National Geographic . December 1914, Vol. 26, No. 6
Life in Constantinople, by H. G. Dwight, with 25 Illustrations (Summary: This great city has changed more in the past five years than in all the 200 years prior. Nevertheless the atmosphere of this agglomeration of races, this sometimes uneasy mixture of East and West, retains more than just a tang of the medieval. Related Subjects: Istanbul, Turkey.)
Where Adam and Eve Lived, by Frederick and Margaret Simpich, with 35 Illustrations (Summary: Baghdad, magical and romantic city of the Arabian Nights, was once a center of the world’s wealth, power, and civilization. The city is reborn as the center of an international battle for political and commercial supremacy in the Middle East. Related Subjects: Arabs; Babylonia; Baghdad, Iraq; Bedouin; Eden, Garden of; Euphrates River, Asia; Iraq; Tigris River, Turkey-Iraq; Ancient Civilizations Middle East; Bible.)
Mystic Nedjef, the Shia Mecca: A Visit to One of the Strangest Cities in the World, by Frederick Simpich, with 4 Illustrations (Summary: Five days by mule or camel from Baghdad, this mysterious desert city of golden domes, fabulous treasures, and weird rites attracts Shiite pilgrims from India, Persia, and southern Russia. They bring with them their mummified dead, salted and dried, for burial in the holy ground. Related Subjects: Euphrates River, Asia; Iraq; Islam; Karbala, Iraq; Muslims; Najaf, An, Iraq; Nedjef, Iraq, Shiism.)
Impressions of Asiatic Turkey, by Stephen van Rensselaer Trowbridge, with Illustrations (Summary: The author shares his impressions of Turkey and its people after five years of touring the provinces of Aleppo and Adena by horseback. Related Subjects: Aleppo, Syria; Forests; Levant States; Syria; Turkey.)
Henry Gannett
The Most Historic Lands on Earth, (with Outline Map Illustration of Turkey in Asia) (Summary: Thought the Turks possess a territory only a third the size of the United States, within their boundaries some of the greatest, most influential events in human history have occurred, from those of Babylon to the Promised Land, and to the civilizations of the Hittites, Tyre, Sidon, Egypt, and Byzantium. Related Subjects: Iraq; Turkey.)
Meetings of the National Geographic Society, 1914-1915
Magazine is complete and in VG/G overall condition Price: $40.00.
Magazine is complete and in G overall condition with minor cover wear and missing paper on the spine. Price: $35.00.
National Geographic . November 1914, Vol. 26, No. 5
SPECIAL ISSUE - 16 Pages of 4-Color Work (Russia)
Young Russia: The Land of Unlimited Possibilities, by Gilbert H. Grosvenor, with 100 Illustrations (Summary: This land of Orient and Occident boasts countless people, mineral wealth, timber, and burgeoning agriculture, but until recent years Russia has had little opportunity to fulfill her immense potential. Related Subjects: Ivan IV (the Terrible), Tsar (Russia); Kremlin, Moscow, Russia; Leningrad, Russia; Moscow, Russia; Peter the Great, Tsar (Russia); Petrograd, Russia; Russia (Pre-Revolution); Tatars.)
Magazine is complete and in VG/G overall condition with minor cover wear Price: $45.00 SOLD
National Geographic . October 1914, Vol. 26, No. 4
Hungary: A Land of Shepherd Kings, by C. Townley-Fullam, with 92 Illustrations including Outline Map of Austria-Hungary (Summary: The fabled descendants of the mighty Attila, leavened by Jews and Slavs, Germans and Romanians, boast a gorgeous capital and a backcountry that remains even today a quaint still life. Related Subjects: Budapest, Hungary; Gypsies; Hungary; Magyars.)
England: The Oldest Nation of Europe: Geographical Factors in the Strength of Modern England, by Roland G. Usher, Professor of History, Washington University, with 11 Illustrations (Summary: England is strong not only because of her navy and her widespread colonies but because of ethnic cohesion, shared ideals, and the geographic advantages offered by the English Channel.)
