We Harness the Wind? (Wind power)
Rafting Down the Yukon (two-year, 1,850-mile river odyssey down the Yukon River, Canada-Alaska; Yukon Territory, Canada)
Iowa’s Enduring Amana Colonies
World of the Maya; wind power; Yukon raft trip; Amana colonies of Iowa.
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - November 1975, Vol. 148, No. 5
Double-Sided Supplement Map: The World
Christopher Columbus and the New World He Found
Chinatown, the Gilded Ghetto (San Francisco, California)
Trek to Lofty Hunza, and Beyond (Baltistan, Pakistan; Hunza District, Jammu and Kashmir; Karakorams, Pakistan)
Library of Congress: The Nation’s Bookcase
Romania: Maverick on a Tightrope
Manitoba’s Fantastic Snake Pits (Garter snakes by the thousands survive Canada’s harsh winters in underground dens.)
New Books for the Curiosity Crowd (children’s books review)
Christopher Columbus; Chinatown, San Francisco; Hunza, Pakistan; Library of Congress; Romania; Manitoba snake pits.
Price: $6.50 - EX MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.50 - EX MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $4.50 - VG/G MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $4.00 - G MAP IS NOT INCLUDED
National Geographic - October 1975, Vol. 148, No. 4
Map Supplement: Close-Up: U.S.A.: The Southeast (Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi)
Orangutans, Indonesia’s People of the Forest (Tanjung Putting Reserve, Kalimantan, Indonesia)
Patriots in Petticoats (women who helped create an independent United States including: Abigail Adams; Mercy Warren; Martha Washington; Molly Pitcher; Deborah Sampson; Betty Zane; Sybil Ludington; Phillis Wheatley; Nancy Hart; Mary Katherine Goddard)
The Arab World, Inc. (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; Arabian Peninsula; Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Kuwait; Oman; OPEC; Persian Gulf; Saudi Arabia)
Alabama, Dixie to a Different Tune
Miracle of the Potholes (Utah’s desert water holes)
We Americans (book review)
Orangutans; Alabama; Women of the Revolution; Arabs; Life in desert potholes.
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $4.50 - VG/G MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $4.50 - VG/G MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $4.50 - VG/G MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $4.50 - VG/G MAP IS INCLUDED
National Geographic - September 1975, Vol. 148, No. 3
Mark Twain: Mirror of America
The Strangest Sea (Red Sea Corals and coral reefs, Ras Muhammad, Sinai Peninsula, Egypt)
Rainbow World Beneath the Red Sea (22-page color portfolio)
Greenland Feels the Winds of Change
South Korea: What Next?
Among Alaska’s Brown Bears
Red Sea coral reefs; Mark Twain; Greenland; South Korea; Alaska's brown bears.
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - August 1975, Vol. 148, No. 2
The Niger: River of Sorrow, River of Hope (West Africa)
Toronto: Canada’s Dowager Learns to Swing (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
Ice Bird Ends Her Lonely Odyssey (David Lewis brings his tiny sloop safely to Capetown after another dismasting in Antarctic seas)
Will Coal Be Tomorrow’s Black Gold?
The Treasure of Porto Santo (18th century lost cargo of silver bars, Porto Santo Island, Madeira Islands, North Atlantic Ocean)
The Pious Ones (Hasidic Jews of Brooklyn, New York)
The Niger river; the new Toronto; the "Ice Bird"'s Antarctic voyage; coal; Madeira treasure; Brooklyn's Hasidic Jews.
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - G
National Geographic - July 1975, Vol. 148, No. 1
Close-Up: U.S.A.: Western New England
Can the World Feed Its People?
The Nightmare of Famine
Cape Cod’s Circle of Seasons (Massachusetts)
The Last Andaman Islanders (aborigines of the remote Andaman Islands, Bay of Bengal)
Benjamin Franklin, Philosopher of Dissent
An Ozark Family Carves a Living and a Way of Life (northwest Arkansas)
Tireless Voyager, the Whistling Swan (migrating flocks from Maryland to Alaska followed by Biologist William J. L. Sladen)
National Geographic World (New magazine designed to enrich the lives of 8- to 12-year olds.)
Benjamin Franklin; world food supply; famine; Cape Cod; Andaman Islands; Ozark woodcarvers; whistling swans.
Price: $7.00 - EX MAP INCLUDED
Price: $6.50 - VG MAP INCLUDED
Price: $6.50 - VG MAP INCLUDED
Price: $6.50 - VG MAP INCLUDED
Price: $6.50 - VG MAP INCLUDED
Price: $6.50 - VG MAP INCLUDED
Price: $6.50 - VG MAP INCLUDED
Price: $6.50 - VG MAP INCLUDED
Price: $6.50 - VG MAP INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED
Price: $2.00 - Map alone (1 available)
National Geographic - June 1975, Vol. 147, No. 6
Close-Up: U.S.A.: Alaska
Alaska: Rising Northern Star
Our Last Great Wilderness (National parklands proposed addition of 32 million acres in Alaska’s wilderness)
New Life for the Troubled Suez Canal (Egypt)
Strange March of the Spiny Lobster (Great Bahama Bank, Bahamas, West Indies)
Andalusia, the Spirit of Spain
Mariner Unveils Venus and Mercury (Mariner 10)
Four New Geographic Books
Andalusia, Spain; Alaska; the Suez canal; the spiny lobster; Mariner 10's flybys of Venus and Mercury.
Price: $8.50 - VG (MAP IS INCLUDED)
Price: $8.50 - VG (MAP IS INCLUDED)
Price: $8.50 - VG (MAP IS INCLUDED)
Price: $8.00 - VG/G (MAP IS INCLUDED)
Price: $8.00 - VG/G (MAP IS INCLUDED)
National Geographic - May 1975, Vol. 147, No. 5
Project Famous: Where the Earth Turns Inside Out (FAMOUS: French-American Mid-Ocean Undersea Study, the first manned probe of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
Dive into the Great Rift (FAMOUS sends scientists two miles down to study the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, a fissured, lave-shaped central rift valley)
My Backyard, the Adirondacks (Adirondack Mountains, New York, the largest piece of wilderness left in the eastern United States)
Rhodesia, A House Divided
Life with the Pumphouse Gang: New Insights Into Baboon Behavior
Provence (France), Empire of the Sun
Mystery of the Ancient Nazca Lines (Peru: huge figures on the desert, visible only from the sky, laid out by ancient Peruvian Indians)
Baboons; "Project Famous" and the mid-Atlantic ridge; the mid-Atlantic Great Rift; the Adirondacks, New York; Rhodesia; Provence, France; the Nazca lines of Peru.
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - April 1975, Vol. 147, No. 4
Utah’s Shining Oasis
Tanzania Marches to Its Own Drum
The Loyalists (Tories of America who supported the British cause in the American Revolution)
The Changing World of Canada’s Crees (Cree Indians in Quebec)
Into the Lairs of Sleeping Sharks (Requiem sharks; Isla Mujeres, Mexico)
Yucatan's sleeping sharks; Utah's Salt Lake valley; Tanzania; Loyalists of Shelburne, Nova Scotia; the Crees of Quebec.
