National Geographic - December 1969, Vol. 136, No. 6
Special Recording: Sounds Of The Space Age
First Explorers on the Moon: The Incredible Story of Apollo 11 in Five Parts:
I: Man Walks on Another World, Historic Words and Photographs, by Astronauts Neil A.Armstong, Edwin E. Aldrin,Jr., and Michael Collins
II: Sounds of the Space Age, From Sputnik To Lunar Landing: A Special National Geographic Record Narrated by Astronaut Frank Borman
III. The Flight of Apollo 11: One Giant Leap For Mankind, by Kenneth F. Weaver
IV: What The Moon Rocks Tell Us, by Kenneth F. Weaver
V: Next Steps in Space, by Dr. Thomas O. Paine, Administrator National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Yankee Sails Turkey’s History-haunted Coast (southern Anatolia)
Inside a Hornbill’s Walled-up Nest
Chartres, Lovely Legacy of the Age of Faith (Cathedral of Chartres, Chartres, France)
Space Record Supplement, Apollo 11 Turkish Coast, Hornbills, Chartres. Back cover advertisement: . Kellogg's Special K
Price: $25.00 - G Space Record Supplement IS attached and IS Included. SOLD
National Geographic - November 1969, Vol. 136, No. 5
San Francisco Bay (California), the Westward Gate
Stalking the Mountain Lion, To Save Him (Idaho’s Salmon River Mountains)
Bali by the Back Roads
The Investiture of Great Britain’s Prince of Wales (Charles Philip Arthur George, Prince of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Duke of Cornwall and Rothesay, Earl of Carrick, Baron of Renfrew, Lord of the Isles and Great Steward of Scotland, Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester)
Florida’s Emerging Seminoles (Native American Indians)
San Francisco Bay; mountain lions; Bali; Prince Charles; Seminoles.
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG/G
Price: $5.50 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - G
National Geographic - October 1969, Vol. 136, No. 4
In the Wake of Darwin’s Beagle (The author sees the animals that prompted Darwin to develop his theory of evolution as he travels along the route of the English naturalist’s round-the-globe voyage from 1831 to 1836; Australia; Galapagos Islands, South Pacific Ocean; New Zealand; Society Islands, South Pacific Ocean; Tahiti Island, Society Islands; Tierra del Fuego Archipelago, Argentina-Chile)
Look What’s Happened to Honolulu! (Hawaii)
Adventures with South Africa’s Black Eagles
Journey into the Age of Chivalry (book review)
Man Versus Nature: Southern California’s Trial by Mud & Water (Last winter the heaviest rains in recorded meteorological history deluged the new American Mecca, triggering landslides, floods, and general havoc.)
Midwest Flood: Not Since Noah Such Warning (Satellites Gave Warning of Midwest Floods: Weather satellites and ground observations showed unusually heavy snow cover last winter in the upper Midwest, giving some hint of the devastating floods that followed.)
Pacific ocean; Charles Darwin's Beagle; Honolulu; South African black eagles; age of chivalry; California mudslides; flooding in the Midwest.
Price: $7.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED - Pacific Ocean Floor 19 x 25
Price: $7.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED - Pacific Ocean Floor 19 x 25
Price: $7.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED - Pacific Ocean Floor 19 x 25
Price: $7.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED - Pacific Ocean Floor 19 x 25
Price: $7.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED - Pacific Ocean Floor 19 x 25
Price: $7.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED - Pacific Ocean Floor 19 x 25
Price: $6.00 - VG/G MAP IS INCLUDED - Pacific Ocean Floor 19 x 25
Price: $6.00 - VG/G MAP IS INCLUDED - Pacific Ocean Floor 19 x 25
Price: $6.00 - VG/G MAP IS INCLUDED - Pacific Ocean Floor 19 x 25
MAP ALONE $5.00 - Pacific Ocean Floor 19 x 25 (1 available)
National Geographic - September 1969, Vol. 136, No. 3
The Coming Revolution in Transportation (Supertankers; Hovercraft; Supersonic Jets; and, High-speed Rail)
Florida’s Manatees, Mermaids in Peril
The Friendly Irish (Ireland)
Lonely Cape Hatteras, Besieged by the Sea (Outer Banks, North Carolina)
Okinawa: The Island Without a Country (largest of the Ryukyu Islands, captured from Japan during World War II, the United States has built the island into its principal center of strength in the Pacific)
The transportation revolution; manatees; Ireland; Cape Hatteras; Okinawa.
Price: Price: SOLD
National Geographic - August 1969, Vol. 136, No. 2
Colorado: The Rockies’ Pot of Gold
Locusts: Teeth of the Wind
Sailing Iceland’s Rugged Coasts
Swaziland Tries Independence
Solving the Mystery of Mexico’s Great Stone Spheres (naturally formed after volcanic eruptions in the mountains west of Guadalajara)
Colorado; locusts; Iceland; Swaziland; giant stone speres of Guadalajara, Mexico. Back cover advertisement: Kellogg's Special K
Price: $6.00 - EX
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - July 1969, Vol. 136, No. 1
And I’ve Always Loved My County: The Eisenhower Story (who died March 28, 1969)
World’s Last Salute to a Great American
The Osprey: Endangered World Citizen
Switzerland: Europe’s High-rise Republic
San Diego: California’s Plymouth Rock (Where California Was Born Just 200 Years Ago)
New Guinea Festival of Faces
Dwight D. Eisenhower; osprey; Switzerland; San Diego; New Guinea festival of faces. Back cover advertisement: Kellogg's Special K
Price: $6.00 - EX
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - June 1969, Vol. 135, No. 6
Ireland’s Rugged Coast Yields Priceless Relics of the Spanish Armada
Deerfield (Massachusetts) Keeps a Truce with Time
Americans Afoot in Rumania (Romania)
New Florida Resident, the Walking Catfish
Democracy’s Fortress: Unsinkable Malta
Four New Books: Alaska; The Civil War; Man’s Past in the Americas; and, Exploring the Amazon
The Spanish Armada's defeat at Ireland; Deerfield, Massachusetts; Rumania; walking catfish of Florida; Malta.
Price: $7.00 - VG The Map Supplement (Europe) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $7.00 - VG The Map Supplement (Europe) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $7.00 - VG The Map Supplement (Europe) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $7.00 - VG The Map Supplement (Europe) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $7.00 - VG The Map Supplement (Europe) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $6.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement (Europe) IS NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $6.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement (Europe) IS NOT included with this magazine.
National Geographic - May 1969, Vol. 135, No. 5
Apollo 8: A Most Fantastic Voyage: The Story of Apollo 8’s Rendezvous With The Moon, by Lt. Gen. Sam C. Phillips, USAF, Apollo Program Director, NASA
And Now to Touch the Moon’s Forbidding Face: To the Chinese this may be the Year of the Rooster, but to mankind in general it is the Year of the Moon, when ambitious earthmen for the first time will seek to set foot on another heavenly body, by Kenneth F. Weaver, Assistant Editor
Kuwait: Aladdin’s Lamp of the Middle East
Retracing John Wesley Powell’s Historic Voyage Down the Grand Canyon (100 Years After Powell)
Grunion, the Fish That Spawns of Land
Abu Simbel’s Ancient Temples Reborn (Egypt: To save rock-cut temples from drowning behind the Aswan High Dam, engineers cut them apart and move them to high ground overlooking Lake Nasser)
Apollo 8; Kuwait; John Wesley Powell's trip down the Grand Canyon; grunion (fish); stone temples at Abu Simbel, Egypt. Back cover advertisement: Kellogg's Special K
Price: $8.00 - VG
Price: $8.00 - VG
Price: $7.00 - VG/G
Price: $6.00 - G
National Geographic - April 1969, Vol. 135, No. 4
World-roaming Teenager Sails On, by Robin Lee Graham (2nd reporting of Robin Lee Graham’s adventurous voyage along the African coast to Cape Town, then across the Atlantic Ocean to Surinam and Barbados; see also October 1968 issue for 1st reporting)
Life with the King of Beasts, by George B. Schaller, author-photographer (First comprehensive study of LIONS by the author who tagged about 150 lions and observed their social habits for nearly 3 years in Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, Africa)
Macao Clings to the Bamboo Curtain
Nomad in Alaska’s Outback (Little Diomede Island Eskimos)
Journey into Stone Age New Guinea
Robin Lee Graham; lions; Macao; Alaska; New Guinea.
Price: $16.00 - VG
Price: $14.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - March 1969, Vol. 135, No. 3
South Korea, Success Story in Asia
Wisconsin’s Door Peninsula: A Kingdom So Delicious (Lake Michigan)
Wild Elephant Roundup in India
The Magic Lure of Sea Shells, by Paul Zahl, Ph.D., Photographs by Victor R. Boswell, Jr., and the author
Foxes Foretell the Future in Mali’s Dogon Country
South Korea; Door Peninsula, Wisconsin; wild Indian elephant roundup; sea shells; Dogon, Mali.
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - February 1969, Vol. 135, No. 2
Kenya Says Harambee! (Let us all pull together)
The Moon: Man’s First Goal in Space
Awesome Views of the Forbidding Moonscape (Lunar Orbiters have photographed 99.6 percent of the moon’s surface)
How We Mapped the Moon, by David W. Cook, National Geographic Staff Cartographer
Atlanta (Georgia), Pacesetter City of the South
Ancient Shipwreck Yields New Facts, And a Strange Cargo (Diving on a Roman wreck off southern Italy, the author discovers rarely preserved wood planking and a cargo of marble coffins; Torre Sgarrata Expedition, Gulf of Taranto, Italy; Mediterranean Sea. Divers found the wreck before World War II, but its location was forgotten until rediscovered in 1966.)
The moon; Kenya; Atlanta; ancient Roman shipwreck. Back cover advertisement: Kellogg's Special K
Price: $7.00 - EX The Map Supplement (The Earth's Moon) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $6.00 - VG The Map Supplement (The Earth's Moon) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $6.00 - VG The Map Supplement (The Earth's Moon) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $6.00 - VG The Map Supplement (The Earth's Moon) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $6.00 - VG The Map Supplement (The Earth's Moon) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $6.00 - VG The Map Supplement (The Earth's Moon) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $6.00 - VG The Map Supplement (The Earth's Moon) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $6.00 - VG The Map Supplement (The Earth's Moon) IS included with this magazine
Price: $6.00 - VG The Map Supplement (The Earth's Moon) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $5.50 - VG/G The Map Supplement (The Earth's Moon) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $5.50 - VG/G The Map Supplement (The Earth's Moon) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $5.00 - G The Map Supplement (The Earth's Moon) IS NOT included with this magazine.
National Geographic - January 1969, Vol. 135, No. 1
Taiwan, The Watchful Dragon
Remote Sensing: New Eyes to See the World
Oregon’s Many Faces
Lanzarote, the Strangest Canary (Canary Islands easternmost Isle of cinders)
The Quetzal: Fabulous Bird of Maya Land (Guatemalan forest bird)
Tawain; remote sensing; Oregon; Lanzarote, Canary Islands; Quetzal (bird). Back cover advertisement: United Air Lines
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.50 - G
National Geographic - December 1968, Vol. 134, No. 6
Mekong River; Williamsburg, Virginia; Sapporo snow festival, Japan; Jerusalem; Komodo dragons. Back cover advertisement: United Air Lines
Special Supplement: Wall Map of Southeast Asia, in Excellent Condition.
The Mekong: River of Terror and Hope (South Vietnam; Cambodia; Laos; and, Thailand)
Williamsburg (Virginia), City for All Seasons
Snow Festival in Japan’s Far North (Sapporo Snow Festival on Hokkaido, Japan)
Reunited Jerusalem Faces Its Problems
Dragon Lizards of Komodo
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Southeast Asia 26 3/8 x 33 3/8
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Southeast Asia 26 3/8 x 33 3/8
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Southeast Asia 26 3/8 x 33 3/8
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Southeast Asia 26 3/8 x 33 3/8
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Southeast Asia 26 3/8 x 33 3/8
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Southeast Asia 26 3/8 x 33 3/8
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Southeast Asia 26 3/8 x 33 3/8
Price: $7.00 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED - Southeast Asia 26 3/8 x 33 3/8
Price: $7.00 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED - Southeast Asia 26 3/8 x 33 3/8
Price: $6.00 - G MAP INCLUDED - Southeast Asia 26 3/8 x 33 3/8
map alone - $5.00 (2 available)
National Geographic - November 1968, Vol. 134, No. 5
Queensland: Young Titan of Australia’s Tropic North
Today Along the Natchez Trace: Pathway Through History (Natchez Trace Parkway: A modern parkway, cleared by the National Park Service, follows a wilderness road trod by pioneers, traders, and gamblers between Natchez, Mississippi, and Nashville, Tennessee)
The World of Elizabeth I (16th-century England)
Little Tibet in Switzerland (Refugees from Communist Chinese-occupied Tibet, sponsored by Swiss citizens, adapt to factories and other work but preserve their Buddhist traditions)
Our Friend from the Sea (18-month-old wild harbor seal Shag’s, life along the Atlantic coast, and land-based in Longport, New Jersey)
Queensland, Australia; Natchez Trace, Mississippi; Queen Elizabeth I; Tibetans living in Switzerland; seals. Back cover advertisement: United Air Lines
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG/G
Price: $5.50 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - G
National Geographic - October 1968, Vol. 134, No. 4
A Teen-ager Sails the World Alone, Article and photographs by Robin Lee Graham (1st reporting of Robin Lee Graham’s adventurous voyage from California to South Africa: Navigating by sun and stars with a sextant, a young American captained his 24-foot fiberglass sloop Dove across the Pacific and Indian Oceans, stopping to meet local people along the way, in the first leg of a round-the-world adventure; See also April 1969 issue for 2nd reporting)
Mexico’s New Museum, Window on the Past (Mexico City’s National Museum of Anthropology)
Great Smokies National Park: Solitude for Millions (Tennessee-North Carolina)
Journey into Golden Greece and Rome
Antarctica: Icy Testing Ground for Space Map Supplement (Archaeological Map of Middle America)
Robin Lee Graham's sailboat voyage around the world; Mexico City's National Museum of Anthropology; Great Smoky Mountains National Park; ancient Greece and Rome; Antarctica. Back cover advertisement: Japan Air Lines
Price: $25.00 - VG/G Map Supplement (Archaeological Map of Middle America) IS included
National Geographic - September 1968, Vol. 134, No. 3
Afghanistan, Crossroad of Conquerors
Air Rescue Behind Enemy Lines (U.S. Air Force’s Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Service saves downed fliers in the Vietnam War)
Rhode Island: New England’s Lively Experiment
New Tools for Undersea Archeology
Saving Brazil’s Stone Age Tribes from Extinction (Tchikao Indians, Xingu National Park refuge)
Afghanistan; air rescue in Viet Nam; Rhode Island; undersea archeology; Tchikao indians of Brazil. Back cover advertisement: Mazola Corn Oil
Price: $8.00 - VG
Price: $8.00 - VG
Price: $8.00 - VG
Price: $8.00 - VG
National Geographic - August 1968, Vol. 134, No. 2
South to Mexico City
The Incredible Salmon
The Age of Sail Lives on at Mystic (Mystic Seaport, Connecticut, a living maritime museum that preserves square-riggers, schooners, and heirlooms from the age of sail)
Land of the Ancient Basques (western Pyrenees on the France-Spain border)
Crystals, Magical Servants of the Space Age
Mexico; salmon; Mystic, Connecticut; Basques; crystals. Back cover advertisement: Kellogg's Special K
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - G
National Geographic - July 1968, Vol. 134, No. 1
The Canadian North, Emerging Giant (Northwest Territories; Yukon Territory; largest undeveloped resource rich region in the Americas, home of Eskimos and Indians)
Hyenas, the Hunters Nobody Knows (Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania, Africa)
Lombardy’s Lakes, Blue Jewels in Italy’s Crown (Lake Como and other glacier-carved basins in the Italian Alps)
Forest Fire: The Devil’s Picnic (Pacific Northwest)
The Bonins and Hard-won Iwo Jima Go Back to Japan: An Era Ends for the Yankee Isles
Canadian North; hyenas; Italian lakes; forest fires; Bonin Islands and Iwo Jima. Back cover advertisement: Kellogg's Special K
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - G
National Geographic - June 1968, Vol. 133, No. 6
Vienna (Austria), City of Song
Tracking Danger with the Ice Patrol (monitoring of icebergs in the North Atlantic using low-flying Hercules HC-1130Bs; International Ice Patrol; U.S. Coast Guard)
Character Marks the Coast of Maine
New Books: Australia; Space; Vanishing Peoples; and, Africa’s Wildlife
Trek by Mule Among Morocco’s Berbers
Mexico’s’ Little Venice (Mexcaltitan, Mexico, on the San Pedro Delta)
Vienna; icebergs; Maine; Berbers of Morocco; Mexcaltitan, Mexico. Back cover advertisement: First National City Travelers Checks
Price: $8.00 - EX The Map Supplement (Atlantic Ocean Floor) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $7.00 - VG The Map Supplement (Atlantic Ocean Floor) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $7.00 - VG The Map Supplement (Atlantic Ocean Floor) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $7.00 - VG The Map Supplement IS (Atlantic Ocean Floor) included with this magazine.