Magazine is complete and in Good overall condition with some cover wear. Price: $35.00
Three other copies in similar condition are also available. Price: $35.00
National Geographic . September 1914, Vol. 26, No. 3
The France of Today, by Major General A. W. Greely, U.S. Army, with 26 Illustrations (Summary: The author’s early feeling that France might be little more than an aggregation of fanatics is altered by a months-long opportunity to get to know its people and everyday life. In truth, he says, this country is home to an admirable and intelligent people who are in the process of developing enlightened social legislation. Related Subjects: Brittany, France; France.)
Belgium: The Innocent Bystander, by William Joseph Showalter, with 36 Illustrations (Summary: Neutral Belgium has been overcome by the tides of war. Her peace-loving yet gallant people have suffered greatly and earned the respect of friend and foe alike. Related Subjects: Belgium; World War I.)
The Foreign Born in the United States, with 14 Illustrations (Summary: In the United States today one person in every seven was born outside our borders – 13.5 million in all. The last decade’s influx of immigrants has been a population movement of volume and rapidity unequaled in history. Related Subjects: Immigration – United States.)
The German Nation, with 30 Illustrations
Magazine is complete and in Good condition. Price: $20.00
A third copy in G/poor condition missing back cover is also available. Price: $10.00
National Geographic . August 1914, Vol. 26, No. 2
Experiences in the Grand Canyon, by Ellsworth and Emery Kolb, with 71 Illustrations (Summary: A couple (brothers, actually) who have lived near this natural wonder for 12 years, with the object of obtaining its complete photographic record, describe trips to several of its most beautiful tracts and tributaries. Related Subjects: Arizona; Bright Angel Trail, Arizona; Colorado River and Basin, U.S.-Mexico; Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Arizona-Utah; Grand Canyon, Arizona; Green River, U.S.; Havasupai Indians; Lodore Canyon, Colorado; Marble Canyon, Arizona; Utah.)
The Cape Cod Canal, by J. W. Miller, with 4 Illustrations (Summary: An isthmus of moraine deposits just eight miles wide separates Buzzard’s Bay of Long Island Sound from Barnstable Bay. Cutting a canal here has both shortened and made vastly safer the trip between Boston and point south. Related Subjects: Canals; Cape Cod, Massachusetts; Massachusetts.)
Magazine is complete and in good/poor overall condition. Spine is chipped. Interior pages are in good condition. Page 137/138 is missing. Map of Europe, with new Balkan Boundaries, 13" x 22" Supplement IS NOT included with this Magazine. Price: $20.00 SOLD
Magazine is missing back cover good/poor overall condition. No spine. Interior pages are in very good condition. Map of Europe, with new Balkan Boundaries, 13" x 22" Supplement IS NOT included with this Magazine. Price: $15.00
National Geographic . July 1914, Vol. 26, No. 1
16 Pages of 4-Color Work (Flowers; Beetles; Japan)
Hunting with the Lens, by Howard H. Cleaves, with 47 Illustrations (Summary: The 20th-century bird lover has an advantage that was unavailable to earlier ornithologists: the camera. Related Subjects: Birds; Hawks; Killdeers; Photography, nature.)
Young Japan, by Eliza R. Scidmore, with 11 Illustrations in Color (Summary: Every year in Japan another half million children are born. Thanks to carriage in backpacks, the custom of walking, and compulsory education, they seem always to be on view in the streets.)
Explorers of a New Kind: Successful Introduction of Beetles and Parasites to Check Ravages of the Gipsy-moth and Brown-tail Moth, by L. O. Howard, with 15 Illustrations-4 in Color (Summary: In addition to spraying these entomological aliens with chemicals, a Department of Agriculture expert says, importing their natural parasites and enemies is helping to restrict their spread. Related Subjects: Beetles; Brown-tail moths; Flies; Gypsy moths; Insect control; Moths.)