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - March 1975, Vol. 147, No. 3
Close-Up: U.S.A.: Maine, with Canada’s Maritime Provinces
Which Way Now for Argentina?
Nova Scotia (Canada), the Magnificent Anchorage
The Kurds of Iraq: We Who Face Death
Hidden Worlds in the Heart of a Plant (bromeliads)
Hawaii, Island of Fire and Flowers
Six Months Alone in a Cave (French scientist Michel Siffre: Midnight Cave, Del Rio, Texas)
Argentina; Nova Scotia; Maine; the Kurds of Iraq; life in bromeliad plants; six months alone in a cave; Hawaii.
Price: $5.50 - VG (MAP IS INCLUDED)
Price: $5.50 - VG (MAP IS INCLUDED)
Price: $5.50 - VG (MAP IS INCLUDED)
Price: $5.50 - VG (MAP IS INCLUDED)
Price: $5.50 - VG (MAP IS INCLUDED)
Price: $5.50 - VG (MAP IS INCLUDED)
Price: $5.50 - VG (MAP IS INCLUDED)
Price: $5.50 - VG (MAP IS INCLUDED)
Price: $4.50 - VG/G (MAP IS INCLUDED)
Price: $4.50 - VG/G (MAP IS INCLUDED)
Price: $4.50 - VG/G (MAP IS INCLUDED)
Price: $2.00 - Map alone (4 available)
National Geographic - February 1975, Vol. 147, No. 2
Western Australia, the Big Country
Baltimore (Maryland), The Hidden City
Sir Francis Drake (Queen Elizabeth’s Favorite Sea Dog)
Brazil’s Beleaguered Indians: I. Requiem for a Tribe? (Kreen-Akarores fateful encounter with the modern world)
II. Good-bye to the Stone Age (Brazil’s Txukahamei Indians)
Mystery Shrouds the Largest Planet (description of Pioneer 10 & 11 flights to Jupiter)
Western Australia; Baltimore; Sir Francis Drake; Jupiter and the Pioneer spacecraft; Brazil's Kreen-Akore and Txukahameis indians.
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - January 1975, Vol. 147, No. 1
Iran: Desert Miracle (Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi)
How We Found the Monitor (Civil War gunboat located and photographed 220 feet down in the Atlantic Ocean)
Exploring the Mind of Ice Age Man (from carvings on a 12,000-year-old reindeer antler)
New England’s Little Portugal (Portuguese immigrants woven into the fabric of national life: Massachusetts; Rhode Island)
Bad Days for the Brown Pelican (assessment of bird’s survival chances: Tarpon Key, Florida)
Martinique: Liberte Egalite and Uncertainty in the Caribbean (tropical piece of France)
Iran; the Monitor; Portugese-Americans in Rhode Island; the brown pelican; Martinique; Ice Age man.
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - December 1974, Vol. 146, No. 6
Double Supplement: The Pacific Islands and Their Discoverers
Isles of the Pacific: I. Coming of the Polynesians
II. Wind Wave Star and Bird
III. The Pathfinders
IV. Problems in Paradise
The Enduring Pyrenees (France-Spain)
The Columbia River, Powerhouse of the Northwest (Canada-U.S.; Oregon, and Washington)
China’s Newest Treasures (Asian art trove touring the Western World)
Caribou: Hardy Nomads of the North (Alaska)
Pacific islands; Pyrenees mountains, France and Spain; Columbia river, Washington; Chinese art; caribou.
Price: $5.50 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $5.50 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $5.50 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $5.00 - VG/G MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $5.00 - VG/G MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $2.00 - Map alone (4 available)
National Geographic - November 1974, Vol. 146, No. 5
The Virginians (Virginia)
Last Harbor for the Oldest Ship (2,300-year-old shipwreck up from the sea floor off Cyprus)
The Renaissance Lives On in Tuscany (Italy)
Guatemala, Maya and Modern
Scotland’s Haunting Inner Hebrides
The Red Sea’s Sharkproof Fish (Sole, with toxin defense mechanism)
Guatemala; Virginia; ancient Greek ship; Tuscany, Italy; Inner Hebrides, Scotland; sole fish of the Red Sea.
Price: $7.00 - VG
Price: $7.00 - VG
Price: $4.00 - G
National Geographic - October 1974, Vol. 146, No. 4
Close-Up: U.S.A. - South Central States
Skylab: Outpost in Space
Its View of Earth
The Sun Unveiled
Big Thicket of Texas (proposed National Preserve, located in the wild region northwest of Beaumont)
Blue-Water Plankton: Ghosts of the Gulf Stream (Bahamas, West Indies)
Bhutan Crowns a New Dragon King
Alaska’s Lonely Atka (Aleuts on the far reaches of Alaska’s Aleutian Islands)
The American Indian: A New Geographic Book
Skylab; the sun; Big Thicket, Texas; plankton; Bhutan; the Atka of Alaska.
Price: $7.50 - EX Map IS included
Price: $6.50 - VG Map IS included
Price: $6.50 - VG Map IS included
Price: $6.50 - VG Map IS included
Price: $6.50 - VG Map IS included
Price: $6.00 - VG/G Map IS included
Price: $6.00 - VG/G Map IS included
Price: $6.00 - VG/G Map IS included
Price: $4.00 - Map alone (5 available)
National Geographic - September 1974, Vol. 146, No. 3
East Germany: The Struggle to Succeed
Twilight of the Arab Dhow (traditional sailing craft still active in the Indian Ocean; author travels from Kuwait to Tanzania)
Those Proper and Other Bostonians
The Original Boston
The Family Farm Ain’t What Is Used to Be (Iowa family competes with huge agribusiness operations)
The Shy and Spectacular Kingfisher (European bird that dives for trout and feeds its young)
Nature’s Gifts to Medicine (Herbal medicine; folk medicine)
Kingfisher birds; East Germany; Boston, Massachusetts; dhows (Arab sailing ships); medicines from nature.
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $3.00 - G
National Geographic - August 1974, Vol. 146, No. 2
The Phoenicians: Sea Lords of Antiquity
New Zealand’s North Island
Kohoutek, the Comet That Didn’t Get Away
How the Decoy Fish Catches its Dinner
Wisconsin’s Menominee Indians
Rare Look at North Korea
The Maligned Coyote
Ancient Phoenicians; New Zealand; comet Kohoutek; decoy fish; Menominee of Wisconsin; Korea; coyoytes.
Price: $7.50 - EX
Price: $7.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.50 - G
National Geographic - July 1974, Vol. 146, No. 1
First of a Series Marking the Nation’s 200th Birthday: Firebrands of the Revolution (Samuel Adams; Patrick Henry; and, Thomas Paine)
Vermont, a State of Mind and Mountains
At Home with the Bulldog Ant (Canberra, Australia laboratory)
Exploring England’s Canals
The Coast Guard: Small Service with a Big Mission
Afo-A-Kom: A Sacred Symbol Comes Home (revered stature stolen from the Kom people in Cameroon, Africa, is returned to its rightful owner)
The American Revolution; Vermont; bulldog ants; English canals; the U.S. Coast Guard.