Price: $7.00 - VG The Map Supplement IS (Atlantic Ocean Floor) included with this magazine.
Price: $7.00 - VG The Map Supplement IS (Atlantic Ocean Floor) included with this magazine.
Price: $7.00 - VG The Map Supplement IS (Atlantic Ocean Floor) included with this magazine.
Price: $7.00 - VG The Map Supplement IS (Atlantic Ocean Floor) included with this magazine.
Price: $7.00 - VG The Map Supplement IS (Atlantic Ocean Floor) included with this magazine.
Price: $6.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement IS (Atlantic Ocean Floor) included with this magazine.
Price: $5.50 - VG/G The Map Supplement IS NOT included with this magazine.
National Geographic - May 1968, Vol. 133, No. 5
Finland: Plucky Neighbor of Soviet Russia
Tool-using Bird: The Egyptian Vulture: Unique photographs show how it throws stones to open ostrich eggs
New National Park Proposed: The Spectacular North Cascades (Washington)
Nevada’s Mountain of Invisible Gold (With modern technology, the Carlin Mine extracts microscopic flecks of gold from tons of ore; it’s the U.S.’s biggest gold strike since 1902.)
Ile de la Cite, Birthplace of Paris (Washed by the River Seine, the historic island heart of the French capital focuses on the Cathedral of Notre Dame)
Gardening’s Color Merchants: The Flower Seed Growers
Finland; Egyptian vultures; proposed North Cascades National Park in Washington; Nevada gold mine; Ile de la Cite, Paris; flower seed growing. Back cover advertisement: Kellogg's Special K
Price: $6.00 - EX
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - April 1968, Vol. 133, No. 4
Viet Nam’s Montagnards: Caught in the Jaws of War
Nature’s Year in Pleasant Valley (Maryland), by Paul A. Zahl, Ph.D. (Natural scientist records the changing seasons on his farm in western Maryland, near where Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia come together)
Robert V. Fleming: 1890-1967 (National Geographic Society Trustee since 1929, Treasurer since 1935, and Vice President since 1958)
The Netherlands: Nation at War with the Sea
Dory on the Banks: A Day In The Life Of A Portuguese Fisherman
National Geographic Society Honors Air Pioneer Juan T. Trippe (Hubbard Medal).
Montagnards of Viet Nam; the Netherlands; Pleasant Valley, Maryland; Robert V. Fleming; Portugese fishermen. Back cover advertisement: United Air Lines
Price: $6.00 - EX
Price: $6.00 - EX
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - March 1968, Vol. 133, No. 3
Coronations a World Apart
Iran’s Shah Crowns Himself and His Empress (in Glittering Teheran)
South Seas’ Tonga Hails a King
The Friendly Isles of Tonga
Mobile: Alabama’s City in Motion
The Highlands, Stronghold of Scottish Gaeldom (Scotland)
Scorpions: Living Fossils of the Sands
Shah of Iran; king of Tonga; Tonga; Mobile, Alabama; scorpions; Scottish highlands. Back cover advertisement: Moore-McCormack Lines
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - G
National Geographic - February 1968, Vol. 133, No. 2
Czechoslovakia: The Dream and the Reality
Our Growing Interstate Highway System
Sharks: Wolves of the Sea
Ecuador: Low and Lofty Land Astride the Equator
Czechoslovakia; interstate highway system; sharks; Ecuador. Back cover advertisement: Kellogg's Product 19
Price: $6.00 - VG The Map Supplement (The United States) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $6.00 - VG The Map Supplement (The United States) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $6.00 - VG The Map Supplement (The United States) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $5.50 - VG/G The Map Supplement (The United States) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $4.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement (The United States) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $3.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement is NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $3.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement is NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $3.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement is NOT included with this magazine.
National Geographic - January 1968, Vol. 133, No. 1
In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great (Summary: In the second century B.C., a young king of Macedonia conquered an empire reaching from Greece to India, taking a route recently followed by the authors who marvel at his conquest of peoples and geography. Related Subjects: Afghanistan; Alexander the Great; Asia; Darius the Great; Greece, ancient; History, Asia; Iran; Kalash Kafir people; Pakistan; Persepolis, Iran; Persian Empire; Turkey.)
Our Virgin Islands: 50 Years Under the Flag
Big Bend (National Park): Jewel in the Texas Desert
The World in Geographic Filmstrips
A Taxi for the Deep Frontier: Project Man-In-Sea Goes Mobile (Deep Diver, a unique undersea runabout)
Alexander the Great; Virgin Islands; Big Bend National Park, Texas; Deep Diver submarine. Back cover advertisement: United Air Lines
Price: $7.00 - EX
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.50 - G
Price: $4.50 - G
National Geographic - December 1967, Vol. 132, No. 6
SPECIAL ISSUE Where Jesus Walked
"Where Jesus Walked"; oyster men of Chesapeake Bay, Maryland; Mars; Jamaica; ibis. Back cover advertisement: Sheaffer Pens
MAP - Lands of the Bible Today. Wall map, 29x41.Has more than 850 descriptive notes of historical and Biblical interest. Inset maps of The Holy Land Today, Walled City of Jerusalem, Traditional Route of the Exodus, St. Paul's Four Great Journeys and The Crusades. Almost every December issue of the Geographic has an article or map or both relating to The Holy Land or some aspect of Christianity. Reprint: 1968.
Price: $20.00 - EX/VG Map Included
National Geographic - November 1967, Vol. 132, No. 5
New South Wales: the State That Cradled Australia
Yellowstone Wildlife in Winter
Buenos Aires, Argentina’s Melting-pot Metropolis
Dry-land Fleet Sails the Sahara (Eight of twelve sailing cars completed the 1,700-mile, 32-day adventure crossing the world’s greatest desert)
Flight into Antarctic Darkness
New South Wales, Australia; Yellowstone National Park; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Sahara desert; Antarctica. Back cover advertisement: United Air Lines
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $4.50 - VG/G
Price: $4.50 - VG/G
Price: $4.50 - VG/G
National Geographic - October 1967, Vol. 132, No. 4
Madagascar: Island at the End of the Earth
Re-creating Madagascar’s Giant Extinct Bird (Walter A. Weber paints a scientific reconstruction of Aepyornis, an extinct flightless elephant bird standing ten feet tall)
Journey into the Living World of the Bible (13 page detailed overview of the new National Geographic book, Everyday Life in Bible Times)
Threatened Glories of Everglades National Park
Science Explores the Monsoon Sea: Indian Ocean Unveiled on a Dramatic New Map
National Geographic Trustees Elect Key Executives
MAP - Indian Ocean Floor, 19x25, a special supplement. Not listed as an Atlas Plate although it is the same size. This special supplement was one of the last projects conceived by Assistant Editor Newman Bumstead, Chief of the Society's Geographic Art Division who died suddenly on May 8, 1967. This relief painting was substituted for the political Indian Ocean map in the original World Atlas Series.
Madagascar; aepyornis; the Bible world; Everglades National Park, Florida. Back cover advertisement: Kellogg's Product 19
National Geographic - September 1967, Vol. 132, No. 3
Kayak Odyssey: From the Inland Sea to Tokyo (Japan)
Houston (Texas), Prairie Dynamo
White Mist (Yawl) Cruises to Wreck-haunted St. Pierre and Miquelon (French Islands located in the mouth of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, only 12 miles from Newfoundland, Canada, North Atlantic Ocean)
Sharing the Lives of Wild Golden Eagles (near Livingston, Montana)
Russell Cave Dedicated; New Visitor Center Named for Gilbert H. Grosvenor (Russell Cave National Monument, Alabama)
Japan by Kayak; Houston, Texas; St. Pierre & Miquelon; golden eagles. Back cover advertisement: American President Lines
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG/G
National Geographic - August 1967, Vol. 132, No. 2
From Sword to Scythe in Champlain Country (Lake Champlain, Vermont-New York, U.S.; and, Quebec, Canada)
New Zealand’s Cook Islands: Paradise in Search of a Future
San Marino, Little Land of Liberty
Life in a Dead Sea: Great Salt Lake (Utah)
First Woman Across Greenland’s Ice
Ancient Aphrodisias and Its Marble Treasures (Sculptures in this ancient city in southwest Turkey supplied the whole Roman empire, while decorating local baths, concert halls, and temples)
Lake Champlain; Cook Islands, New Zealand; San Marino; Salt Lake; Greenland; Aphrodisias, Turkey. Back cover advertisement: Moore-McCormack Lines
Price: $6.50 - EX
Price: $6.00 - EX/VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $4.50 -VG/G
National Geographic - July 1967, Vol. 132, No. 1
Florence (Italy) Rises from the Flood (Italian Renaissance masterpieces damaged by water and mud of the Arno River are salvaged)
Lake Powell: Waterway to Desert Wonders (Arizona-Utah)
Hopes and Fears in Booming Thailand
England’s Scillies, the Flowering Isles
In Quest of the World’s Largest Frog (Conraua goliath, found only in West Africa in Rio Muni, Equatorial Guinea; and, Cameroon)
Florence flood; Lake Powell, Utah; Thailand; Scilly Isles, Britain; giant frogs. Back cover advertisement: Kellogg's Concentrate Cereal
Price: $7.00 - VG
Price: $7.00 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG/G
Price: $6.00 - G
National Geographic - June 1967, Vol. 131, No. 6
Illinois: The City and the Plain
French Riviera: Storied Playground on the Azure Coast
First Conquest of Antarctica’s Highest Peaks
First La Gorce Medal Honors Antarctic Expedition
New Geographic Books to Present: Canada; World Beneath the Sea; American Revolution; and, South Sea Isles
Caribbean Green Turtle: Imperiled Gift of the Sea
Illinois; French Riviera; Antarctica; caribbean green turtles. Back cover advertisement: First National City Travelers Checks
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - May 1967, Vol. 131, No. 5
Montreal; St. Lawrence River; Hohokam indians; Micronesia; magnetic dating. Back cover advertisement: Kellogg's Concentrate Cereal
Price: $6.50 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Eastern Canada, 19x25. Atlas Plate No. 20. Inset maps of St. Lawrence Seaway, Montreal, Quebec, Cape Breton Island and Halifax.
Price: $6.50 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Eastern Canada, 19x25. Atlas Plate No. 20. Inset maps of St. Lawrence Seaway, Montreal, Quebec, Cape Breton Island and Halifax.
Price: $6.50 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Eastern Canada, 19x25. Atlas Plate No. 20. Inset maps of St. Lawrence Seaway, Montreal, Quebec, Cape Breton Island and Halifax.
Price: $6.50 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Eastern Canada, 19x25. Atlas Plate No. 20. Inset maps of St. Lawrence Seaway, Montreal, Quebec, Cape Breton Island and Halifax.
Price: $6.50 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Eastern Canada, 19x25. Atlas Plate No. 20. Inset maps of St. Lawrence Seaway, Montreal, Quebec, Cape Breton Island and Halifax.
Price: $6.50 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Eastern Canada, 19x25. Atlas Plate No. 20. Inset maps of St. Lawrence Seaway, Montreal, Quebec, Cape Breton Island and Halifax.
Price: $6.50 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Eastern Canada, 19x25. Atlas Plate No. 20. Inset maps of St. Lawrence Seaway, Montreal, Quebec, Cape Breton Island and Halifax.
Price: $6.00 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED - Eastern Canada, 19x25. Atlas Plate No. 20. Inset maps of St. Lawrence Seaway, Montreal, Quebec, Cape Breton Island and Halifax.