The Need of Conserving the Beauty and Freedom of Nature, by Charles W. Eliot (Summary: How do we improve the mental health of the multitudes? The author discusses combating the evils of increased industrialization and urbanization. Related Subjects: Landscape architecture; Mount Desert Island, Maine.)
The Unique Island of Mount Desert (Maine), by George B. Door, Ernest H. Forbush, M. L. Fernald, with 11 Illustrations (Summary: Just as the powers of the federal government have been used to conserve beautiful or interesting regions of the West, so too should the law protect special places in the East. Prominent among these places, off the coast of Maine, is this land of cliffs, fjords, and fecund marshes. Related Subjects: Birds; Lafayette National Park, Maine; Maine; Mount Desert Island, Maine.)
A Book of Monsters, by David and Marian Fairchild, with 7 Illustrations (Summary: A gallery of photos of insects and beetles, magnified many times, is accompanied by biographies of the creatures that are both information and entertaining. Related Subjects: Insects.)
Magazine is complete and in VG/G overall condition. Interior pages are in excellent condition. (three like this) Price: $30.00
Magazine is complete and in Good overall condition. Spine is missing paper. Interior pages are in excellent condition. (two like this) Price: $25.00
National Geographic . June 1914, Vol. 25, No. 6
Chichen Itza, Invention, US Coast & Geodetic Survey, Colonel Goethals. The Home of a Forgotten Race; Mysterious Chichen Itza, in Yucatan, Mexico, Discovery and Invention, Our Guardians on the Deep, Honors to Colonel Goethals
Magazine is complete and in VG/G overall condition. Spine is chipped. Interior pages are in excellent condition. Price: $35.00
National Geographic . May 1914, Vol. 25, No. 5
64 Pictures in Colors of Common Birds of Town and Country, by Louis A. Fuertes
Mexico and Mexicans, by William Joseph Showalter, with 17 Illustrations (Summary: South of the border is a land of physical contrasts and social paradox, a nation of immense natural riches yet grinding human poverty, of the hemisphere’s oldest university yet a people who are uneducated, and of a laudable constitution yet rulers who are lawless. Related Subjects: Mexico; Mexico City, Mexico.)
Birds of Town and Country, by Henry W. Henshaw (Summary: Natural histories of common species of birds in the United States, with 64 color pictures by Louis Agassiz Fuertes. Related Subjects: Birds: Waterfowl.)
A Naturalist’s Journey Around Vera Cruz and Tampico, by Frank M. Chapman, with 31 Illustrations (Summary: The short distance between Veracruz, on the Gulf, and the mountains around Mexico City is a journey from equatorial to boreal regions, from perpetual summer to constant snow. A change in altitude of three miles makes in turn for a huge and practically unexplored diversity of flora and fauna. Related Subjects: Birds; Mexico; Orizaba Volcano, Mexico; Tampico, Tamaulipas, Mexico; Veracruz (state), Mexico; Wildlife – North America.)
A Mexican Hacienda, by J. E. Kirkwood, with 18 Illustrations (Summary: The author describes what he discovered during a year spent on a Mexican estate, a plantation as large as the state of Connecticut, where the owner’s rambling mansion covers several acres, yet 2,000 peons are crowded into windowless adobe hovels. Related Subjects: Estates and mansions; Haciendas; Mexico; Mines and mining; Zacatecas (state), Mexico.)
Magazine is complete and in VG/G overall condition with minor front cover wear with previous owner's signature on the front cover. Spine is intact. Interior pages are in excellent condition. SPECIAL ISSUE - MAP OF MEXICO IN COLORS, Size 17 x 24 1/2 Inches IS Included. Price: $45.00
MAP OF MEXICO IN COLORS, Size 17 x 24 1/2 Inches only with a torn corner. Price: $10.00
National Geographic . April 1914, Vol. 25, No. 4
Bhutan, New National Geographic Society Building. Castles in the Air, The New Home of the National Geographic Society, 16 Pages in Photogravure.