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG/G
Price: $5.50 - VG/G
Price: $5.50 - VG/G
National Geographic - June 1974, Vol. 145, No. 6
The Map Supplement IS included with this magazine.
Unfamiliar Glories of the West: The Other Nevada
… and the Other Yosemite (Yosemite beyond Yosemite Valley and Tuolumne Meadows, a thousand square miles of roadless wilderness)
Climbing Half Dome the Hard Way (Yosemite National Park, California)
Oil: The Dwindling Treasure (subsequent to the Arab oil embargo of 1973, a close look at oil production from Kuwait to the North Slope of Alaska)
Burma’s Leg Rowers and Floating Farms (The Intha, or Lake Burmese)
The Cotswolds, Noicest Parrt o’England
Four New Geographic Books (Book review)
California and Nevada; Yosemite National Park; Half Dome mountain; oil; leg rowers of Burma; Cotswolds, England. (M) Includes a map of California and Nevada.
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $2.00 - Map alone (3 available)
National Geographic - May 1974, Vol. 145, No. 5
The Incredible Universe
Seven Men Who Solved Riddles of the Cosmos (Copernicus; Galileo; Kepler; Newton; Herschel; Einstein; and, Hubble)
Horse Country: Kentucky’s Bluegrass
A Lady From China’s Past (Spectacular Treasures from a Chinese Han Dynasty Tomb excavated near Changsha, Hunan Province)
Amiable Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Tanna (Island, New Hebrides, South Pacific Ocean) Awaits the Coming of John Frum (cargo cults of Melanesia since about 1940)
Beavers, Master Mechanics of Pond and Stream
the universe; Bluegrass, Kentucky; Chinese tomb; Amsterdam, Netherlands; Tanna, Melanesia; beavers.
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - April 1974, Vol. 145, No. 4
Double Supplement: Traveler’s Map of the British Isles
The England of Charles Dickens (19th Century)
Timber: How Much is Enough? (Alaska; California; Conservation; Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture; Forests; Lumber industry; National Forests; Oregon; Paper pulp industry; Reforestation; Timber; Washington)
Damascus, Syria’s Uneasy Eden
In Touch with Nature (Two children’s camps in Wisconsin’s lake country teach boys and girls the wonders of nature)
Drought Threatens the Tuareg World (Tuareg nomads, southern Sahara, Africa)
Snow-mantled Stehekin (Washington state): Where Solitude Is in Season (southern gateway to North Cascades National Park)
Great Britain and Charles Dickens; timber; Damascus, Syria; nature; drought-stricken Tuareg of Africa; Stehekin, Washington.
Price: $6.50 - EX Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.50 - EX Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.50 - EX Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $5.50 - VG Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $5.50 - VG Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $5.50 - VG Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $5.50 - VG Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $5.00 - VG Map Supplement IS NOT INCLUDED
Price: $5.00 - VG Map Supplement IS NOT INCLUDED
Price: $4.00 - VG/G Map Supplement IS NOT INCLUDED
National Geographic - March 1974, Vol. 145, No. 3
(Map Supplement): Close-Up: U.S.A. - North Central States
Trekking the Frozen Northwest Passage
Those Successful Japanese
Where Would We Be Without Algae?
Nebraska… the Good Life
Bavaria, Germany’s Bewitching Southland
Feathered Fury: The Cooper’s Hawk
Arctic trek; Japan; algae; Nebraska; Bavaria, Germany; hawks.
Price: $7.50 - Ex MAP INCLUDED
Price: $7.50 - Ex MAP INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED
Price: $5.50 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED
Price: $5.50 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED
Price: $2.00 - Map alone (6 available)
National Geographic - February 1974, Vol. 145, No. 2
America’s Wilderness: How Much Can We Save?
Five Portraits of Our Natural Heritage:
(1). Arizona’s Mazatzal (Wilderness)
(2). Okefinokee, the Magical Swamp (National Wildlife Refuge, Georgia-Florida)
(3). Maine’s Allagash River
(4). Olympic Peninsula (Olympic National Park, Washington)
(5). Wind River Range: Many-treasured Splendor (northwestern Wyoming)
Brunei, Borneo’s Abode of Peace
Trucks Race the Clock from Coast to Coast (California to New York City)
Denmark, Field of the Danes
The Glittering World of Rockhounds
America's wilderness (Arizona's Mazatzal, Okefenokee swamp, Georgia; Maine's Allagash river; Olympic peninsula, Washington; Wind River Range, Wyoming); Brunei; trucking; Denmark; rocks and minerals.
Price: $7.00 - Ex
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - January 1974, Vol. 145, No. 1
Gold, the Eternal Treasure
The People of New Jersey’s Pine Barrens
No Place to Run: The Hmong of Laos
Newfoundland (Canada) Trusts in the Sea
The Heron That Fishes with Bait (Miami Seaquarium)
How to Catch a Passing Comet (Kohoutek projected path from late December 1973 until late February 1974, with directions for photographing the passing comet)
gold; New Jersey; the Hmong of Laos; Newfoundland; herons; comet Kohoutek.
Price: $8.00 - Ex
Price: $7.00 - VG
Price: $7.00 - VG
Price: $7.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - December 1973, Vol. 144, No. 6
The Lost Empire of the Incas (Ecuador to Chile; Aymaras; Cuzco, Peru; Lake, Titicaca, Bolivia-Peru)
Aspen (Colorado) Ponders the Future
Alone to Antarctica
Beyond the North Wind With the Snow Goose
Greenland’s Place by the Icebergs (Jakobshavn, Greenland)
Leonard Carmichael: An Appreciation (Memorial tribute to NGS Vice President for Research and Exploration)
the Inca of Peru; Aspen, Colorado; Antarctic voyage; snow geese; Greenland.
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - November1973, Vol. 144, No. 5
Close-Up: U.S.A.: Florida, Puerto Rico, and The U.S. Virgin Islands
Florida Heartland
The Friendless Barnacles
Turkomans, Bold Horsemen of the Steppes (Afghanistan’s Turkmens)
A New Riviera: Mexico’s West Coast (from Guaymas to Acapulco)
This is My Island, Tangier (Tangier Island, Virginia, located in the Chesapeake Bay off Crisfield, Maryland)
Florida; barnacles; Turkomans of Afghanistan; Mexican Riviera (west coast); Tangier Island, Virginia.
Price: $6.50 - EX Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $5.50 - VG Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $5.50 - VG Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $5.50 - VG Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $5.50 - VG Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $5.50 - VG Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $5.50 - VG Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $5.50 - VG Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $5.00 - VG/G Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $5.00 - VG/G Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $2.00 - Map Supplement Alone (5 available)
National Geographic - October 1973, Vol. 144, No. 4
Chile: Republic on a Shoestring
Cowpunching on the Padlock Ranch (tending Herefords in Wyoming’s Bighorn country)
City Astride Two Continents: Istanbul (Turkey)
The Flamingo Eaters of Ngorongoro (Tanzania’s Lake Makat: hyenas hunt the flamingos, then guard their kill from jackals.)