Price: $5.00 - VG/G MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $4.00 - G/poor MAP NOT INCLUDED
National Geographic - April 1967, Vol. 131, No. 4
The Rhine: Europe’s River of Legend (820-mile waterway from high in the Swiss Alps to Rotterdam on the North Sea, passes through six Western European nations: Switzerland; Liechtenstein; Austria; France; West Germany; Netherlands)
New Grandeur for Flowering Washington
The Galapagos: Eerie Cradle of New Species
Athen’s Tower of the Winds (Greece)
Rhine River; Washington; Galapagos islands; the Tower of the Winds in Athens. Back cover advertisement: United Air Lines
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - March 1967, Vol. 131, No. 3
Atlas Map Supplement: Eastern Soviet Union, in Excellent Condition.
Siberia: Russia’s Frozen Frontier
The National Gallery After a Quarter Century
In Quest of Beauty: Andrew Mellon’s Son Tells of the Joy He and his Sister Find in Their Collections of 19th and 20th-Century French Paintings
Squids: Jet-powered Torpedoes of the Deep
Guadalajara: The Most Mexican City
Snowflake, The World’s First White Gorilla
Squids; Guadalajara; white gorilla; National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.; Sibera. Back cover advertisement: United Air Lines
Price: $7.50 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Eastern Soviet Union, 19x25. Atlas Plate No. 46.
Price: $7.50 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Eastern Soviet Union, 19x25. Atlas Plate No. 46
Price: $7.50 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Eastern Soviet Union, 19x25. Atlas Plate No. 46
Price: $6.50 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED - Eastern Soviet Union, 19x25. Atlas Plate No. 46
Price: $6.50 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED - Eastern Soviet Union, 19x25. Atlas Plate No. 46
Price: $6.50 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED - Eastern Soviet Union, 19x25. Atlas Plate No. 46
Price: $6.50 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED - Eastern Soviet Union, 19x25. Atlas Plate No. 46
Price: $6.50 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED - Eastern Soviet Union, 19x25. Atlas Plate No. 46
Price: $6.50 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED - Eastern Soviet Union, 19x25. Atlas Plate No. 46
Price: $6.00 - G MAP INCLUDED - Eastern Soviet Union, 19x25. Atlas Plate No. 46
National Geographic - February 1967, Vol. 131, No. 2
Behind the Headlines in Viet Nam
Alaska’s Mighty Rivers of Ice (Glaciers)
The Bahamas: More of Sea Than of Land (self-governing British colony)
Japan’s Sky People, the Vanishing Ainu (aboriginal inhabitants of Japan’s Hokkaido island)
Viet Nam; Alaskan glaciers; Bahamas; Ainu of Japan. Back cover advertisement: Kellogg's Special K
Map- Viet Nam, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand. Wall map, 31 1/2 x 39.A booklet form index with thousands of place names, and with a special key to provinces and other administrative divisions is available from the National Geographic Society. Reprint: August 1967,1970.
Price: $12.00 - VG MAP NOT INCLUDED
Price: $10.00 - VG/G MAP NOT INCLUDED
National Geographic - January 1967, Vol. 131, No. 1
Pakistan: Problems of a Two-part Land
Sailors of the Sky (Sailplanes)
Parks, Plans, and People: How South America Guards Her Green Legacy (Five nations are creating or expanding park systems and moving ahead with conservation laws including: Peru; Chile; Argentina; Brazil; and, Uruguay
The Flowers That Say Aloha (Hawaii)
Alligators, Dragons in Distress
Pakistan; gliders; South America; Hawaiian leis; alligators. Back cover advertisement: Moore-McCormack Lines
Price: $12.00 - VG
Price: $9.00 - VG/G
Price: $9.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - December 1966, Vol. 130, No. 6
Abraham, the Friend of God (author pursues the Old Testament patriarch footsteps in history from Iraq to Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Egypt, and Jerusalem)
Massachusetts Builds for Tomorrow
Crossroads of the Insect World
The Laser’s Bright Magic
When Disaster Struck a Woodpecker’s Home (Pileated Woodpecker pair with eggs)
Abraham; Massachusetts; insects; lasers; woodpeckers. Back cover advertisement: Sheaffer's Pens
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG/G
Price: $5.50 - VG/G
Price: $5.50 - VG/G
Price: $5.50 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - G
National Geographic - November 1966, Vol. 130, No. 5
The Living White House
The Earth From Orbit: Color photographs by American astronauts yield new knowledge of man’s home planet
Proud Primitives, the Nuba People (southern SUDAN)
Preserving the Treasures of Olduvai Gorge (Dr. S. B. Leakey has unearthed fossils of early hominids in a valley in Tanzania, Africa, some of them new species, shedding light on human evolution)
Marvels of a Coral Realm (primarily on Alligator Reef, Florida located almost four miles off the Keys)
White House; Earth from orbit; the Nuba of Sudan; Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania; coral reefs. Back cover advertisement: Kellogg's Special K
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG/G
Price: $5.50 - VG/G
Price: $5.50 - VG/G
Price: $5.50 - VG/G
Price: $4.50 - G
National Geographic - October 1966, Vol. 130, No. 4
To Gilbert Grosvenor (1875-1966): A Monthly Monument 25 Miles High
A Fresh Breeze Stirs the Leewards (Finisterre sails from the Windward Islands north to Guadeloupe and the Virgin Islands including the British, French, Dutch, and U.S. territories that are popular tourist destinations (Related Subjects: Antigua, Guadeloupe, Leeward Islands, Netherlands Antilles, Nevis, Saba, St. Christopher, Saint Eustatius, West Indies; also, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands)
Announcing the Society’s newest book, This England
Sherpaland, My Shangri-La (northeastern Nepal)
Surveyor: Candid Camera on the Moon (First Color Photographs of the Moon’s Rocky Face, from Ocean of Storms: NASA’s Surveyor I vehicle sends back to Earth striking images of the moon’s surface)
Gilbert Grosvenor; Leeward Islands; Sherpas of Nepal; the moon. Back cover advertisement: Kellogg's Special K
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $4.50 - VG/G
National Geographic - September 1966, Vol. 130, No. 3
The Philippines: Freedom’s Pacific Frontier
Canadian Rockies: Lords of a Beckoning Land
Porpoises: Our Friends in the Sea
Mr. Jefferson’s Monticello
The Philippines; the Canadian Rockies; porpoises; Monticello, Virginia. Back cover advertisement: American President Lines
Price: $6.50 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Western Canada 19 x 25
Price: $6.50 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Western Canada 19 x 25
Price: $6.50 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Western Canada 19 x 25
Price: $6.50 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Western Canada 19 x 25
Price: $6.50 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Western Canada 19 x 25
Price: $6.50 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Western Canada 19 x 25
Price: $6.50 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Western Canada 19 x 25
Price: $5 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED - Western Canada 19 x 25
Price: $5 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED - Western Canada 19 x 25
National Geographic - August 1966, Vol. 130, No. 2
SPECIAL ISSUE Bayeux Tapestry
Freedom Speaks French in Ouagadougou: Inexperience, poverty, and political owes beset the colorful family of nations that has emerged from France’s West African empire (Related Subjects: Cameroon; Central African Republic; Chad; French Equatorial Africa; French West Africa; Gambia; Guinea; Ivory Coast; Mali; Mauritania; Niger; Ouagadougou, Upper Volta; Sahara; Senegal; West Africa)
900 Years Ago: The Norman Conquest (examination of William the Conqueror’s invasion of England in 1066, which is depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry, printed in this issue, the first magazine to do so)
Trailing Yellowstone’s Grizzlies by Radio
Singapore, Reluctant Nation
Ouagadougou; Norman conquest; grizzly bears; Singapore Back cover advertisement: Moore-McCormack Lines
Price: $8 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Northwestern Africa 19 x 25
Price: $8 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Northwestern Africa 19 x 25
Price: $8 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Northwestern Africa 19 x 25
Price: $7 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED - Northwestern Africa 19 x 25
Price: $7 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED - Northwestern Africa 19 x 25
Price: $7 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED - Northwestern Africa 19 x 25
National Geographic - July 1966, Vol. 130, No. 1
SPECIAL ISSUE National Parks
Today and Tomorrow in Our National Parks
Today In Our National Parks: The Mission Called 66, by Conrad L. Wirth, former director of the National Park Service (completion of ten-year plan to expand park facilities, roads, trails, and ranger training centers)
Tomorrow In Our National Parks: Parkscape U.S.A.
New Guide to Your Vacationlands
The Marvelous Hummingbird Rediscovered
Gibraltar, Rock of Contention
Living With Thailand’s Gentle Lua
U.S. national parks; hummingbirds; Gibraltar; the Lua of Thailand. Back cover advertisement: Travelers Checks
Price: $6.50 - VG/G The Map Supplement is NOT included with this magazine
Price: $6.50 - VG/G The Map Supplement is NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $6.50 - VG/G The Map Supplement is NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $6.50 - VG/G The Map Supplement is NOT included with this magazine.
National Geographic - June 1966, Vol. 129, No. 6
One Man’s London
Blowgun Hunters of the South Pacific (Kaulong people; Sengseng people; New Britain Island, Papua New Guinea
Revised, Enlarged World Atlas Charts Our Changing Earth
River of Counts and Kings: The Loire (Loire River and Valley, France)
Basque Sheepherders: Lonely Sentinels of the American West (Nevada sheep country)
London; New Britain, New Guinea; Loire, France; Basque shepherds. Back cover advertisement: Kellogg's Special K
Price: $6.50 - EX/VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $4.50 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - G
Price: $4.00 - G
National Geographic - May 1966, Vol. 129, No. 5
California, the Golden Magnet, Part 1: The South
California, Part 2: Nature’s North
Capturing Strange Creatures in Colombia
Saving the Ancient Temples at Abu Simbel (Egypt: Threatened shrines were lifted to safety before the Nile waters rose behind Aswan High Dam)
California; creatures of Colombia; Abu Simbel, Egypt Back cover advertisement: United Air Lines
Price: $6.00 - VG The Map Supplement IS (California) included with this magazine.
Price: $6.00 - VG The Map Supplement IS (California) included with this magazine.
Price: $6.00 - VG The Map Supplement IS (California) included with this magazine.
Price: $6.00 - VG The Map Supplement IS (California) included with this magazine.
Price: $6.00 - VG The Map Supplement IS (California) included with this magazine.
Price: $6.00 - VG The Map Supplement IS (California) included with this magazine.
Price: $5.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement IS (California) included with this magazine.
Price: $4.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement IS NOT (California) included with this magazine.
National Geographic - April 1966, Vol. 129, No. 4
Ceylon, the Resplendent Land
Working for Weeks on the Sea Floor, by Capt. Jacques-Yves Cousteau
Space Rendezvous: Milestone on the Way to the Moon (Gemini 6 and 7)
Wyoming: High, Wide and Windy (including 3-page Color Photograph of Jackson Lake and the Tetons)
Ceylon; Wyoming; undersea exploration; Gemini missions. Back cover advertisement: Kellogg's Special K
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $6.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG/G
National Geographic - March 1966, Vol. 129, No. 3
An American in Mockba (Moscow): Russia’s Capital
Cajunland: Louisiana’s French-speaking Coast
Hot-air Balloons Race on Silent Winds
New Book Program Announced by National Geographic: Adventure, science, history, exploration spring to life in your Society’s new program of Special Publications
Making Friends with a Killer Whale
Moscow; Cajuns of Louisiana; hot air balloons; killer whales. Back cover advertisement: United Air Lines
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG/G
National Geographic - February 1966, Vol. 129, No. 2
Flamboyant is the Word for Bolivia
St. Augustine, Nation’s Oldest City Turns 400 (Florida settlement founded by the Spanish who built Castillo de San Marcos, no a National Park Service site)
The Alice in Australia’s Wonderland
Giant Comet Grazes the Sun (Ikeya-Seki)
Saga of a Ship, the Yankee Dickey Chapelle Killed in Action (first American woman correspondent to die in action in Viet Nam, this following article was awaiting publication at time of death)
Water War in Viet Nam, by Dickey Chappelle
Bolivia; St. Augustine, Florida; Alice Springs, Australia; comet Ikeya-Seki; Viet Nam; the Yankee. Back cover advertisement: Kellogg's Special K
Price: $8 - EX
Price: $8 - EX
Price: $7 - EX/VG
Price: $6 - VG
Price: $6 - VG
Price: $6 - VG
Price: $6 - VG
Price: $5 - VG/G
Price: $5 - VG/G
Price: $4 - G
Price: $4 - G
National Geographic - January 1966, Vol. 129, No. 1
Saudi Arabia: Beyond the Sands of Mecca
Stalking Seals Under Antarctic Ice
The Atomic Age: Its Problems and Promises: Profiles of the Presidents: The last of five articles (Franklin Roosevelt to Lyndon Johnson)
Finding Rare Beauty in Common Rocks (Petrographic microscope displays of color and abstract shapes)
The Waura: Brazilian Indians of the Hidden Xingu
Saudi Arabia; Antarctic seals; Presidents; Waura indians of Brazil; thin rock sections. Back cover advertisement: Moore-McCormack Lines
Price: $6.00 - EX/VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.50 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $3.00 - G
National Geographic - December 1965, Vol. 128, No. 6
Finisterre Sails the Windward Islands
New Discoveries Among Africa’s Chimpanzees, by Baroness Jane Van Lawick-Goodall (formerly Jane Goodall)
The Land of Galilee
Finned Doctors of the Deep: Unique photographs reveal the strange habits of Pacific cleaner wrasses; fishes that help keep other fishes clean and healthy
I See America First: Diary of the President’s Daughter, by Lynda Bird Johnson
the Windward Islands; chimpanzees; Galilee (Israel); doctor fishes (cleaner wrasses); seeing America by Lynda Bird Johnson. Back cover advertisement: Sheaffer's Pens
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG Price written in marker on the front cover.
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - G
Price: $4.00 - G
Price: $3.00 - POOR
National Geographic - November 1965, Vol. 128, No. 5
St. Louis: New Spirit Soars in Mid-America’s Proud Old City So Long, St. Louis, We’re Heading West (Gateway to Westward Expansion)
Scientists Ride Ice Islands on Arctic Odysseys
Top of the World map focuses on intercontinental crossroads (Intercontinental Crossroads, The Top of the World)
I Joined a Sahara Salt Caravan (Tuareg people, Niger, Sahara, Africa)
Our Life-giving Star, the Sun
Saving the Nene, World’s Rarest Goose
St. Louis, Illinois; the arctic; Sahara Desert caravan; the sun; nene goose. Back cover advertisement: Kellogg's Special K
Price: $7.00 - VG - MAP IS INCLUDED - Top of the World, 19x25. Atlas Plate No. 3.