Magazine is complete and in Very Good condition. Price: SOLD
National Geographic . March 1914, Vol. 25, No. 3
21 Pages of 4-Color Work: Village Life in the Holy Land
Village Life in the Holy Land, by John D. Whiting, with 27 Illustrations (Summary: Right down to hand-pressed olive oil and headgear, the lives, customs, and social relations of the people of Palestine remain largely unchanged since biblical times. Related Subjects: Holy Land; Jerusalem; Palestine.)
Encouraging Birds Around the House, by Frederick H. Kennard, with 36 Illustrations (Summary: To attract birds in springtime, it’s important to understand their chief need; a proper place for rearing their young, including a nesting site, food, water, and protection from their enemies, not least of which is the common house cat.)
Redeeming the Tropics, by William Joseph Showalter, with 5 Illustrations (Summary: Microbiology and preventive medicine are writing a new geography of inhabitable territory and of commercial opportunity in tropical regions. Related Subjects: Diseases; Hookworms; Malaria; Medicine and health; Mexico; Panama; Sanitation; Typhoid fever.)
Scenes in the Byways of Southern Mexico: 6 Illustrations (Photo Essay featuring 6 Black and White Photographs of: Tehuantepec Indian children, State of Oaxaca, Mexico; Tehuana Indians famous head-dress; La Beneficencia orphan asylum; Tehuantepec, Mexico; and, Mexico City Market Square.)
Magazine is complete and in Good overall condition. Spine is missing paper. Interior pages are in excellent condition. Price: $20.00
Magazine is complete and in Good overall condition. Spine is missing paper. Interior pages are in excellent condition (page 289-290 is missing). Price: $15.00
Poor condition missing both covers. Internally pages are very good. Price:$10.00
National Geographic . February 1914, Vol. 25, No. 2
Alaska Map IS Included. Panama Canal, US Resources. Map of Alaska, in three colors, (15 1/4" x 20" Supplement), Battling with the Panama Slides, The Panama Canal, The Nation's Undeveloped Resources, Probable Effect of the Panama Canal on Commercial Geography.
Magazine is complete. Spine is missing one inch of paper at the bottom. Price: $45.00. Alaska Map IS Included.
Magazine is complete. Spine is taped with brown paper adhesive. Price: $40.00. Alaska Map IS Included.
Magazine is complete and in G/Poor condition with front cover missing. Price: $35.00. Alaska Map IS Included.
National Geographic . January 1914, Vol. 25, No. 1
SPECIAL ISSUE - HERE AND THERE IN NORTHERN AFRICA, by Frank Edward Johnson, with 114 Illustrations (Summary: Photographs feature the cave-dwellers and nomads of Tunisia, Tripolitania, Algeria, and Morocco. Related Subjects: Africa; Algeria; Camels; Dancers and dancing; Date palms; Deserts; Guermessa, Tunisia; Libya; Locusts; Sahara, Africa; Sponge-fishing industry; Tripolitania, North Africa; Troglodytes; Tunisia.)
I. The Mountain-climbing Troglodytes of Tunisia
II. The University at the Mosque of the Olive Tree, Tunis
III. Concerning the Camel and the Locust
IV. In Tripoli of Barbary
V. The Oasis of Northern Africa and the Sahara
Covers are in VG/G condition. Spine is missing one inch of paper at top and bottom . All pages and the much sought after sepia toned portraits are in excellent condition. Price: SOLD.
EX - Essentially unblemished.
VG – Spine intact, clean covers, Pages clean and free of tears, spots or stains.
VG/G - Shows slight cover wear or slight cracking of the spine. Pages clean and free of tears, spots or stains.
G – Shows slight cover wear. Portions of the spine may be chipped off.
1-4 Magazines - $6.70 USPS Priority Mail
5 -12 Magazines - $13.45 USPS Priority Mail
Actual shipping charges via USPS Mail rate on more than 12 Magazines.
International shipping rates will be quoted.