The Bittersweet Waters of the Lower Colorado (River and Basin, U.S.-Mexico)
One Strange Night on Turtle Beach (Pacific ridley turtles invade Costa Rica’s beaches to lay their eggs.)
Wilderness USA, A Spectacular New National Geographic Book
Chile; Padlock Ranch, Wyoming; Istanbul, Turkey; hyenas of Tanzania; lower Colorado river; turtles.
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - September 1973, Vol. 144, No. 3
Double Supplement: The Apollo Astronauts; The Earth From Space
Summing Up Mankind’s Greatest Adventure (Apollo Space Program)
The Final Flight: By the Crew of Apollo 17
Have We Solved the Mysteries of the Moon?
Exploring Taurus-Littrow (What Is It Like to Walk on Another World?), by Apollo 17 crewmember Harrison H. Schmitt
Golden Ghosts of the Lost Sierra (year-round residents in northeastern California’s Sierra Nevada)
Change Ripples New Guinea’s Sepik River (Papua New Guinea)
Last Stand for the Bighorn (Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep along Idaho’s Salmon River)
Sunny Corsica
Abundant Life in a Desert Land (Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Arizona; Sonoran Desert, Mexico-U.S.)
Apollo 17; Lost Sierra, California; Sepik river, New Guinea; bighorn sheep; Corsica, France; cacti.
Price: $7.00 - VG Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $7.00 - VG Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $7.00 - VG Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $7.00 - VG Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG/G Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG/G Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG/G Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG/G Map Supplement IS NOT INCLUDED
National Geographic - August 1973, Vol. 144, No. 2
Close-Up: U.S.A.: Wisconsin, Michigan, and The Great Lakes
The Great Lakes: Will Our Inland Seas Survive?
Stalking the West’s Wild Foods
Algeria After a Decade of Freedom
Friend of the Wind: The Common Tern
Diving Beneath Arctic Ice
Gotland, Sweden’s Treasure Island
The Great Lakes; wild foods of the U.S. West by Euell Gibbons; Algeria; terns; arctic dive; Gotland island, Sweden.
Price: $6.50 - EX MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $5.50 - VG/G MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $5.50 - VG/G MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $5.50 - VG/G MAP IS INCLUDED
National Geographic - July 1973, Vol. 144, No. 1
Homeward with Ulysses: To the Ionian Isles of Greece
Volcano Overwhelms an Icelandic Village (Kirkjufell Volcano, and the village of Vestmannaeyjar, Heimaey Island, Westmann Islands, Iceland)
Cuba’s Exiles Bring New Life to Miami (Florida)
Bangkok (Thailand), City of Angels
Nature’s Living Jumping Jewels (Costa Rican tree frogs)
Ionian islands, Greece; Iceland volcano; Cuban exiles in Miami, Florida; Bangkok, Thailand; jewel frogs of Costa Rica.
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - June 1973, Vol. 143, No. 6
Australia’s Great Barrier Reef
Life Cycle of a Coral Captured in Color
High Trail through the Canadian Rockies
Skull 1470, New Clue to Earliest Man?
The Tennessee Valley Today
Four New Geographic Books (Book review)
Great Barrier Reef, Australia; Canadian trail; early man (1470 Man) of East Africa; Tennessee valley.
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - May 1973, Vol. 143, No. 5
Double Map Supplement: Mexico; and, Central America
The Volga, Russia’s Mighty River Road
Bats Aren’t All Bad
Mexico, the City That Founded a Nation
Bicycles Are Back, and Booming!
Bikepacking across Alaska and Canada
France’s Wild Watery South
Volga river, Russia; bats; Mexico City; bicycling; Camargue, France. (M) Map of Mexico & Central America.
Price: $6.50 - EX MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.50 - EX MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.50 - EX MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $5.00 - VG/G MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $2.00 - Map alone (6 available)
National Geographic - April 1973, Vol. 143, No. 4
John Muir’s Wild America
The American Lobster: Delectable Cannibal
Madeira, Like Its Wine, Improves with Age (Portugal’s islands off the northwest coast of Africa: Madeira Islands, North Atlantic Ocean)
Those Outlandish Goldfish!
Calcutta, India’s Maligned Metropolis
Pennsylvania’s Old-time Dutch Treat (Amish)
John Muir; lobsters; Madeira; goldfish; Calcutta, India; Kutztown, Pennsylvania.
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $4.00 - G
Price: $4.00 - G
Price: $4.00 - G
National Geographic - March 1973, Vol. 143, No. 3
The Northwest (Map Supplement), First of the New Close-Up: U.S.A. Map Series (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming)
Close-up: U.S.A.: A Fresh Look at Our Land and Its Heritage
High-stepping Idaho
Chan Chan, Peru’s Ancient City of Kings
The Last U.S. Whale Hunters (Eskimos take bowhead whales: Barrow, Alaska)
Cyprus Under Four Flags: A Struggle for Unity
Oil and Penguins Don’t Mix (Breeding grounds off South Africa’s tip: Dassen Island, South Africa)
Yesterday’s (Belgian) Congo, Today’s Zaire
Idaho; Chan Chan, Peru; whale hunt; Cyprus; penguins; Zaire.
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED
Price: $5.50 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED
Price: $5.50 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED
Price: $5.50 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED
National Geographic - February 1973, Vol. 143, No. 2
Double Supplement: Map and Painting of the Planet Mars
Australia’s Wild North: The Top End of Down Under
Rock Paintings of the Aborigines
Eden in the Outback
Oman, Land of Frankincense and Oil
Mariner 9: Journey to Mars
The Search for Life on Mars (Viking’s 1976 Landing)
The Mrus: Peaceful Hillfolk of Bangladesh
Australia; Oman; Mars; Viking; the Mru of Bangladesh.
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED
Price: $4.00 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED
National Geographic - January 1973, Vol. 143, No. 1
This Changing Earth: The Atlantic widens, the Pacific narrows, the Alps grow higher. Los Angeles slides northward, and Africa splits apart. A report on dramatic new discoveries…
California’s San Andreas Fault
Alaskan Family Robinson (living in a cabin they built, located across Ermine Lake from the new Anchorage-Fairbanks Highway, north of Talkeetna.)
High Wild World of the Vicuna (Pampa Galeras National Vicuna Reserve, Peru: Vicuna of the Andes, is a cousin of the camel)
Every Day Is a Gift When You Are Over 100: A Scientist Visits Some of the World’s Oldest People (Vilcabamba, Ecuador; Abkhazian A.S.S.R., U.S.S.R.; and Hunza District, Jammu and Kashmir)
Studying Wildlife by Satellite (Yellowstone bear is monitored within its den from space, with a radio-transmitter collar and temperature probe)
Ethiopia’s Artful Weavers
The Leakey Tradition Lives On (Louis S. B. Leakey: 1903-1972)
continental drift; San Andreas fault, California; Alaska; vicuna in Peru; long-lived people; the Dorze of Ethiopia.