Price: $7.00 - VG - MAP IS INCLUDED - Top of the World, 19x25. Atlas Plate No. 3.
Price: $6.00 - G - MAP IS INCLUDED - Top of the World, 19x25. Atlas Plate No. 3.
Price: $5.00 - G/POOR - MAP IS INCLUDED - Top of the World, 19x25. Atlas Plate No. 3.
Price: $4.00 - POOR - MAP IS INCLUDED - Top of the World, 19x25. Atlas Plate No. 3.
Price: $4.00 - POOR - MAP IS INCLUDED - Top of the World, 19x25. Atlas Plate No. 3
National Geographic - October 1965, Vol. 128, No. 4
Portugal at the Crossroads
Bizarre World of the Fungi
Water, Prey, and Game Birds: A New Singing Book: Companion to Song and Garden Birds, this volume completes the Society’s presentation of North America’s 656 major species of birds
Profiles of the Presidents: The fourth of five articles: America Enters the Modern Era
Mustang, Remote Realm in Nepal (Summary: For ten weeks the Tibetan-speaking author caravanned through the tiny Himalayan Kingdom. Though part of Nepal, Mustang practices the customs and the Buddhist religion of Tibet, its neighbor to the North.)
Portugal; mushrooms; Mustang, Nepal; U.S. Presidents from Theodore Roosevelt to Herbert Hoover. Oct. Back cover advertisement: Kellogg's Special K
Price: $7.00 - EX
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - VG Price written in marker on the front cover.
National Geographic - September 1965, Vol. 128, No. 3
United States Air Force, Power for Peace
Of Planes and Men: U.S. Air Force Wages Cold War and Hot
The Alps, Man’s Own Mountains
Safe Landing on Sable, Isle of 500 Shipwrecks (Sable Island, Nova Scotia, Canada)
Asian Insects in Disguise
America’s 6000-Mile Walk in Space (21-minute walk in space by Maj. Edward H. White II, tethered to Gemini 4, the longest space walk to date)
the U.S. Air Force; the Alps; Sable Island, Nova Scotia; insects of Asia; Ed White's space walk. Back cover advertisement: Sheaffer's Pens
MAP - Switzerland, Austria and Northern Italy, 19x25. Atlas Plate No. 36.On the reverse side. The Alps in "three dimensional" effect.
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG/G MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG/G MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - VG/G MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $5.00 - G MAP IS INCLUDED
Price: $4.00 - MAP ONLY
National Geographic - August 1965, Vol. 128, No. 2
SPECIAL ISSUE Sir Winston Churchill
Special Recording: Churchill’s Great Words and Funeral Music
The Churchill I Knew, by General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower: I am deeply honored by the opportunity National Geographic has given me to introduce the tribute which, in these pages, is paid to the memory of Sir Winston Churchill. D.D.E.
Be Ye Men of Valour, by Howard LaFay
The Sound of Living History
The World Pays Final Tribute
Amish Folk: Plainest of Pennsylvania’s Plain People
Journey into the Great Rift: Part One: The Northern Half: Earth’s mightiest valley links Bible Lands with living sites of earliest man (Great Rift Valley, Africa-Asia: Veteran photojournalists report on Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt)
tribute to the late Winston Churchill; the Amish; the Great Rift through the Middle East and eastern Africa. Back cover advertisement: Moore-McCormack Lines
Price: $16.00 - VG INCLUDES RPM RECORD. Special Recording: Churchill’s Great Words and Funeral Music.
Price: $16.00 - VG INCLUDES RPM RECORD. Special Recording: Churchill’s Great Words and Funeral Music.
Price: $16.00 - VG INCLUDES RPM RECORD. Special Recording: Churchill’s Great Words and Funeral Music.
Price: $16.00 - VG INCLUDES RPM RECORD. Special Recording: Churchill’s Great Words and Funeral Music.
Price: $14.00 - VG/G INCLUDES RPM RECORD. Special Recording: Churchill’s Great Words and Funeral Music.
Price: $8.00 - VG/G NO RPM RECORD.
National Geographic - July 1965, Vol. 128, No. 1
Canada’s Mount Kennedy: Part I: Its Discovery 30 Years Ago
Mount Kennedy: Part II: A Peak Worthy of the President
Mount Kennedy: Part III: The First Ascent
Down the Danube by Canoe (Nine college students from Dartmouth paddle the length of the European Danube River from Ulm, Germany, to its delta on the Black Sea; reporting on eight countries including: Austria; Bulgaria; Czechoslovakia; West Germany; Hungary; Romania; U.S.S.R.; and, Yugoslavia)
Home to Arran: Scotland’s Magic Isle
First Lady of the National Geographic (Elsie May Bell Grosvenor: 1878-1964)
Costa Rica: Free of the Volcano’s Veil
Mt. Kennedy, British Columbia; the Danube River; Arran, Scotland; Costa Rica; Elsie May Bell Grosvenor. Back cover advertisement: Travelers Checks
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - June 1965, Vol. 127, No. 6
Wales, Land of Bards
Moths That Behave Like Hummingbirds
Alaska’s Marine Highway: Ferry Route to the North
The Living Sand (Sand Dunes of Cape Henlopen, Delaware)
Saigon: Eye of the Storm
Wales; moths; Alaska; sand dunes; Saigon, Viet Nam. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (woman in red swimsuit)
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG Price written in marker on the front cover.
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $2.00 - G
National Geographic - May 1965, Vol. 127, No. 5
Yankee Cruises the Storied Nile (Nile River, Egypt)
Society Maps The River Of Pharaohs (Nile Valley, Land of the Pharaohs)
Shrimp Nursery: Science Explores New Ways to Farm the Sea
The American Giant Comes of Age: Profiles of the Presidents: The third of five articles
Surtsey (Iceland), Island Born of Fire (Volcanic island broke the surface of the Atlantic Ocean off Iceland in November, 1963, and keeps growing)
the Nile valley; shrimp; U.S. Presidents from Abraham Lincoln to William McKinley; Surtsey Island, Iceland. Back cover advertisement: Sheaffer's Pens
Price: $8.00 - VG The Map Supplement (Nile Valley, Land of the Pharaohs) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $8.00 - VG The Map Supplement (Nile Valley, Land of the Pharaohs) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $7.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement (Nile Valley, Land of the Pharaohs) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $7.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement (Nile Valley, Land of the Pharaohs) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $7.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement (Nile Valley, Land of the Pharaohs) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $6.00 - VG Price written in marker on the front cover. The Map Supplement (Nile Valley, Land of the Pharaohs) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $6.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement (Nile Valley, Land of the Pharaohs) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $6.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement (Nile Valley, Land of the Pharaohs) IS included with this magazine.
National Geographic - April 1965, Vol. 127, No. 4
Appomattox: Where Grant and Lee Made Peace with Honor A Century Ago, by Ulysses S. Grant, 3rd
France Meets the Sea in Brittany
World’s Fair in New York Reopens (with 2-page color foldout map diagram)
Outpost Under the Ocean (Man-in-Sea Project, sends 2 divers down more than 400 feet off the Bahamas for 48 hours in a SPID, Submersible portable inflatable dwelling), by Edwin A. Link
The Deepest Days (Man-in-Sea Project: Joy and Danger of swimming freely around the inflatable rubber house at 432 feet ocean depth)
Ethiopian Adventure
Appomattox, Virginia; Brittany, France; New York World's Fair; Ethiopia; deep sea exploration. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (man and woman at drive-in food stand)
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $3.00 - G
National Geographic - March 1965, Vol. 127, No. 3
The Changing Face of Old Spain
Lands of the Bold Captains Mapped Anew
Pittsburgh, Pattern for Progress
Tree Snails, Gems of the Everglades
Wondrous World of Fishes: A New Geographic Book
Israel, Land of Promise
Spain; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; tree snails; Israel. Back cover advertisement: American President Lines
Price: $8.00 - VG The Map Supplement (Spain and Portugal) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $8.00 - VG The Map Supplement (Spain and Portugal) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $8.00 - VG The Map Supplement (Spain and Portugal) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $8.00 - VG The Map Supplement (Spain and Portugal) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $7.00 - G The Map Supplement (Spain and Portugal) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $5.00 - G/poor The Map Supplement (Spain and Portugal) IS NOT included with this magazine.
National Geographic - February 1965, Vol. 127, No. 2
.Four-ocean Navy in the Nuclear Age
Incredible Photograph Shows Earth from Pole to Pole (Nimbus 1 weather-watching satellite)
The Leakeys of Africa: Family in Search of Prehistoric Man, by Melvin M. Payne
Picture-book Portofino (Italian Riviera)
North Toward the Pole on Skis, by Bjorn O. Staib (Six-man Staib Expedition embarks from Canada’s Ellesmere Island, with 50 dogs, and reaches the farthest point north on foot, since Robert E. Peary in 1909.)
Birds That See in the Dark with Their Ears: South American oilbirds navigate by echo in the blackness of their cave
the U.S. Navy; the Leakey family; Portofino; the North Pole; oilbirds. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (two women under hair driers)
Price: $7.00 - VG The Map Supplement (The World) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $7.00 - VG The Map Supplement (The World) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $7.00 - VG The Map Supplement (The World) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $7.00 - VG The Map Supplement (The World) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $7.00 - VG The Map Supplement (The World) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $7.00 - VG The Map Supplement (The World) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $6.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement (The World) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $6.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement (The World) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $6.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement (The World) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $5.00 - G The Map Supplement IS NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $5.00 - G The Map Supplement is NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $3.00 - G/poor The Map Supplement is NOT included with this magazine.
National Geographic - January 1965, Vol. 127, No. 1
Downed Galleons Off Florida Yield Spanish Gold: Adventurous divers in Florida bring up the 20th century's richest find of sunken treasure, by Kip Wagner, Photographs by Otis Imboden
American Special Forces in Action in Viet Nam: How Coolness and Character Averted a Blook Bath When Mountain Tribesmen Rose in Revolt, by Howard Sochurek
Royal Wedding at Jaisalmer (India), Picture Story by Marilyn Silverstone
Profiles of the Presidents: The second of four articles: A RESTLESS NATION MOVES WEST, by Frank Freidel, Professor of History, Harvard University
The Making of an Astronaut, by Robert R. Gilruth
Viet Nam; sunken Spanish treasure ships off Florida; U.S. Presidents from Andrew Jackson to James Buchannan; astronauts; royal wedding in India.Back cover advertisement: Moore-McCormack Lines
Viet Nam 11 1/2 x 201/2, Special Map Supplement, also includes Cambodia, Laos and Eastern Thailand. On the reverse of the map is an index of 1,558 place names. Specially prepared to cover military action in Viet Nam.
Price: $18.00 - VG Special Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $18.00 - VG Special Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $18.00 - VG Special Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $15.00 - VG/G Special Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $10.00 - G Special Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $10.00 - G Special Map Supplement IS INCLUDED
Price: $8.00 - G Special Map Supplement IS NOT INCLUDED
National Geographic - December 1964, Vol. 126, No. 6
Washington, D.C.; Jordan; Jerusalem, Israel; Acapulco, Mexico. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (Santa Clause and two children.
Price: $10.00 - VG includes the 2-sided U.S. Atlas Plate 21 Map Supplement titled, Suburban Washington / Tourist Washington, Size 15 1/4 x 20 inches
Price: $10.00 - VG includes the 2-sided U.S. Atlas Plate 21 Map Supplement titled, Suburban Washington / Tourist Washington, Size 15 1/4 x 20 inches
Price: $10.00 - VG includes the 2-sided U.S. Atlas Plate 21 Map Supplement titled, Suburban Washington / Tourist Washington, Size 15 1/4 x 20 inches
Price: $10.00 - VG includes the 2-sided U.S. Atlas Plate 21 Map Supplement titled, Suburban Washington / Tourist Washington, Size 15 1/4 x 20 inches
Price: $9.00 - VG/G includes the 2-sided U.S. Atlas Plate 21 Map Supplement titled, Suburban Washington / Tourist Washington, Size 15 1/4 x 20 inches
Price: $6.00 - VG/G NO Supplement
Price: $6.00 - VG/G NO Supplement
Price: $6.00 - VG/G NO Supplement
National Geographic - November 1964, Vol. 126, No. 5
This Is the China I Saw
Profiles of the Presidents: Part I: THE PRESIDENCY AND HOW IT GREW
Reprinting Brings Earliest Geographics To Life (Initially, the Society is reproducing only 1,000 copies of each of these early magazines)
The Moon Close Up (Photographs of the Moon: Ranger 7 returned 4,300 pictures in 17 minutes)
Vinland Ruins Prove Vikings Found the New World: Discovery of Spinning Tool Confirms Norse Settlement in Newfoundland (Canada)
China; U.S. Presidents from George Washington to John Quincy Adams; the moon; Vikings and the New World. Back cover advertisement: Sheaffer's Pens
Price: $7.00 - VG The Map Supplement (China) IS included with this magazine
Price: $7.00 - VG The Map Supplement (China) IS included with this magazine
Price: $7.00 - VG The Map Supplement (China) IS included with this magazine
Price: $7.00 - VG The Map Supplement (China) IS included with this magazine
Price: $6.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement IS included with this magazine
National Geographic - October 1964, Vol. 126, No. 4
Tokyo, the Peaceful Explosion
Again, The Olympic Challenge (Tokyo, Japan)
Cambodia, Indochina’s Neutral Corner
Song and Garden Birds: A New Geographic Book
A Sikh Discovers America: Forty-eight state journey leaves a turbaned young visitor from India feeling that America is a home with a door always open to the rest of the world
Tokyo, Japan; Cambodia; the Olympic games. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (man, woman and pumpkin)
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - September 1964, Vol. 126, No. 3
Ambassadors of Good Will, The Peace Corps: Bolivia; Tanganyika; Gabon; Turkey; Sarawak; Ecuador, by Sargent Shriver
History Revealed in Ancient Glass, by Ray Winfield Smith
Chesapeake Country, by Nathaniel T. Kenney, including 2-page map illustration
Slow Train Through Viet Nam's War, by Howard Sochurek
The Peace Corps; ancient glass; Chesapeake Bay, Maryland; Viet Nam railroad. Back cover advertisement: Sheaffer's Pens
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $3.00 - G
National Geographic - August 1964, Vol. 126, No. 2
Inside Europe Aboard Yankee: World-wandering couple takes a 50-foot sailboat, third in an adventurous line, through thousands of miles of scenic inland waterways
Mozambique: Land of the Good People
Northern Ireland from Derry to Down
By Parachute Into Peru’s Lost World (Pará-Explorers Challenge Peru’s Unknown Cordillera Vilcabamba): Machete-Wielding Explorers of the National Geographic Society-New York Zoological Society Vilcabamba Expedition struggled nearly three months to traverse 150 miles on foot, by raft, and by canoe.