Price: $14.00 - VG
Price: $12.00 - VG/G
Price: $9.00 - G
National Geographic - December 1972, Vol. 142, No. 6
Double Supplement: Indians of North America
The Navajo Nation Looks Ahead
Mounds: Riddles from the Indian Past (mounds that rivaled Mexico’s pyramids from the Great Lakes to the Gulf Coast: Adena culture; Georgia; Hopewell culture; Illinois; Indian mounds; Mississippi River and Valley; Mississippian cultures; Ohio; Ohio River and Valley; Oklahoma)
Those Popular Pandas
Israel, the Seventh Day
Apollo 16 Brings Us Visions from Space
From the Bahamas to Belize: Probing the Deep Reefs’ Hidden Realm
the Navajo of the U.S.; indian mounds; pandas; Israel; Apollo 16; reefs. (M) Includes a map of North American Indians.
Price: $8.00 - VG Includes a map of North American Indians.
Price: $8.00 - VG Includes a map of North American Indians.
Price: $8.00 - VG Includes a map of North American Indians.
Price: $7.00 - VG/G Includes a map of North American Indians.
Price: $7.00 - VG/G Includes a map of North American Indians.
National Geographic - November 1972, Vol. 142, No. 5
Venice (Italy) Fights For Life
Giant Tortoises: Goliaths of the Galapagos
The Search for Tomorrow’s Power: A World ever hungrier for energy, yet wary of pollution’s peril, reaches for new, clean ways to fuel the future
California’s Land Apart, the Monterey Peninsula
Drought Bedevils Brazil’s Sertao
The Red Sea’s Gardens of Eels
Venice, Italy; Galapagos tortoises; electrical power; Monterrey, Mexico; Brazil; eels.
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - October 1972, Vol. 142, No. 4
Double Map Supplement: South America
The Amazon, Mightiest of Rivers (South America)
The Swallow-tailed Kite: Graceful Aerialist of the Everglades
Mercury (Quicksilver), Man’s Deadly Servant
India’s Energetic Sikhs
Baja California’s Rugged Outback (Mexico)
Roughest Road Race: The Mexican 1000
Swimming with Patagonia’s Right Whales
South America; the Amazon river; kites (birds) of the Florida Everglades; mercury (metal); Sikhs of India; Baja California, Mexico; whales.
Price: $7.00 - EX Map Supplement IS included
Price: $6.00 - VG Map Supplement IS included
Price: $6.00 - VG Map Supplement IS included
Price: $6.00 - VG Map Supplement IS included
Price: $6.00 - VG Map Supplement IS included
Price: $6.00 - VG/G Map Supplement IS included
Price: $6.00 - VG/G Map Supplement IS included
Price: $2.00 - Map Supplement alone (2 available)
National Geographic - September 1972, Vol. 142, No. 3
Bangladesh: Hope Nourishes a New Nation
Yesterday Lingers Along the Connecticut (Connecticut River: New Hampshire/Vermont; Massachusetts; and, Connecticut)
Human Treasures of Japan (ancient skills of weaving, lacquerwork, puppetry, and pantomime)
New Tricks Outwit Our Insect Enemies
Nikolaevsk: A Bit of Old Russia Takes Root in Alaska
The Manx and Their Isle of Man (United Kingdom)
Bangladesh; Connecticut; Japan; insects; Alaska; Isle of Man, Britain.
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - August 1972, Vol. 142, No. 2
The Isles of Greece: Aegean Birthplace of Western Culture
North with the Wheat Cutters (U.S.: Great Plains, Midwest, Oklahoma, and Texas)
The Tasadays: Stone Age Cavemen of Mindanao (Philippines)
Giant Kelp, Sequoias of the Sea (off the California coast)
Escalante Canyon (Utah), Wilderness at the Crossroads
A Do-It-Yourself Gardener Creates a New All-American Rose (rich pink flower called Portrait, developed by a Cincinnati, Ohio man)
Greece; wheat cutters; Tasaday of the Philippines; kelp; Escalante canyon; roses.
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - July 1972, Vol. 142, No. 1
Double Map Supplement: Peoples of the Middle East
The Sword and the Sermon: Thirteen centuries ago, Arab warriors forged an empire greater than Rome’s (An American Moslem Explores the Arab Past)
Stalking Wild Foods on a Desert Isle, by Euell Gibbons (a naturalist shows how to thrive for two weeks on the bounty of rock and sea, on an islet off Rockland, Maine)
The More Paris (France) Changes…
The Shadowy World of Salamanders
Appalachia: Mountain Voices, Mountain Days (West Virginia’s hill country)
the Middle East; wild foords; Paris, France; salamanders; Appalachia.
Price: $8.00 - VG Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $5.00 - G/poor Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
National Geographic - June 1972, Vol. 141, No. 6
Fragile Nurseries of the Sea: Can We Save Our Salt Marshes?
Aphrodisias (Turkey), Awakened City of Ancient Art
Life and Death in Tana Toradja (Funeral of nobleman, in Tana Toradja, Sulawesi Island, Indonesia)
A River Restored: Oregon’s Willamette
The World of My Apple Tree, by Robert F. Sisson (photographs of creatures that depend on a fruit tree on the hillside of a Virginia home)
When Gypsies Gather at Appleby Fair (Appleby, England)
Four New Geographic Books: From the Appalachians to the Alps (book reviews)
salt marshes; Aphrodisias, Turkey; Toradja of Sulawesi, Indonesia; Willamette river, Oregon; apple trees; Gypsies of England.
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
Price: $3.50 - G
National Geographic - May 1972, Vol. 141, No. 5
(Yellowstone’s Hundredth Birthday: A Four-part Report):
Yellowstone at 100 (Part 1): A Walk Through the Wilderness (25 pages, profusely illustrated in color, and including small map illustration)
Yellowstone at 100 (Part 2): Ageless Splendors of Our Oldest National Park (12 pages, mostly 2-page beautiful color photo illustrations)
Yellowstone at 100 (Part 3): The Pitfalls of Success (16 pages, profusely illustrated in color)
The Next 100 Years (Part 4): A Master Plan for Yellowstone (6 pages, and including another map illustration)
Cairo (Egypt), Troubled Capital of the Arab World
Living in a Japanese Village (on Futagami Jima, an island in the Inland Sea)
The Spider That Lives Under Water
Thera (Greece): Key To The Riddle of Minos (Minoans)
Yellowstone; Cairo, Egypt; Japanese village; diving spider; Thera, Crete.
Price: SOLD
National Geographic - April 1972, Vol. 141, No. 4
Winter Caravan to the Roof of the World (Kirghiz camel caravan negotiates a perilous route along Afghanistan’s Wakhan corridor, a portion of which was once used by Marco Polo.)