Eruope; Mozambique; Northern Ireland; wilderness of Peru. Back cover advertisement: Moore-McCormick Lines
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - July 1964, Vol. 126, No. 1
SPECIAL ISSUE New York City/Alaska Earthquake
World’s Tallest Tree Discovered (in a northern California redwood grove standing more than 365 feet in height)
Finding the Mt. Everest of All Living Things
The World in New York City (host to millions for the 1964-1965 World’s Fair)
Announcing a New United States Atlas Map Series
Fairgoers’ Guide to New York City
Alaska Earthquake: Horror Strikes on Good Friday
Our Restless Earth (What Causes Earthquakes)
An Alaskan Family’s Night of Terror (Cook Inlet)
world's tallest tree; redwoods; New York City; Alaska earthquake. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (two bottles)
Price: $14.00 - VG Map Atlas Map Supplement (2 Sides): NEW YORK CITY / Tourist Manhattan, Size 15 1/4 x 20 Inches. Map Supplement IS Included with this Magazine.
Price: $14.00 - VG Map Atlas Map Supplement (2 Sides): NEW YORK CITY / Tourist Manhattan, Size 15 1/4 x 20 Inches. Map Supplement IS Included with this Magazine.
Price: $12.00 - VG/G Map Atlas Map Supplement (2 Sides): NEW YORK CITY / Tourist Manhattan, Size 15 1/4 x 20 Inches. Map Supplement IS Included with this Magazine.
Price: $10.00 - G Map Atlas Map Supplement (2 Sides): NEW YORK CITY / Tourist Manhattan, Size 15 1/4 x 20 Inches. Map Supplement IS Included with this Magazine.
Price: $10.00 - G Map Atlas Map Supplement (2 Sides): NEW YORK CITY / Tourist Manhattan, Size 15 1/4 x 20 Inches. Map Supplement IS Included with this Magazine.
Map alone Price: $5.00 (three available)
National Geographic - June 1964, Vol. 125, No. 6
Thresher: Lesson and Challenge (Thresher Tragedy Spurs Deep-sea Research: April 10, 1963 inexplicable sinking of the U.S.S. Thresher, which sank in 8,400 feet of water 260 miles off the New England coast)
Down to Thresher by Bathyscaph
Tomorrow on the Deep Frontier: The wet world, three quarters of our planet, awaits us. A pioneer of the depths describes our exciting future undersea
Exploring America Underground: Caves Reveal a Strange New World (Blindfish Cave, Missouri; Devil’s Sinkhole, Texas; Crookshank Cave, West Virginia; Aitkin Cave, Pennsylvania; Gage Caverns, New York; Carroll Cave; Missouri Ozarks; Cumberland Caverns, Tennessee; Haynes Cave, West Virginia; Lone Hill Onyx Cave, Missouri; Endless Caverns, Shenandoah Caverns, and Luray Caverns, Virginia; Mammoth Cave, Kentucky; Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico; Ozark Cave, Arkansas; Caverns of Sonora, Texas; Fitton Cave, Arkansas; Fossil Mountain Ice Cave, Wyoming; Cass Cave, West Virginia; Piquet Cave, Missouri; Bat Cave, Carter Caves State Park, Kentucky; Crystal Ice Cave, Idaho; and, Wakulla Springs Cave, Florida)
The Gooney Birds of Midway (Albatrosses endanger Navy pilots on Midway Islands, North Pacific Ocean)
Down East to Nova Scotia: Blue-water yachtsmen steer a course for the saltiest of Canada’s Maritime Provinces
England’s Fabled Mount of St. Michael
Deep-sea research; caves; gooney birds (albatross); Nova Scotia, Canada; St. Michael's mountain in England. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (glass)
Price: $12.00 - VG
Price: $12.00 - VG
Price: $12.00 - VG
Price: $12.00 - VG
Price: $9.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - G
National Geographic - May 1964, Vol. 125, No. 5
President Johnson Dedicates the Society’s New Headquarters
Malaysia’s Giant Flowers and Insect-Trapping Plants
Banks Islands: Eskimo Life on the Polar Sea (Northwest Territories, Canada)
Indians of the Amazon Darkness (Brazil)
Shakespeare's Britain; plants of Malaysia; Banks Island, Canada; Amazon indians. Back cover advertisement: Back cover advertisement: Sheaffer's Pens
Price: $12.00 - VG Map Included - Shakespeare's Britain, 19x25, NOT an Atlas Map. A highly pictorial map based on John Speed's map.
Price: $12.00 - VG Map Included - Shakespeare's Britain, 19x25, NOT an Atlas Map. A highly pictorial map based on John Speed's map.
Price: $12.00 - VG Map Included - Shakespeare's Britain, 19x25, NOT an Atlas Map. A highly pictorial map based on John Speed's map.
Price: $9.00 - G Map Included - Shakespeare's Britain, 19x25, NOT an Atlas Map. A highly pictorial map based on John Speed's map.
Price: $9.00 - G Map Included - Shakespeare's Britain, 19x25, NOT an Atlas Map. A highly pictorial map based on John Speed's map.
Price: $4.00 - POOR Map Included - Shakespeare's Britain, 19x25, NOT an Atlas Map. A highly pictorial map based on John Speed's map.
Map alone Price: $3.00 (one available)
National Geographic - April 1964, Vol. 125, No. 4
At Home in the Sea: Pioneering a new underwater world for man, French oceanauts live for a month in a submerged colony on a Red Sea reef, by Capt. Jacques-Yves Cousteau
The Cats in Our Lives (Domestic)
From Sun-clad Sea to Shining Mountains: Following North America’s national parks highway, a Maryland family rolls from cactus-studded desert to Canada’s majestic glaciers
New Portrait of North America: From Viking beachhead to space center, cartographers remap a continent
Over and Under Chesapeake Bay (Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel)
Jacques-Yves Cousteau; domestic cats; U.S. Highway 89; Chesapeake Bay bidge-tunnel, Maryland. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (man and woman planting tree)
Price: $8.00 - VG Map Supplement (North America) IS included
Price: $8.00 - VG Map Supplement (North America) IS included
Price: $8.00 - VG Map Supplement (North America) IS included
Price: $7.00 - VG/G Map Supplement (North America) IS included
Price: $5.00 - Poor Map Supplement (North America) IS included
Price: $3.00 - POOR Map Supplement is NOT included
National Geographic - March 1964, Vol. 125, No. 3
SPECIAL ISSUE President John F. Kennedy Funeral
The Last Full Measure: The World Pays Tribute to President Kennedy
Footprints on the MOON: America mobilizes her resources for mankind’s greatest adventure, a landing on the moon before 1970 (How We Plan to Put Men On the Moon)
Behind the Veil of Troubled Yemen: Wracked by civil war, an ancient Arabian land struggles to find its place in the world of the 20th century
JAMBO: First Gorilla Raised by its Mother in Captivity (Watching a Baby Gorilla Grow Up)
First Flight Across the Bottom of the World (Antarctica): Cape Town (South Africa) to Christchurch (New Zealand)
Mission to the moon; Yemen; baby gorilla; Antarctic flight; President John F. Kennedy. Back cover advertisement: American President Lines
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - poor
National Geographic - February 1964, Vol. 125, No. 2
Wetherill Mesa Yields Secrets of the Cliff Dwellers (Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado)
20th-Century Indians Preserve Cliff Dwellers’ Customs (Pueblo)
The Five Worlds of Peru
Friendly Flight to Northern Europe, by Lyndon B. Johnson
Our Only Native Stork, the Wood Ibis
Peru; northern Europe; ibis; Wetherill Mesa, Colorado. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (man and woman roller-skating)
MAP SUPPLEMENT- Northwestern South America, 19x25, Atlas Plate No. 26. Inset maps of the cities of Caracas, Venezuela; Bogota, Columbia; and Lima, Peru.
Price: $10.00 - EX MAP INCLUDED
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED
Price: $7.00 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - G MAP INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - G MAP INCLUDED
Price: $6.00 - G MAP INCLUDED
Price: $3.00 Map only (one available)
National Geographic - January 1964, Vol. 125, No. 1
The Nation’s Capitol Revealed as Never Before
The United States Capitol: Under the Dome of Freedom
Return to Lonely Tristan da Cunha (Islands, South Atlantic Ocean)
Island of Faith in the Sinai Wilderness: St. Catherine’s Monastery, built 14 centuries ago to hollow the traditional place where God spoke to Moses from the burning bush, shelters a unique collection of Christianity’s early art
Mt. Sinai’s Holy Treasures (Church of St. Catherine’s Monastery at Sinai)
Photographing the Night Creatures of Alligator Reef (Florida; Diving at Night to a Coral Reef)
The U.S. Capitol; Tristan da Cunha; Mt. Sinai, Egypt; Alligator Reef, Florida. Back cover advertisement: Moore-McCormack Cruise Lines
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 -VG/G
Price: $5.00 -VG/G
National Geographic - December 1963, Vol. 124, No. 6
Crusader Road to Jerusalem: Traveling from Istanbul (Turkey) to the Holy City, a Geographic editor completes his tracing of the route of the First Crusade (Triumph of the First Crusade to the Holy Land: Desert Ordeal of the Knights)
Crusader Road to Jerusalem: Conquest of the Holy City (The Capture of Jerusalem)
Florida Rides a Space-age Boom
YWCA: International Success Story
Freeing Flamingos from Anklets of Death (Lake Magadi, Kenya)
the First Crusade to the Holy Land; Florida; YWCA; flamingos. (Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (Santa Clause)
MAP INCLUDED - Holy Land Today, 19x26. Atlas Plate No. 52. One of the "annotated" maps filled with notes on historical and Biblical events.
Price: $13.00 - VG with Supplement
Price: $13.00 - VG with Supplement
Price: $13.00 - VG with Supplement
Price: $10.00 - VG/G with Supplement
Price: $10.00 - VG/G with Supplement
Price: $10.00 - VG/G with Supplement
Price: $8.00 - VG/G No Supplement
Price: $8.00 - VG/G No Supplement
Price: $7.00 - G NO Supplement
National Geographic - November 1963, Vol. 124, No. 5
The Parks in Your Backyard (State and Local Parks)
The East: Hundreds of parks from New England’s woods and mountains to Florida’s coral reefs help satisfy the outdoor urge of megalopolitans starved for elbow room
The Midlands: Into prairies and farmlands, expanding cities stretch tentacles of steel and concrete. Resisting the forces that would destroy their children’s heritage, Midwesterners build lakes for sailboats and save bits of grassland for surviving herds of buffaloes
The West: Arid wastes and tortuous mountains, barriers to Pacific-bound pioneers, today find noble use as public parks
Wedding of Two Worlds (American-born debutante marries the Crown Prince of Sikkim in his Buddhist kingdom
Announcing a New Geographic Book: Great Adventures: Exploring Land, Sea, and Sky
In Storied Lands of Malaysia
The Solar Eclipse from a Jet
U.S. state parks; Malaysia; solar eclipse; royal wedding in Sikkim. Back cover advertisement: Sheaffer's Pens
Price: $7.00 - EX
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - G
Price: $4.00 - G
Price: $4.00 - G
National Geographic - October 1963, Vol. 124, No. 4
SPECIAL ISSUE 75th Anniversary Issue
The Society’s Great 75th Anniversary Issue, Introduction by Melville Bell Grosvenor
Six to the Summit: America’s first Everest expedition takes the mountain by storm, by Norman G. Dyhrenfurth, Leader of the 1963 American Mount Everest Expedition
How We Climbed Everest, by Barry C. Bishop
The First Traverse: A historic accomplishment: up one side of earth’s mightiest peak and down the other
President Kennedy Presents Hubbard Medal (to the American Mount Everest Expedition including the 21 teammates, John E Breitenbach’s widow, and the Sherpa climbers as a group)
Romance of the Geographic: National Geographic Magazine Observes Its Diamond Anniversary
Threatened Treasures of the Nile (Egypt): The Aswan High Dam brings hope for hungry millions, but its rising waters will imperil Nubia’s ancient way of life and a priceless heritage of antiquities
Tutankhamun’s Golden Trove (Egypt)
75th Anniversary issue; Mt. Everest expedition; Nile River monuments; King Tut. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (lady at sports game)
Map - Countries of the Nile, Africa, 19x25, Atlas Plate No. 56. An important map for those interested in Egyptian archaeology. In 1966 this map title was changed to Northeastern Africa.
Price: $11.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement IS included with this magazine.
Price: $10.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement IS NOT included
National Geographic - September 1963, Vol. 124, No. 3
Australia: Vigorous Young Nation in the South Sea
Australia on Maps: Old and New (Terra Australias Mapped Anew)
Strange Animals of Australia
Relics From the Rapids: Divers Explore the Watery Highway of Canada’s Voyageurs (Underwater archeology along a 3,000 mile network of rivers and lakes that snakes from the St. Lawrence River in the east to Lake Athabasca in the northwest))
Disaster in Paradise: Two National Geographic reporters describe the eruption of Bali’s sacred Mount Agung and its tragic aftermath
Australia; Bali; Ontario, Canada. Back cover advertisement: Sheaffer's Pens
Price: $9.00 - VG MAP (Australia) INCLUDED - Australia 19 x 25
Price: $9.00 - VG MAP (Australia) INCLUDED - Australia 19 x 25
Price: $9.00 - VG MAP (Australia) INCLUDED - Australia 19 x 25
Price: $9.00 - VG MAP (Australia) INCLUDED - Australia 19 x 25
Price: $8.00 - VG/G MAP (Australia) INCLUDED - Australia 19 x 25
Price: $6.00 - G MAP (Australia) INCLUDED - Australia 19 x 25
Price: $6.00 - G MAP (Australia) INCLUDED - Australia 19 x 25
National Geographic - August 1963, Vol. 124, No. 2
American and Geographic Flags Top Everest
Walt Disney: Genius of Laughter and Learning
The Magic Worlds of Walt Disney
(English) Channel Cruise to Glorious Devon (England)
Fluorescent Gems from Davy Jones’s Locker
My Life Among Wild Chimpanzees, by Jane Goodall
Mt. Everest; Walt Disney; Devon, England; fluorescent sea life; chimpanzees. Back cover advertisement: Moore-McCormick Cruise Lines
Price: $12.00 - VG
Price: $12.00 - VG
Price: $10.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - July 1963, Vol. 124, No. 1
SPECIAL ISSUE Gettysburg and Vicksburg
Just a Hundred Years Ago, by Carl Sandberg
Gettysburg and Vicksburg, The Battle Towns Today: Converging roads in Pennsylvania and heights above the Father of Waters reveal their meaning to America in the light of history’s hundred years
Canada’s Dynamic Heartland: Ontario
Athens (Greece): Her Golden Past Still Lights the World (Athens Golden Past and Busy Present)
Underwater Archeology: Key to History’s Warehouse (Archeology Under the Sea)
the U.S. Civil War; Ontario, Canada; Athens, Greece; Byzantine shipwreck off Turkey. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (lady lifeguard)
Price: $8.00 - G MAP IS NOT INCLUDED
Price: $8.00 - G MAP IS NOT INCLUDED
National Geographic - June 1963, Vol. 123, No. 6
Italian Riviera, Land That Winter Forgot
Bullfrog Ballet Filmed in Flight
Lonely Wonders of Katmai, Alaska (Katmai National Park, Alaska, and its Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes)
Escorting Mona Lisa to America
Africa’s Bushman Art Treasures (Bushman Art Covers a Quarter of Africa beginning in Tanganyika, stretching down the eastern side of the continent to the Cape of Good Hope Province, then northward up the west side of Africa)
Today the African Bushman Survives Only in the Harsh Kalahari
the Italian Riviera; bullfrogs; Katmai, Alaska; the Mona Lisa; African bushman art; the Kalahari Desert. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (three glasses)
Price: $7.00 - VG
Price: $7.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - G
National Geographic - May 1963, Vol. 123, No. 5
India: Subcontinent in Crisis
The Changing Face of Southwest Asia
Mountaintop War in Ladakh (Ladakh, little Tibet, in the Kashmir region, China-India-Pakistan)
Mount Rainier, Testing Ground for Everest
Our Man-in-Sea Project: Revolutionary diving cylinder has opened the way to new and unexplored frontiers; the vast continental shelves, with their promise of mineral wealth and scientific riches
The Long Deep Dive: A diver dwells for more than 24 hours in the alien world 200 feet down in the sea
Voyage to Venus: The Story of Mariner II (NASA)
India; Mount Rainier, Washington; Venus; Mariner II. Back cover advertisement: Sheaffer's Pens
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Southwest Asia 19 x 25
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Southwest Asia 19 x 25
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Southwest Asia 19 x 25
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Southwest Asia 19 x 25
Price: $5.00 - G MAP INCLUDED - Southwest Asia 19 x 25
Price: $3.00 - G MAP NOT INCLUDED
Price: $3.00 - G MAP NOT INCLUDED
National Geographic - April 1963, Vol. 123, No. 4
Sweden, Quiet Workshop for the World
New Map Reflects Progress in Viking Land
Ships Through the Ages: A Saga of the Sea
Miniature Monaco (The Principality of Monaco is a tiny sovereign nation 370 acres in size, less than half the size of New York’s Central Park, which lies between France and the Mediterranean Sea on the French Riviera)
Niagara Falls (New York), Servant of Good Neighbor
Mystery of the Monarch Butterfly
Sweden; sailing ships; Monaco; Niagara Falls; monarch butterflies. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (three ladies in red)
Price: $9.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Scandinavia 19 x 25
Price: $9.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Scandinavia 19 x 25
Price: $9.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Scandinavia 19 x 25
Price: $9.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Scandinavia 19 x 25
Price: $9.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Scandinavia 19 x 25
Price: $9.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Scandinavia 19 x 25
Price: $5.00 - G MAP NOT INCLUDED
Price: $5.00 - G MAP NOT INCLUDED
National Geographic - March 1963, Vol. 123, No. 3
Arizona: Booming Youngster of the West
Venezuela Builds on Oil
Man-of-War, the Deadly Fisher
Sikkim, Tiny Himalayan Kingdom in the Clouds
Mighty Enterprise, World’s Largest Ship
Our Nuclear Navy
Arizona; Venezuela; man-o-war (jellyfish); Sikkim; the Enterprise aircraft carrier; the nuclear U.S. navy. Back cover advertisement: American President Lines
Price: $7.00 - EX
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $3.00 - G
National Geographic - February 1963, Vol. 123, No. 2
Burma: Gentle Neighbor of India and Red China
Wolves Versus Moose on Isle Royale (Isle Royale National Park, Michigan, in Lake Superior)
Behind New York’s Window on Nature: American Museum of Natural History
New Era in the Loneliest Continent: Nuclear power, huge propjet cargo planes on skis, and a new-type scientific station snugly buried under the snow mark major advances in man’s assault on Antarctica’s mysteries
Filling in Antarctica’s Blank Spaces
Burma; wolves; American Museum of Natural History; Antractica. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (woman and man)
Price: $8.00 - VG The Map Supplement IS included with this magazine.
Price: $8.00 - VG The Map Supplement IS included with this magazine.
Price: $8.00 - VG The Map Supplement IS included with this magazine.
Price: $8.00 VG - The Map Supplement IS included with this magazine.
Price: $6.00 VG - The Map Supplement IS NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $6.00 VG - The Map Supplement IS NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $5.00 - G The Map Supplement is NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $5.00 - G The Map Supplement is NOT included with this magazine.
National Geographic - January 1963, Vol. 123, No. 1
75th Anniversary: 1888-1963
Our Society’s 75 Years Exploring Earth, Sea, and Sky: National Geographic Society Observes Its Diamond Anniversary
Copenhagen (Denmark), Wedded to the Sea
The Man Who Talks to Hummingbirds: From a little Brazilian town the fame of naturalist Augusto Ruschi has spread around the world
Photographing Hummingbirds in Brazil
Across the Alps in a Wicker Basket (Free Balloon Bernina through the Swiss Alps toward Italy)
Adventures in the Search for Man, by Louis S. B. Leakey
75th Anniversary issue; Copenhagen, Denmark; hummingbirds; the Alps; Olduvai Gorge, Tanganyika. Back cover advertisement: Moore-McCormick Cruise Lines
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $3.00 - G
Price: $3.00 - G
Price: $3.00 - G
Price: $3.00 - G
National Geographic - December 1962, Vol. 122, No. 6
Puerto Rico’s Seven-league Bootstraps
Cuba-Troubled Caribbean Shown on New Atlas Map
A New Look at Medieval Europe
Our Changing Atlantic Coastline
The President’s Message to Members: A Year of Widening Horizons
Puerto Rico; Medieval Europe; U.S. Atlantic coastline. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (Santa Clause)
Price: $13.00 - VG The Map Supplement (West Indies) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $13.00 - VG The Map Supplement (West Indies) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $13.00 - VG The Map Supplement (West Indies) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $13.00 - VG The Map Supplement (West Indies) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $13.00 - VG The Map Supplement (West Indies) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $13.00 - VG The Map Supplement (West Indies) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $13.00 - VG The Map Supplement (West Indies) IS included with this magazine..
Price: $13.00 - VG The Map Supplement (West Indies) IS included with this magazine..
Price: $13.00 - VG The Map Supplement (West Indies) IS included with this magazine..
Price: $10.00 - VG The Map Supplement is NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $8.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement is NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $8.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement is NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $6.00 - G The Map Supplement is NOT included with this magazine
National Geographic - November 1962, Vol. 122, No. 5
Freedom’s Progress South of the Sahara
New Africa From Cape to Congo (Half A Continent Changes Its Face)
South Africa Close-up
Uganda’s Orphans of the Wild
Man’s Wildlife Heritage Faces Extinction (The World Wildlife Fund)
We Climbed Utah’s Skyscraper Rock (Titan tower, a 900-foot sandstone monolith near Moab, Utah)
Helicopter War in South Viet Nam
southern Africa; animal orphans; climbing Utah's Fisher Towers; S. Viet Nam. Back cover advertisement: Sheaffer's Pens
Price: $8.00 - VG Map Supplement (Southern Africa) IS included
Price: $8.00 - VG Map Supplement (Southern Africa) IS included
Price: $8.00 - VG Map Supplement (Southern Africa) IS included
Price: $8.00 - VG Map Supplement (Southern Africa) IS included
Price: $8.00 - VG Map Supplement (Southern Africa) IS included
Price: $8.00 - VG Map Supplement (Southern Africa) IS included
Price: $8.00 - VG Map Supplement (Southern Africa) IS included
Price: $8.00 - VG Map Supplement (Southern Africa) IS included
Price: $7.00 - VG/G Map Supplement (Southern Africa) IS included
Price: $6.00 - G Map Supplement (Southern Africa) IS included
Price: $4.00 - MAP ONLY one available
National Geographic - October 1962, Vol. 122, No. 4
Los Angeles, California; the Himalayas of Nepal; sherpas; lunar robots; Western Samoa. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (glass & bottle)
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - September 1962, Vol. 122, No. 3
Giant Brazil
Frontiers Push Inland in Eastern South America: A New Atlas Map
Early America as Seen by Her Native Artists
Strange Little World of the Hoatzin (South American bird): Only the tangled fringes of tropical South American rivers offer survival to a raucous bird that climbs better than it flies
Seattle Fair Looks to the 21st Century (Century 21 Exposition in Seattle, Washington)
I Fly the X-15, Half Plane, Half Missile
Brazil; hoatzin birds; Seattle World's Fair; the X-15 plane. Back cover advertisement: Sheaffer's Pens
Price: $9.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Eastern South America 19 x 25
Price: $9.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Eastern South America 19 x 25
Price: $9.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Eastern South America 19 x 25
Price: $9.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Eastern South America 19 x 25
Price: $9.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Eastern South America 19 x 25
Price: $9.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Eastern South America 19 x 25
Price: $9.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Eastern South America 19 x 25
Price: $9.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Eastern South America 19 x 25
Price: $9.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Eastern South America 19 x 25
Price: $6.00 - G MAP INCLUDED - Eastern South America 19 x 25
Price: $5.00 - G MAP INCLUDED - Eastern South America 19 x 25
National Geographic - August 1962, Vol. 122, No. 2
Cape Cod: Where Sea Hold Sway Over Man & Land The Old Boston Post Roads
Along the Post Road Today
Mapping Megalopolis USA, Longest City in the World
East from Bali by Seagoing Jeep (Indonesia)
Savannah, World’s First Nuclear Merchant Ship
Cape Cod, Massachusetts; Boston; Lesser Sundas islands, Indonesia; nuclear merchant ship Savannah. Back cover advertisement: Moore-McCormack Cruise Lines
Price: $7.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Washington to Boston, United States 19x 25
Price: $7.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Washington to Boston, United States 19x 25
Price: $7.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Washington to Boston, United States 19x 25
Price: $7.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Washington to Boston, United States 19x 25
Price: $7.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Washington to Boston, United States 19x 25
Price: $6.00 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED - Washington to Boston, United States 19x 25
Price: $6.00 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED - Washington to Boston, United States 19x 25
Price: $5.00 - G MAP INCLUDED - Washington to Boston, United States 19x 25
Price: $5.00 - G MAP INCLUDED - Washington to Boston, United States 19x 25
Price: $5.00 - G MAP INCLUDED - Washington to Boston, United States 19x 25
Price: $5.00 - MAP ONLY
National Geographic - July 1962, Vol. 122, No. 1
Tahiti, "Finest Island in the World", by Luis Marden
Fireflies, Wing-borne Lamps of the Summer Night, by Paul A. Zahl
The People of Cades Cove, Tennessee, by William O. Douglas, Thomas Nebbia, Otis Imboden
Round-the-World School, by Paul Antze, William Eppridge
When Oregon Eruptions Gave Birth to Crater Lake, by Lyman J. Briggs
Crater Lake Summer, by Walter Meayers Edwards
Tahiti; fireflies; Cades Cove, Tennessee; Crater Lake, Oregon. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (ice cream floats
Price: $20.00 - VG
Price: $17.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - June 1962, Vol. 121, No. 6
SPECIAL ISSUE John Glenn Space Flight
In the Crusaders’ Footsteps (In 1095, Pope Urban II initiated a 200-year quest for the holy places and relics of Christianity)
Atlas Map Shows a Continent Striving Toward Unity
John Glenn’s Three Orbits of the Earth (Project Mercury)
Colonel Glenn Receives the Society’s Hubbard Medal
Ice Age Man vs. Mammoth in Wyoming
Storks, Vanishing Sentinels of Europe’s Rooftops
Avalanche! An Andean glacier snaps from its sky-high perch, and 3,500 Peruvians perish in seven minutes of horror
John Glenn's Mercury mission; the Crusades; the woolly mammoth; storks; avalanche in Peru. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (swimming pool)
Price: $14.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Europe 19 x 25
Price: $14.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Europe 19 x 25