Springtime of Hope in Poland
Getting to Know the Wild Burros of Death Valley
We’re Doing Something About the Weather!
Easter Greetings from the Ukrainians
Diving with Sea Snakes (near Australia’s Swain Reefs, there is no anti-venom for these highly venomous snakes)
Kirghiz of Wakhan, Afghanistan; Poland; wild burros of California; weather; Easter in the Ukraine; sea snakes.
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $3.00 - VG/G
Price: $3.00 - VG/G
Price: $3.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - March 1972, Vol. 141, No. 3
Double Supplement: Alaska’s Ice Age Mammals and Canada Map
A Look at Alaska’s Tundra: Its Amazing Past (Re-creating a Vanished World)
Portrait of a Fierce and Fragile Land (Its Uncertain Future)
Plants of the Alaskan Tundra
Birds of the Alaskan Tundra
Mammals of the Alaskan Tundra
Canada’s Window on the Pacific: The British Columbia Coast
Headhunters in Today’s World: The Asmat of New Guinea
On the Road with an Old-time Circus
Alaska; Canada; tundra; British Columbia; Asmat headhunters of New Guinea; circuses.
Price: $7.00 - VG (MAP INCLUDED)
Price: $7.00 - VG (MAP INCLUDED)
Price: $7.00 - VG (MAP INCLUDED)
Price: $7.00 - VG (MAP INCLUDED)
Price: $7.00 - VG (MAP INCLUDED)
Price: $7.00 - VG (MAP INCLUDED)
Price: $7.00 - VG (MAP INCLUDED)
MAP ALONE $4.00 (3 available)
National Geographic - February 1972, Vol. 141, No. 2
African Wildlife: Man’s Threatened Legacy
Maryland on the Half Shell
Apollo 15 Explores the Mountains of the Moon
Spirits of Change Capture the Karens (Tribesmen of western Thailand)
Happy Birthday, Otto Lilienthal! (The eternal dream of earthbound man captivated Otto Lilienthal in the 1890’s. The German engineer’s (hang) glider flights inspired the Wright brothers. Reviving the art, enthusiastic Californians meet near Newport Beach to fly home-built gliders on Otto’s 123rd birthday
African wildlife; Maryland; Apollo 15; the Karen tribe of SE Asia.
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
National Geographic - January 1972, Vol. 141, No. 1
The Imperiled Everglades (Florida)
Chelsea, London’s Haven of Individualists
Taboos and Magic Rule Namba Lives (Namba people of the rugged Malekula Island in the New Hebrides, South Pacific Ocean)
Who Says Fish Can’t Climb Trees? (Mudskippers shinny up trees and live out of water for hours in the mangrove swamps of Southeast Asia)
New Zealand’s Bountiful South Island
Belize, the Awakening Land
the Everglades, Florida; Chelsea, England; the Namba of New Hebrides; climbing fish; New Zealand; Belize.
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
National Geographic - December 1971, Vol. 140, No. 6
Double Map Supplement: The Many Faces of Africa
The Zulus: Black Nation in a Land of Apartheid
Shy Monster, the Octopus
Return to Changing China
Questing for Gems
St. Peter’s, Rome’s Church of Popes
First Glimpse of a Stone Age Tribe (tiny Tasaday tribe in the forested highlands of Mindanao (Island) in the Philippines)
Zulus of Africa; octopus; China; gems; St. Peter's Church in Rome. map of Africa.
Price: $7.50 - EX (map IS included)
Price: $7.00 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $7.00 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $7.00 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $7.00 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $7.00 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $7.00 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $7.00 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $7.00 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $7.00 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $2.00 - Map alone (1 available)
National Geographic - November 1971, Vol. 140, No. 5
The People of Cumberland Gap (Appalachia region, Kentucky-Tennessee-Virginia)
Antarctica’s Nearer Side (50 days aboard the U.S. vessel Hero, visiting research stations in the study of wildlife adaptation to cold; Deception Island; South Shetland Islands, Antarctica)
Karnali, Roadless World of Western Nepal: Exploring afoot for 15 adventurous months, an American geographer and his family record the daily life of a little-known land.
Carnival in Trinidad
Imperiled Phantom of Asian Peaks: First Photographs of Snow Leopards in the Wild
Uganda, Africa’s Uneasy Heartland
Cumberland Gap, Kentucky; Antarctica; Karnali, Nepal; carnival in Trinidad; snow leopards; Uganda.
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
National Geographic - October 1971, Vol. 140, No. 4
Ganges river, India; North slope, Alaska; otters; Hong Kong; gorillas (article by Dian Fossey). Map - Artic Ocean Floor)
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG (map IS included)
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG (map IS included)
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG (map IS included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map IS included)
Price: $5.00 - VG (map is NOT included)
Price: $5.00 - VG (map is NOT included)
Price: $5.00 - VG (map is NOT included)
Price: $5.00 - VG (map is NOT included)
Price: $4.50 - VG/G (map is NOT included)
National Geographic - September 1971, Vol. 140, No. 3
The Voyages and Historic Discoveries of Capt. Jas. Cook: A True and Accurate Account Undertaken and Performed by Capt. Alan Villiers, Photographs by Gordon W. Gahan (Captain Cook: The Man Who Mapped the Pacific)
Mzima, Kenya’s Spring of Life (Mzima Springs in Kenya’s arid Tsavo National Park)
That Dammed Missouri River
What a Place to Lay an Egg! (Fairy tern of the Midway Islands)
Brazil Protects Her Cinta Larga Indians (western Brazil)
Captain Cook; Mzima Springs, Kenya; Missouri River; fairy terns; Cinta Larga indians of Brazil.
Price: $7.00 - VG
Price: $7.00 - VG
Price: $7.00 - VG
Price: $7.00 - VG
Price: $7.00 - VG
Price: $7.00 - VG
Price: $7.00 - VG
Price: $7.00 - VG
Price: $7.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - August 1971, Vol. 140, No. 2
Oklahoma, the Adventurous One
What’s So Special About Spiders?
Help for Philippine Tribes in Trouble (Mindanao uplands)
Tektite II: Part One: Science’s Window on the Sea
Tektite II: Part Two: All-girl Team Tests the Habitat
Oklahoma; spiders; Mindanao, Philippines; Tektite II undersea habitat.
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG
Price: $5.00 - Ex/VG (price written in marker on the front cover)
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
National Geographic - July 1971, Vol. 140, No. 1
Norway; bioluminescense; Canyonlands National Park, Utah; Bermuda, Ama divers of Japan, Apollo 14 mission.
Price: $4.00 - Ex/VG (price written in marker on the front cover)
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - June 1971, Vol. 139, No. 6
Mexico to Canada on the Pacific Crest Trail (National Scenic Trail)
Mesa del Nayar’s Strange Holy Week (Cora Indians in Mexico’s Sierra Madre Occidental)
The Louvre: France’s Palace of the Arts
Morocco, Land of the Farthest West
Barehanded Battle to Cleanse the Bay: San Francisco’s Tragic Oil Spill Triggers Spontaneous Cooperation Between Industry and Concerned Citizens: Here is Their Story
New Books Feature the Mississippi, Environment, Nomads, and Cowboys (Book review)
the Lourve, France; the Pacific Crest trail of the U.S. West; Holy week; Morocco; San Francisco Bay oil spill.