Price: $14.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Europe 19 x 25
Price: $14.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Europe 19 x 25
Price: $14.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Europe 19 x 25
Price: $14.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Europe 19 x 25
Price: $14.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Europe 19 x 25
Price: $12.00 - VG NO MAP
Price: $12.00 - VG NO MAP
Price: $10.00 - VG/G NO MAP
Price: $3.00 - G NO MAP
National Geographic - May 1962, Vol. 121, No. 5
New Guinea
Telephone a Star: The Story of Communications Satellites
Cities of Stone in Utah’s Canyonland (Proposed National Park)
Death of an Island, Tristan da Cunha
Oldest Known Shipwreck Yields Bronze Age Cargo (Cape Gelidonya Wreck, off the coast of Turkey in the Mediterranean Sea)
Nuclear Power for the Polar Regions (Camp Century, Greenland small nuclear reactor for energy and heat; similar city in Antarctica)
New Guinea; the Telstar satellite; canyons in Utah; Tristan da Cunha; bronze-age shipwreck; nuclear power for the polar regions. Back cover advertisement: Sheaffer's Pens
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - G
National Geographic - April 1962, Vol. 121, No. 4
A New Bounty Sails to Tahiti
The Pacific Ocean Re-Explored
New Zealand: Gift of the Sea
Pearl Shell Diving in the Tuamotus
Sapsucker Woods, Cornell’s Exciting New Bird Sanctuary
Jet Boats Climb the Colorado River
Nation Honors Admiral Richard E. Byrd
Our Society Welcomes Its 3,000,000th Member
replica of The Bounty sails to Tahiti; New Zealand; pearl diving; jet boats in the Colorado River; Admiral Richard E. Byrd. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (glass)
Price: $8.00 - VG Map Supplement (The Pacific Ocean) IS included
Price: $8.00 - VG Map Supplement (The Pacific Ocean) IS included
Price: $8.00 - VG Map Supplement (The Pacific Ocean) IS included
Price: $8.00 - VG Map Supplement (The Pacific Ocean) IS included
Price: $8.00 - VG Map Supplement (The Pacific Ocean) IS included
Price: $8.00 - VG Map Supplement (The Pacific Ocean) IS included
Price: $8.00 - VG Map Supplement (The Pacific Ocean) IS included
Price: $8.00 - VG Map Supplement (The Pacific Ocean) IS included
Price: $7.00 - VG/G Map Supplement (The Pacific Ocean) IS included
Price: $6.00 - VG/G Map Supplement is NOT included
Price: $6.00 - VG/G Map Supplement is NOT included
Price: $6.00 - VG/G Map Supplement is NOT included
Price: $6.00 - VG/G Map Supplement is NOT included
Price: $3.00 - G Map Supplement is NOT included
National Geographic - March 1962, Vol. 121, No. 3
SPECIAL ISSUE Journey to Outer Mongolia
Journey to Outer Mongolia
Three Whales that Flew (White whales flown from Alaska to New York alive)
Announcing the Society’s Newest Book: America’s Historylands, Landmarks of Liberty
Henry Hudson’s River
Living Honey Jars of the Ant World
Africa’s Mountains of the Moon (Ruwenzori Mountains)
Outer Mongolia; whales; Hudson River; honey ants; Ruwenzori Mountains (Congo). Back cover advertisement: American President Lines
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - G
National Geographic - February 1962, Vol. 121, No. 2
North Carolina, Dixie Dynamo
Tracking America’s Man in Orbit (Project Mercury)
Yugoslavia’s Window on the Adriatic
Restive Heartland: The Balkans
Exploring Antarctica’s Phantom Coast
Roseate Spoonbills, Glory of the Gulf
North Carolina; orbital tracking; Yugoslavia; the Balkans; Antarctica; spoonbills. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (lady and man with valentine wreath
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - The Balkans 19 x 25
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - The Balkans 19 x 25
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - The Balkans 19 x 25
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - The Balkans 19 x 25
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - The Balkans 19 x 25
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - The Balkans 19 x 25
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - The Balkans 19 x 25
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - The Balkans 19 x 25
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - The Balkans 19 x 25
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - The Balkans 19 x 25
Price: $5.00 - VG NO MAP
Price: $5.00 - VG NO MAP
Price: $4.00 - VG/G NO MAP
Price: $3.00 - G NO MAP
Price: $2.50 - G/poor NO MAP
National Geographic - January 1962, Vol. 121, No. 1
Hong Kong Has Many Faces
Ghost from the Depths: The Warship Vasa
Key Largo Reef: America’s First Undersea Park
Florida’s Coral City Beneath the Sea
Easter Island and Its Mysterious Monuments
Brazil’s Big-lipped Indians
Strange Courtship of the Cock-of-the-Rock (beautiful colorful birds in British Guiana rain forest)
Hong Kong; Key Largo, Florida; the Vasa (sunken Swedish warship); Easter Islands; the Suya indians of Brazil; the cock-of-the-rock. Back cover advertisement: Moore-McCormack Cruise Lines
Price: $8.00 - VG
Price: $8.00 - VG
Price: $8.00 - VG
Price: $8.00 - VG
Price: $8.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - G
Price: $5.00 - G
Price: $5.00 - G
Price: $3.00 - Poor
National Geographic - December 1961, Vol. 120, No. 6
Life in Walled-off West Berlin
Canada, My Country
New Map Portrays the Young Titan of the North
The Kress Collection: A Gift to the Nation: Masterpieces in galleries of 21 American cities fulfill a chain-store founder’s dream of sharing his Old World art treasures with all the people of the land
Australia’s Amazing Bowerbirds: Building unique courtship arbors, males decorate them with favorite colors and stolen trinkets
Your Society Takes Giant New Steps: The President’s Annual Message to Members
West Berlin, Germany; Canada; the Kress art collection; bowerbirds of Australia. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (Santa Clause)
Price: $15.00 - EX/VG The Map Supplement (Canada) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $15.00 - EX/VG The Map Supplement (Canada) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $12.00 - VG The Map Supplement (Canada) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $12.00 - VG The Map Supplement (Canada) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $12.00 - VG The Map Supplement (Canada) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $12.00 - VG The Map Supplement (Canada) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $12.00 - VG The Map Supplement (Canada) IS included with this magazine.
Price: $9 - VG/G The Map Supplement is NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $9 - VG/G The Map Supplement is NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $5.00 - G The Map Supplement is NOT included with this magazine.
National Geographic - November 1961, Vol. 120, No. 5
United Italy Marks Its 100th Year
Booming Italy: Portrait of Prosperity
Last Moments of the Pompeians: Dramatic new discoveries re-create a city’s death by volcanic fury (Mount Vesuvius eruption August 24, A.D. 79, Italy)
Project Strato-Lab High 5: We Saw the World From the Edge of Space (Navy balloon to 21 ½ miles above the Gulf of Mexico)
Project Mohole: Scientists Drill at Sea to Pierce Earth’s Crust (Drillers Probe the Pacific Ocean Floor off California)
Queen Elizabeth Opens Parliament: National Geographic color cameras record a scene of historic pageantry
Oregon’s Sidewalk on the Sea: Surf-carved crags, dunes that walk, and the teeming life of the tidal zone absorb a naturalist’s family on vacation
Italy; ancient Pompeii; high altitude balloon; drilling the ocean floor; Oregon. Back cover advertisement: Sheaffer's Pens
Price: $10.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Italy 19 x 25
Price: $10.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Italy 19 x 25
Price: $10.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Italy 19 x 25
Price: $8.00 - VG/G MAP NOT INCLUDED
Price: $4.00 - G MAP NOT INCLUDED
National Geographic - October 1961, Vol. 120, No. 4
South Viet Nam Fights the Red Tide: Amid 2,500-year-old traditions and 20th-century progress, a new nation, supported by the West, struggles for its life against Communist guerrillas
Mexico in Motion: Beneath the surge of progress, old Mexico’s charm and beauty lie undisturbed
New Atlas Map Focuses on Fast-growing Mexico and Central America
Into the Well of Sacrifice: I. Return to the Sacred Cenote (Ancient Maya sacred well located deep in the Yucatan bush; Chichén Itza, Yucatan, Mexico)
Into the Well of Sacrifice: II. Treasure Hunt in the Deep Past (Chichén Itza, Yucatan, Mexico Maya sacred well)
National Parks and Bird Books Reissued
Exploring 1,750,000 Years into Man’s Past: A Noted British Archeologist Tells of Dramatic Discoveries at Olduvai Gorge, Tanganyika, East Africa, by L.S.B. Leakey
A Clock for the Ages: Potassium-Argon Dating Method
South Vietnam; Mexico; Cenote (Mayan well of human sacrifice); Olduvai Gorge and early man; argon dating. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (two glasses in ice)
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED Mexico and Central America
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED Mexico and Central America
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED Mexico and Central America
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED Mexico and Central America
Price: $7.00 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED Mexico and Central America
Price: $7.00 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED Mexico and Central America
Price: $7.00 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED Mexico and Central America
Price: $6.00 - VG/G NO MAP
Price: $6.00 - VG/G NO MAP
Price: $6.00 - VG/G NO MAP
National Geographic - September 1961, Vol. 120, No. 3
The United Nations, Capital of the Family of Man, by Adlai E. Stevenson, United States Ambassador to the United Nations
Date Line: United Nations, New York
Flags of the 99 Member States
Angola, Unknown Africa
Bhutan: Mountain Kingdom between Tibet and India
America’s First Manned Venture Into Space: The Flight of Freedom 7: A physician for the astronauts gives a highly personal eyewitness account of America’s first manned venture into space
The Pilot’s Story: Astronaut Alan B.Shepard,Jr’s Firsthand Account of His Flight
the United Nations; Angola; Bhutan; Project Mercury. Back cover advertisement: Sheaffer's Pens
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - August 1961, Vol. 120, No. 2
Cowes to Cornwall: Sailor’s Log of a Channel Cruise (English Channel)
The Friendly Huts of the White Mountains (New Hampshire; Appalachian Mountain Club huts)
Report on Laos: Hardship and peril become daily experiences when the 20th century explodes in a quiet land of rice farmers
Sailors in the Sky: U. S. Naval Aviation Marks Its 50th Year
the English Channel; the White Mountains, New Hampshire; Laos; U.S. naval aviation. Back cover advertisement: Moore-McCormack Cruise Lines
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $4.00 - G
National Geographic - July 1961, Vol. 120, No. 1
From Sea to Shining Sea: A Cross Section of the United States along Historic Route 40
New Map of the United States Marks Nation’s 185th Anniversary
Blue-Eyed Indian, A City Boy’s Sojourn with Primitive Tribesmen in Brazil
In Quest of the Rarest Flamingo (James’s flamingo, high in the Bolivian Andes: Laguna Colorada)
Tirol, Austria’s Province in the Clouds
Amphitrite, Largest Inflatable Ship Opens Era of Airborne Undersea Expeditions, by Capt. Jacques-Yves Cousteau
President Kennedy Presents National Geographic Gold Medal to Captain Cousteau
U.S. Route 40; flamingos; Tirol, Austria. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (three ice cream floats)
Price: $10.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - United States 19 x 25
Price: $10.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - United States 19 x 25
Price: $10.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - United States 19 x 25
Price: $9.00 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED - United States 19 x 25
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP NOT INCLUDED
Price: $3.00 - G MAP NOT INCLUDED
National Geographic - June 1961, Vol. 119, No. 6
The City, London’s Storied Square Mile
Old Whaling Days Still Flavor Life on Sea-Swept Martha’s Vineyard
Thailand Bolsters its Freedom
Rose Aphids: Cameras Probe the Bizarre World of a Garden Pest
The FBI, Public Friend Number One
London, England; Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts; Thailand; rose aphids; the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (girl and boy at beach)
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - May 1961, Vol. 119, No. 5
Indonesia, Young and Troubled Island Nation: East Indies republic of temples and 200 tongues achieves a victory in merely surviving its tumultuous infant years
Southeast Asia: Arena of Challenge
Enchantress! Queen of an Indian Palace, A Rare White Tigress Comes to Washington
Plants that Eat Insects: Flytraps, sticky sundews, and pitcher plants, whose pools drown victims, grow in a Washington, D.C. garden
Great Masters of a Brave Era in Art: Chester Dale Collection and other French 19th-century paintings in the National Gallery demonstrate the stormy arrival of the Impressionist movement
National Geographic Announces: A Globe for the Space Age (First World Globe offered by NGS)
Countdown for Space: Project Mercury astronauts poise for their rocket assault on the unknown
Indonesia; white tigers; carnivorous plants; the Dale impressionist art collection; Project Mercury. Back cover advertisement: Sheaffer's Pens
Price: $10.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Southeast Asia 19 x 25
Price: $10.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Southeast Asia 19 x 25
Price: $10.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Southeast Asia 19 x 25
Price: $10.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Southeast Asia 19 x 25
Price: $10.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Southeast Asia 19 x 25
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP NOT INCLUDED
Price: $8.00 - VG MAP NOT INCLUDED
National Geographic - April 1961, Vol. 119, No. 4
The Civil War, by Ulysses S. Grant 3rd, Major General, U.S.A. (Ret.), Chairman, National Civil War Centennial Commission
Battlefields Map Traces a Nation’s Conflict
Witness to a War: British Correspondent Frank Vizetelly: Century-old woodcuts and words preserve a British correspondent’s experiences in the U.S. Civil War
Scotland from Her Lovely Lochs and Seas
Venice (Italy), City of Twilight Splendor
How Bats Hunt with Sound
the U.S. Civil War; Scotland; Venice, Italy; bats. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (glass)
Price: $10.00 - VG The Map Supplement Battlefields of the Civil War is included
Price: $10.00 - VG The Map Supplement Battlefields of the Civil War is included
Price: $10.00 - VG The Map Supplement Battlefields of the Civil War is included
Price: $8.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement Battlefields of the Civil War is included
Price: $7.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement Battlefields of the Civil War is included (4 pictures cut out inside)
National Geographic - March 1961, Vol. 119, No. 3
The Magic Road Round Ireland
Washington Wilderness, the North Cascades
We Drove Panama’s Darien Gap
Throne Above the Euphrates (Archaeologists at Nemrud Dagh, Turkey, examine enormous stone heads and other artifacts of an Anatolian king who built an extensive monument to himself in the first century B.C.)
Hunting Africa’s Smallest Game: Armed with net and camera, naturalists on a year-long safari capture thousands of bizarre insects, including hundreds of new species
Guantanamo (Bay, Cuba): Keystone in the Caribbean (A U.S. naval base sits strategically on Cuba’s southern shore, keeping peace and guarding approaches to the Panama Canal)
Ireland; Cascade mountains, Washington state; Panama; Nemrud Dagh, Turkey; African insects; Guantanamo, Cuba. Back cover advertisement: General Dynamics
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - February 1961, Vol. 119, No. 2
The Fabulous State of Texas
New Water for Thirsty Texas Will Wash History Away (New Dams Change the Face of the South Central United States: For instance, Amistad Dam drowns section of Rio Grande Valley where Indian art work including paintings and pictographs from prehistoric times is located on a cliff near Del Rio, Texas)
How the Sun Gives Life to the Sea
Haiti, West Africa in the West Indies: Undaunted by staggering problems, the Caribbean’s Creole republic fights for a place in the New World sun
Exploring New Britain’s Land of Fire (Ornithologist’s expedition makes the first zoological survey of a dangerously rugged mountain region where even natives fear to tread; New Britain Island, Papua New Guinea)
Texas; photosynthesis; Haiti; New Britain. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (woman and man dancing)
Price: $6.00 - VG The Map Supplement (South Central United States) is included
Price: $6.00 - VG The Map Supplement (South Central United States) is included
Price: $6.00 - VG The Map Supplement (South Central United States) is included
Price: $6.00 - VG The Map Supplement (South Central United States) is included
Price: $6.00 - VG The Map Supplement (South Central United States) is included
Price: $6.00 - VG The Map Supplement (South Central United States) is included
Price: $6.00 - VG The Map Supplement (South Central United States) is included
Price: $5.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement (South Central United States) is included
Price: $5.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement (South Central United States) is NOT included
Price: $5.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement (South Central United States) is NOT included
Price: $5.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement (South Central United States) is NOT included
Price: $5.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement (South Central United States) is NOT included
Price: $4.00 - G The Map Supplement (South Central United States) is NOT included
Price: $4.00 - G The Map Supplement (South Central United States) is NOT included
National Geographic - January 1961, Vol. 119, No. 1
Mrs. Dwight D. Eisenhower Introduces Inside the White House
Old-New Iran, Next Door to Russia
New Look at Everest
Soaring on Skis in the Swiss Alps
Eye to Eye with Eagles in the Everglades (National Park)
Inside the White House; Iran; Mt. Everest; the Swiss Alps; eagles. Back cover advertisement: Moore-McCormick Cruise Lines
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - G
Price: $4.00 - G
National Geographic - December 1960, Vol. 118, No. 6
Japan, the Exquisite Enigma
Asia’s Little Giant, Japan: Newest Atlas Map
Central Park: Manhattan’s Big Outdoors (New York)
The Last Thousand Years before Christ (Biblical archaeology enables researchers and artists to reconstruct the details of daily life in the Holy Land)
The Long Lonely Leap: World’s highest jump (102,800 feet) tests a new type of parachute for high-altitude flyers and scientists returning from the threshold of space
Exploring an Epic Year: A Message from Your Society’s President and Editor
Russia Today: Announcing a Wall Map of the Soviet Union
Japan; Central Park, New York; Bible lands 1,000 years before Christ; parachuting from 100,000 feet. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (Santa Clause)
Price: $20.00 - VG - The Map Supplement (Japan And Korea) IS included.
Price: $18.00 - VG/G - The Map Supplement (Japan And Korea) IS included.
Price: $8.00 - MAP ONLY
National Geographic - November 1960, Vol. 118, No. 5
Triton Follows Magellan’s Wake: Powered by the atom, the largest United States submarine makes naval history by circling the globe submerged
Prince Henry, the Explorer Who Stayed Home: In this 500th anniversary year the world honors Portugal’s illustrious son, whose genius opened a remarkable era, the Age of Discovery
World Map Reflects Centuries of Exploration
The Hummingbirds, by Crawford H. Greenewalt
The Lower Mississippi (River): From Cairo (Illinois) to the Gulf (of Mexico), Old Big Strong rules with a muddy hand
Mardi Gras in New Orleans
Magellan; Prince Henry the Navigator; hummingbirds; the lower Mississippi River; Mardi Gras in New Orleans, Louisiana. Back cover advertisement: Sheaffer's Pens
Price: $15.00 - VG The Map Supplement (The World) IS included.
Price: $15.00 - VG The Map Supplement (The World) IS included.
Price: $12.00 - VG The Map Supplement (The World) IS NOT included.
National Geographic - October 1960, Vol. 118, No. 4
From the Hair of Siva: Tortuga II Explores the Ganges: Climbing mountains and bucking swift waters in an amphibious jeep, two American’s find high adventure along India’s Ganges (River) and in her crowded cities and villages
Man on the Moon in Idaho: Ages-old volcanic outbursts shaped a bizarre wonderland in Craters of the Moon National Monument
Rotterdam (Netherlands), Reborn From Ruins
Wild Animals of North America, Newest National Geographic Book
Bounty Descendants Live on Remote Norfolk Island (South Pacific Ocean): Hardy settlers have turned a grim penal colony into a Pacific paradise
India; craters in Idaho; Rotterdam, Netherlands; Norfolk Island. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (family bowling)
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - September 1960, Vol. 118, No. 3
Africa: The Winds of Freedom Stir a Continent
Mapping Earth’s Fastest Changing Lands
Where Elephants Have Right of Way
The Last Great Animal Kingdom: A Portfolio of Vanishing Wildlife
Across the Ridgepole of the Alps
Finding the World’s Earliest Man, by L.S.B. Leakey
Childhood Summer on the Maine Coast
Africa; Alpine cableway; earliest man; the Maine coast.. Back cover advertisement: Sheaffer's Pens
Price: $7.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED - Africa 19 x 25
Price: $7.00 - VG MAP IS INCLUDED - Africa 19 x 25
Price: $6.00 - VG/G MAP IS INCLUDED - Africa 19 x 25
Price: $6.00 - VG/G MAP IS INCLUDED - Africa 19 x 25
Price: $6.00 - VG/G MAP IS INCLUDED - Africa 19 x 25
Price: $5.00 - VG/G MAP NOT INCLUDED
Price: $5.00 - VG/G MAP NOT INCLUDED
Price: $5.00 - VG/G MAP NOT INCLUDED
National Geographic - August 1960, Vol. 118, No. 2
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Communist China; Peking; deep sea diving in the Mariana Trench; stilts (birds); Salzkammergut, Austria; satellite photos of earth; grizzly bears. Back cover advertisement: Moore-McCormick Cruise Lines
Price: $7.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
Price: $5.50 - G
Price: $5.50 - G
Price: $5.50 - G
National Geographic - July 1960, Vol. 118, No. 1
Pacific Realm of Our 50th State
Space Pioneers of NASA: Journey into Tomorrow
Alberta Unearths Her Buried Treasures
Puerto Rico’s Bay of Fire
Announcing a New Atlas of the United States
Return of the Trumpeter Swan
Hawaii; project Mercury and NASA's space program; Alberta, Canada; Phosphorescent Bay, Puerto Rico; trumpeter swan. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (on ice pad in water)
Price: $8.00 - VG The Map Supplement (Hawaii) is included with this magazine.
Price: $8.00 - VG The Map Supplement (Hawaii) is included with this magazine.
Price: $8.00 - VG The Map Supplement (Hawaii) is included with this magazine.
Price: $8.00 - VG The Map Supplement (Hawaii) is included with this magazine.
Price: $7.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement (Hawaii) is included with this magazine.
Price: $7.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement (Hawaii) is included with this magazine.
Price: $6.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement (Hawaii) is NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $6.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement (Hawaii) is NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $6.00 - VG/G The Map Supplement (Hawaii) is NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $5.00 - G The Map Supplement (Hawaii) is NOT included with this magazine.
Price: $5.00 - G The Map Supplement (Hawaii) is NOT included with this magazine.
National Geographic - June 1960, Vol. 117, No. 6
Eternal France: New energies, including atomic, galvanize the Gallic land of Jeanne d’Arc and Lafayette, of Carcassone and soaring Chartres
Europe’s Door: France and the Low Countries (Belgium and the Netherlands)
Algeria: Frances’s Stepchild, Problem and Promise
The Smithsonian, Magnet on the Mall
Stonehenge, New Light on an Old Riddle: The gaunt ruin on England’s Salisbury Plain yields to inquiries of when and how, by stubbornly guards its greatest secret: why?
France; Algeria; the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C.; stonehenge (Great Britain). Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (woman squirting man with hose)
Price: $11.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - France, Belgium and the Netherlands 19 x 25
Price: $11.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - France, Belgium and the Netherlands 19 x 25
Price: $11.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - France, Belgium and the Netherlands 19 x 25
Price: $11.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - France, Belgium and the Netherlands 19 x 25
Price: $11.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - France, Belgium and the Netherlands 19 x 25
Price: $10.00 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED - France, Belgium and the Netherlands 19 x 25
National Geographic - May 1960, Vol. 117, No. 5
A Message from the President of the United States on His Travels, by Dwight D. Eisenhower
When the President Goes Abroad: A dramatic pictorial record of Mr. Eisenhower’s 11-nation tour to Asia, Africa, and Europe
Artists Roam the World of the U.S. Air Force, with 24 Paintings by noted American illustrators
The Discus Fish Yields a Secret: An aquarium fish from the Amazon acts remarkably like a mammal in feeding its young
Thirty-three Centuries Under the Sea (Aegean): Off the coast of Turkey, the oldest shipwreck ever found yields relics and secrets of the Bronze Age
Metropolis Made to Order: Brasilia (Brazil)
President Eisenhower's travels across Europe and Asia; U.S. Air Force artists; discus fish; bronze age shipwreck off Turkey; Brasilia, Brazil. Back cover advertisement: Sheaffer's Pens
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG
Price: $5.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - G
Price: $4.00 - G
National Geographic - April 1960, Vol. 117, No. 4
Northwest Wonderland: Washington State: Frontiers of the wild meet those of science and industry in a land where fish hold college reunions and automobiles fly
Seattle, City of Two Voices: A transplanted Easterner takes to her heart the vigorous, openhanded Queen City of the Northwest, by Anne Grosvenor Robinson
Changing Empire of the Northwest
Angkor (Cambodia), Jewel of the Jungle: Ornate Cambodian temples of Khmer god-kings, rivaling in richness anything wrought in stone, lose their veil of mystery
Diving Saucer Takes to the Deep: A versatile new baby submarine aids man’s exploration under the sea, by Capt. Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Leader, National Geographic Society-Calypso Expeditions
Washington state; Seattle; Angkor, Cambodia; diving saucer. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (two glasses)
Price: $10.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Northwestern United States 19 x 25
Price: $10.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Northwestern United States 19 x 25
Price: $10.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Northwestern United States 19 x 25
Price: $10.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Northwestern United States 19 x 25
Price: $10.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Northwestern United States 19 x 25
Price: $10.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - Northwestern United States 19 x 25
National Geographic - March 1960, Vol. 117, No. 3
Volcano and Earthquake Show Nature’s Awesome Power
Fountain of Fire in Hawaii (Kilauea Crater eruption)
The Night the Mountains Moved: Montana’s historic 1959 earthquake wrenched the Rockies, created a lake, and touched off new geysers in Yellowstone Park
Afoot in Roadless Nepal: A Swiss makes history’s first geological survey in a mountainous land where the wheel has little use
Easter Week in Indian Guatemala
Waterway to Washington, the C & O Canal: From Alleghenies to tidewater, the old canal along the Potomac offers serene beauty to those who roam its restored towpath
Colleague of the Golden Years: John Oliver La Gorce (1879-1959), by Gilbert Grosvenor
Volcano in Hawaii; earthquake in Montana; Nepal; Guatemala; the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal (Maryland). Back cover advertisement: General Dynamics Convair Airplane Division
Price: $8.00 - VG
Price: $8.00 - VG
Price: $8.00 - VG
Price: $7.00 - VG/G
National Geographic - February 1960, Vol. 117, No. 2
SPECIAL ISSUE Drowned City of Port Royal
Exploring the Drowned City of Port Royal: Diving in dark Jamaican waters, the Geographic-Smithsonian-Link Expedition maps a buccaneer city swallowed by an earthquake, recovers a wealth of 17th-century artifacts, and discovers a watch that fixes the instant of the disaster
Chile, the Long and Narrow Land: Visitors will find the woolliest sheep, the driest desert, the loveliest lakes, and the friendliest people
South America Atlas Map Shows New Cities, Roads, Oil Riches
Lincoln, Man of Steel and Velvet: How does one sum up a man of Abraham Lincoln’s stature? His biographer, the distinguished poet, chose these words before a Joint Session of Congress and the assembled diplomatic corps on February 12, 1959, by Carl Sandburg
Our Land Through Lincoln’s Eyes
My Life with Africa’s Little People: In the Belgian Congo’s Ituri Forest, a New York artist copes with witchcraft and tragedy among the Pygmies
Port Royal, Jamaica; Chilie; Abraham Lincoln (article by Carl Sandburg); Pygmys of the Congo. Back cover advertisement: Coca-Cola (man and woman in heart)
Price: $12.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - South America 19 x 25
Price: $12.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - South America 19 x 25
Price: $12.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - South America 19 x 25
Price: $12.00 - VG MAP INCLUDED - South America 19 x 25
Price: $11.00 - VG/G MAP INCLUDED - South America 19 x 25
Price: $10.00 - VG/G MAP IS NOT INCLUDED
Price: $10.00 - VG/G MAP IS NOT INCLUDED
Price: $8.00 - G MAP IS NOT INCLUDED
Price: $8.00 - G MAP IS NOT INCLUDED
National Geographic - January 1960, Vol. 117, No. 1
I’m from New Jersey: One long factory from the Hudson to the Delaware, the Garden State holds enough variety to surprise even its own residents
Little Laos, Next Door to Red China: Once a great kingdom, the Land of the Million Elephants and the White Parasol faces its struggle for survival with energy and hope
Light to Adventure: Sky Road East: Continuing their flight to adventure, two young Americans seek new goals in the mountains and deserts of Southwest Asia
Tribute to Gen. George C. Marshall: 1880-1959
Face to Face with Gorillas in Central Africa: A scientist seeks the giant ape of Africa’s high forest haunts, to find 400 pounds of ferocity, and shyness, by Paul A. Zahl, Ph.D., National Geographic Senior Staff
Deep Diving by Bathyscaphe off Japan: Nearly two miles down in the Pacific, scientists find currents on the ocean floor and almost get trapped in a rocky gorge
New Jersey; Laos; the Middle East by air; gorillas in Africa; bathyscaphe off Japan. Back cover advertisement: Moore-McCormick Lines
Price: $7.00 - VG
Price: $7.00 - VG
Price: $7.00 - VG
Price: $7.00 - VG
Price: $7.00 - VG
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
Price: $6.00 - VG/G
Price: $4.00 - G
Price: $4.00 - G
Price: $4.00 - G
EX - Essentially unblemished.
VG – Spine intact, clean covers, Pages clean and free of tears, spots or stains.
VG/G - Shows slight cover wear or slight cracking of the spine. Pages clean and free of tears, spots or stains.
G – Shows slight cover wear. Portions of the spine may be chipped off.
1-4 Magazines - $6.70 USPS Priority Mail
5 -12 Magazines - $13.45 USPS Priority Mail
Actual shipping charges via USPS Mail rate on more than 12 Magazines.
International shipping rates will be quoted.