Price: $7.00 - VG (map of France. IS included)
Price: $7.00 - VG (map of France. IS included)
Price: $7.00 - VG (map of France. IS included)
Price: $7.00 - VG (map of France. IS included)
Price: $7.00 - VG (map of France. IS included)
Price: $7.00 - VG (map of France. IS included)
Price: $5.50 - Ex ( price written in marker on the front cover) (map of France. IS included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map is NOT included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map is NOT included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map is NOT included)
Price: $5.50 - VG (map is NOT included)
Price: $4.50 - G (map is NOT included)
National Geographic - May 1971, Vol. 139, No. 5
Two Wheels Along the Mexican Border: Riding a Motorcycle From Coast to Coast, A Young Writer-Photographer Takes a Fresh Look at Our Southern Border
Leningrad, Russia’s Window on the West
Buck Island, Underwater Jewel (Buck Island Reef National Monument, a skindiver’s paradise off St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands)
The Condor, Soaring Spirit of the Andes (South America)
Britain’s French Channel Islands
U.S.-Mexico border; Leningrad, Russia; Buck island, Virgin Islands; condors; Channel Islands, Great Britain.
Price: $6.25 - EX/VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
National Geographic - April 1971, Vol. 139, No. 4
Hungary: Changing Homeland of a Tough Romantic People
The Exquisite Orchids
Maui, Where Old Hawaii Still Lives
The Arans, Ireland’s Invincible Isles
Polar Bear: Lonely Nomad of the North
Hungary; orchids, Maui, Hawaii; the Aran Islands, Ireland; polar bears.
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $4.50 - VG/G
Price: $4.50 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - G
Price: $4.00 - G
National Geographic - March 1971, Vol. 139, No. 3
Double Map Supplement: Asia and Peoples of Mainland Southeast Asia
The Lands and Peoples of Southeast Asia 1: Mosaic of Cultures
Southeast Asia 2: New Light on a Forgotten Past
Southeast Asia 3: Pagan, on the Road to Mandalay
Sea Islands: Adventuring Along The South’s Surprising Coast (Georgia and South Carolina shore: Georgia Islands include: Blackbeard; Cumberland; Jekyll; Ossabaw; St. Catherines; St. Simons; Sapelo; and, Wassaw. South Carolina Islands include: Daufuskie; Hilton Head; and, Johns)
The California Gray Whale Comes Back
Quebec (Canada): French City in an Anglo-Saxon World
Southeast Asia; the Sea Islands; gray whales; Quebec, Canada.
Price: $6.00 - VG (map included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map included)
Price: $6.00 - VG (map included)
Price: $4.00 - VG/G (map included)
Price: $4.00 - VG/G (map included)
Price: $4.00 - VG/G (map included)
Price: $3.00 - G (map NOT included)
National Geographic - February 1971, Vol. 139, No. 2
New Orleans and Her River
I Live with the Eskimos (Baffin Island, Northwest Territories, Canada)
Australia’s Pacesetter State, Victoria
The Crab that Shakes Hands (Alaska’s 10-legged King Crab)
Titicaca, Adobe of the Sun (Lake Titicaca of the Andes, held sacred by the Inca, Peru-Bolivia border)
New Orleans, Louisiana; Eskimos of Canada; Victoria, Australia; king crabs; Like Titicaca, Peru/Bolivia.
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $4.00 - VG (price written in marker on the front cover)
Price: $3.00 - VG/G
Price: $2.50 - G
National Geographic - January 1971, Vol. 139, No. 1
Java (Island, Indonesia), Eden in Transition
Thor Heyerdahl’s Own Story of the Voyage of Ra II (incredible 57-day trip across the Atlantic Ocean from Africa to the West Indies in a boat made of papyrus reeds, held together with rope)
The Lower Keys (Key West), Florida’s Out Islands
On the Track of the West’s Wild Horses
Deepstar Explores the Ocean Floor, A picture story by Ron Church
Housewife at the End of the World (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina)
Java; Thor Heyerdahl's "Ra II"; Florida Keys; wild horses; Tierra Del Fuego, Argentina.
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG/G
Price: $4.50 - VG/poor
National Geographic - December 1970, Vol. 138, No. 6
Double Supplement: World Map and Pollution Painting
Our Ecological Crisis: Pollution, Threat to Man’s Only Home
Special Map-And-Painting Supplement: The World, and How We Abuse It.
The Fragile Beauty All About Us
Land Diving with the Pentecost Islanders (South Pacific tribesmen on Pentecost Island in the New Hebrides)
Old Salem (North Carolina), Morning Star of Moravian Faith
Editor Frederick G. Vosburgh Retires: Succeeded by Gilbert M. Grosvenor
Scientist Studies Japan’s Fantastic Long-tailed Fowl (Onagadori, bred in southwestern Japan for three centuries, evolved from the common domestic chicken whose roosters can grow long tail feathers that may exceed 30 feet in length)
Searching Out Medieval Churches in Ethiopia’s Wilds
world pollution; "land divers" of the New Hebrides; Old Salem, North Carolina; long-tailes fowl (chickens) of Japan; medieval churches of Ethiopia.
Price: $7.00 - VG - MAP INCLUDED
Price: $7.00 - VG - MAP INCLUDED
Price: $7.00 - VG - MAP INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG - MAP NOT INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG - MAP NOT INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - G - MAP NOT INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - G - MAP NOT INCLUDED
National Geographic - November 1970, Vol. 138, No. 5
Behold the Computer Revolution
Computer Helps Scholars Re-create an Egyptian Temple
Through Ozark Hills and Hollows (Missouri and Arkansas)
The Wasp that Plays Cupid to a Fig
Gangtok (Sikkim), Cloud-wreathed Himalayan Capital
Seeking the Truth About the Piranha (fish)
Geographic Atlas Keeps Up with a Changing World
computers; Temple of Akhenaten in Egypt; Ozarks; fig wasps; Gangtok; piranhas.
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - G
National Geographic - October 1970, Vol. 138, No. 4
Canada’s Heartland, the Prairie Provinces (Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta)
Growing up with Snowflake (World’s only known White Gorilla)
Robin Sails Home: On the Final Leg of His Five-Year Voyage Alone Around the World, by Robin Lee Graham (Caribbean; Panama Canal; Galapagos Islands; then on home to California, completing an almost five-year 30,600 nautical-mile solo circumnavigation on the globe)
Orissa, Past and Promise in an Indian State (India)
World War I Aircraft Fly Again in Rhinebeck’s Rickety Rendezvous (Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome, Rhinebeck, New York)
A New Geographic Book: The Renaissance, Maker of Modern Man
prairie provinces of Canada; gorillas; Orissa, India; Robin Lee Graham's sea voyage around the world.
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - September 1970, Vol. 138, No. 3
New Mexico: The Golden Land
Diving into the Blue Holes of the Bahamas (Great Bahama Bank)
Our Life on a Border Kibbutz (Kibbutz Ha On, a communal farm settlement on the Israeli border of Syria and Jordan)
The Cobra, India’s Good Snake
Denmark’s Faeroes, Isles of Maybe
New Mexico; Bahamas; a kibbutz in Israel; cobra snakes; Faeroe Islands, Denmark.
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - G
National Geographic - August 1970, Vol. 138, No. 2
Special Supplement: Map of the Heavens
Voyage to the Planets
Exploring the Heavens with the Society’s New Map
Home to the Enduring Berkshires (western Massachusetts)
Solar Eclipse, Nature’s Super Spectacular
Colombia, from Amazon to Spanish Main
Teeming Life of a Pond
the planets; Berkshire hills, Massachusetts; solar eclipses; Colombia; pond life.
Price: $7.00 - VG Map of the heavens. IS INCLUDED
Price: $7.00 - VG Map of the heavens. IS INCLUDED
Price: $7.00 - VG Map of the heavens. IS INCLUDED
Price: $7.00 - VG Map of the heavens. IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG/G Map of the heavens. IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG/G Map of the heavens. IS INCLUDED
National Geographic - July 1970, Vol. 138, No. 1
North Through History Aboard White Mist (Sailing through the Ionian Islands of Western Greece: Cephalonia; Corfu; Homer; Ithaca; Levkas; Odyssey, Homer; Paxos; Zante)
Nature’s Toy Train, the Railroad Worm
Luxembourg, the Quiet Fortress
The Hetterites, Plain People of the West
Keeping House in a Cappadocian Cave (Turkey)
Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada; railroad worm; Luxembourg; Hutterites of Montana; Cappadocia, Turkey.
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - June 1970, Vol. 137, No. 6
Special Supplement: A Traveler’s Map of Italy
When in Rome:
Capri, Italy’s Enchanted Rock
Life’s Tempo on Nantucket (Island, Massachusetts)
Resurrecting the Oldest Known Greek Ship
First Moon Explorers Receive the Society’s Hubbard Medal (Vice President Spiro T. Agnew presents the NGS’s highest award to Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong and his Apollo 11 teammates, Col Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr., and Col Michael Collins)
Domesticating the Wild and Wooly Musk Ox (Ellesmere Island, Northwest Territories, Canada)
Exciting New Books for 1970-71
Capri, Italy; Nantucket, Massachusetts; ancient Greek ship; musk oxen.
Price: $6.00 - VG Special Supplement: A Traveler’s Map of Italy IS Included
Price: $6.00 - VG Special Supplement: A Traveler’s Map of Italy IS Included
Price: $6.00 - VG Special Supplement: A Traveler’s Map of Italy IS Included.
Price: $6.00 - VG Special Supplement: A Traveler’s Map of Italy IS Included.
Price: $6.00 - G Special Supplement: A Traveler’s Map of Italy IS Included.
Price: $4.00 - G Special Supplement: A Traveler’s Map of Italy IS NOT Included.
National Geographic - May 1970, Vol. 137, No. 5
Yugoslavia: Six Republics in One
Businessman in the Bush (Wildlife Photographer, author Frederick Kent Truslow, specializing in the behavior of North American birds)
Isles on the Edge of the Sea: Scotland’s Outer Hebrides
In Search of Man’s Past at Lake Rudolf (northern Kenya)
Family fun and discovery fill Geographic’s eye-opening New Guide to Vacationland USA (book review)
Yugoslavia; Outer Hebrides (Scotland); Lake Rudolf, Sudan.
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
Price: $2.00 - G
National Geographic - April 1970, Vol. 137, No. 4
South Australia, Gateway to the Great Outback
White Tiger in My House (Rewati, rare white tiger cub)
The Vikings
Following the Ladybug Home (ladybugs; insect)
Shenandoah, I Long to Hear You (Shenandoah Valley, Virginia-West Virginia)
South Australia; white tiger; the Vikinis; ladybugs; Shenandoah valley, Virginia.
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $3.00 - G
Price: $3.00 - G
National Geographic - March 1970, Vol. 137, No. 3
Kansai: Japan’s Historic Heartland Hosts Expo ’70
Starfish Threaten Pacific Reefs
Indian Shangri-La of the Grand Canyon (Havasupai tribe)
North for Oil: Manhattan (Icebreaking vessel) Makes the Historic Northwest Passage
Ford’s Theatre Reborn in Memory of Lincoln
Panama, Link Between Oceans and Continents
Kansai, Japan; Supai, Arizona; starfish; the Northwest Passage, Alaska; Ford's Theatre; Panama.
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
Price: $3.00 - G
National Geographic - February 1970, Vol. 137, No. 2
The Revolution in American Agriculture
The Danakil: Nomads of Ethiopia’s Wasteland
White-water Adventure on Wild Rivers of Idaho (Salmon River, and Middle Fork Salmon River)
Lebanon: Little Bible Land in the Crossfire of History
East Africa’s Majestic Flamingos (Lake Elmenteita in the Great Rift Valley)
agriculture in the U.S.; the Danakil of Ethiopia; rivers of Idaho; Lebanon; flamingos of Africa.
Price: $7.50 - VG
Price: $7.50 - VG
Price: $7.50 - VG
Price: $7.50 - VG
National Geographic - January 1970, Vol. 137, No. 1
Special Supplement: Wall Map of The West Indies and Central America
Berlin: On Both Sides of the Wall
Making Friends with Mountain Gorillas: In remote African highlands, a daring American woman studies some of man’s closest nonhuman relatives in their age-old environment, by Dian Fossey, with Photographs by Robert M. Campbell
Death Valley (National Monument), The Land and the Legend
Snowflakes to Keep
New Map Interweaves History with Geography
The Netherlands Antilles: Holland in the Caribbean
West Indies; Berlin; Dian Fossey: Making Friends With Mountain gorillas; Death Valley; snowflakes; the Netherlands Antilles.
Price: $14.50 - VG Includes Map: West Indies and Central America
Price: $14.50 - VG Includes Map: West Indies and Central America
Price: $12.00 - VG/G Includes Map: West Indies and Central America
Price: $12.00 - VG/G Includes Map: West Indies and Central America
Price: $2.00 - Map alone (7 available)
EX - Essentially unblemished.
VG – Spine intact, clean covers, Pages clean and free of tears, spots or stains.
VG/G - Shows slight cover wear or slight cracking of the spine. Pages clean and free of tears, spots or stains.
G – Shows slight cover wear. Portions of the spine may be chipped off.
1-4 Magazines - $6.70 USPS Priority Mail
5 -12 Magazines - $13.45 USPS Priority Mail
Actual shipping charges via USPS Mail rate on more than 12 Magazines.
International shipping rates will be quoted.